

(Donghae POV)


It's been days since I've last seen her. I know I shouldn't be like this since I've only met her once but I can't help it. I guess you could say that I'm attracted to her. Hence the asking if she's gonna be around at the usual place a.k.a. the wooden bench. The problem is, I haven't run into her this past few days not even once. Yeah so Seoul is a really big city but I was kinda hoping that maybe, just maybe I'd get to see her even just by chance. No luck so far on that.


"Ya! Lee Donghae! What are you spacing out there for?"'s the monkey, I mean my best friend Lee Hyukjae. What is he doing here anyway? It's 7 in the morning for goodness sake. I glare at him through my morning coffee while he's busy stuffing himself with my breakfast. I can't believe I let him in so early in the morning. 


"Remind me again what you are doing here Hyukjae?"


"What is wrong with you? We were supposed to go meet up with the girls today!"


Girls? Oh..right..Hyoyeon and Jessica. I kinda forgot about that. "Right..." Hyukjae stared incredulously at me through his food and I couldn't help but sigh. I can't believe I forgot about today. "Sorry, I was preoccupied. What time were we supposed to meet them?"


"9 at the Han River. At the coffee shop near there."


Han river?'s the same place as when I last saw her..maybe I'd get lucky and she'd be there! I drank my coffee and went back to my room to take a bath, telling Hyukjae to wait for me. Maybe just maybe, I'd get to see her again.




It was the same sunny sunday. But unlike last week, today was mildly the very least not so humid and hot as before. I looked up at the sky and smiled at how blue it was. Just like her eyes. Hyukjae tugged my arm towards the coffee shop saying that we'll just wait inside for the girls.


"Seriously man, what's up?"




"You keep spacing out. Either that or you keep staring at the sky. Something going on?"


Trust Hyukjae to notice everything. He doesn't look like it but he's oddly very attentive of me. "Not really, just...preoccupied." I wanted to leave it at that but the monkey didn't get it. "You told me that earlier. Preoccupied with what? Can't be a girl right?"


My head instantly snapped towards his direction. I just stared at him surprised but quickly regained my composture. Totally not cool. "What makes you say that?"


He took out his phone and read through his inbox while sipping his coffee. "I just seemed that way to me. Hyoyeon told me that you haven't been yourself lately too."


"I'm fine. Ok?" Can't believe even Hyoyeon noticed. Was I really that transparent?


Hyukjae just looked at me and scoffed. He just scoffed! Arrogant monkey! "If you are thinking of a girl it better be Jessica you know. Cuz it'd be totally uncool if you were thinking of another woman. She'd be pissed." Right..way to remind me Hyukjae.


"I know."


Me and Jessica..well..I don't know how to explain our relationship really. I mean..ex-boyfriend/girlfriend? Not really since we keep on seeing each other..exclusive? Not sure either..but me and Jessica, it just seemed to everyone that regardless of our relationship status we're still officially together. Not that I'm complaining I mean, Jessica's great. Really she is and I'm happy with her. It's just that I really did forget that we were meeting up today..or thinking about her in the past few days. My mind keeps thinking about her..Park Yuri. Damn blue eyes..


At least Hyukjae was there to remind me or else I'd have been done for. "Oppa!" I look up surprised and saw Hyoyeon and Jessica right in front of me. Was I spacing out again? Damn.. I gave them a smile and ushered them to sit down with us. Hyoyeon beside Hyukjae and Jessica beside me. The girls ordered their drinks and we started chatting.


"Sorry to bother you guys so early in the morning!" Jessica said while scooting more closely beside me. I just laughed and allowed her to come closer. I gave her a small hug as a way of saying it's ok while Hyoyeon and Hyukjae teased us at how sweet we were. 


We actually barely get to see the girls during the week. Everyone was busy with college and work. Hyoyeon and Jessica were still in college while me and Hyukjae were busy with work. The girls especially were busy since it was their finals and we didn't want to bother them at all. 


We talked about a lot of stuff, from school to work to anything else that came to our mind. I had to of course refrain myself from telling them what happened last week. I checked my watch and saw that it was already past 10. Same time as last week. I looked at my surroundings and remembered that the bench we were supposed to meet if ever we did, was near here. Very near.


I listened half-hearted as Hyukjae told the girls about his new job as a DJ and looked outside. There. I saw the bench. Just to the far left of the cafe. I had to squint my eyes due to the distance but I was sure I saw someone sitting there. A girl judging by the hair length. It had to be her!


I want to excuse myself but if I left, they'd be suspiscous.. "Oppa, are you ok?" I looked away from the window towards Jessica when I felt her hand touch mine. I smiled faintly, telling them that I'm ok. 


We continued to talk as I kept on glancing back towards the direction of the bench. She's still she waiting for me? I began to grow anxious before I finally stood up and excused myself. I told them that I saw a friend of mine pass by and wanted to catch up and talk to him, that I'll only be gone for a few minutes. The girls nodded, while Hyukjae gave me the "I don't believe you" look. But nevertheless let me go, that they will just text or call me so we could meet up after I talked to my so-called friend.


I nodded my head and gave my thanks before walking out of the cafe. Technically I was meeting a friend..though I'm not so sure if we were on that level. But no, he wasn't a he. 


I even began to run all the way to the bench when I saw her standing up. Is she leaving already? I reached her just in time before she could distance herself. 


"A-An-yeong-ha-se-yo" I said through slightly labored breath. She turned and I stupidly smiled. So much for cool me.

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@Kimjade I almost cried at your comment! I'm so touched~ Really I am! I wanted to create a story that wasn't too rushed and I tried to put as much emotion as subtly as I can. Thank you so much for your comment~ You're my new bestie now! :D and yeah, I don't have much subscribers at all :( I'll try to post a new chapter by today :D
I can't believe you don't have more subscribers!
Oh how sweet! I almost cried at the tender moment at the end of chapter ten. Donghae's sweetness over her touching his hand.
I can totaly imagine it too. This is such a great story but I'm afraid it will make me cry.
No matter I can't wait to read more once you've posted it.
It's really good ^-^
@tokiunicorn @haruma2911 I just updated!! Sorry for the long wait! Hope you guys like the new chapters!!
aww we are cute together~~~
I bet she's going to visit her oppa...maybe
update soon~
haha.. hae ask yuri on a date..
update more..
@tokiunicorn : ahahahaha love the "kiss...kiss...KISSS" part in your comment :D thank you so much for the love! You'll know soon enough why :) though I don't want to rush things :D All will be revealed soon~ And thank you for the advice too~! Kinda new here so I don't know much what to do :D
Reading the end of the last chapter I was like "kiss...kiss...KISSS" XDD I wonder why she's so distant >.< This is a good story. Maybe tag super junior to get more readers
@tokiunicorn : thank you so much!! I love your comment! <3 will update real soon! busy with work :) so happy thank you <3
Such an interesting story! I like Donghae here and his character. Also yuri. She's cold,but warm and hopefully Donghae brings that part of her out. Update soon