What's this feeling?

♥ I Only want you Hyung ♥

The School Bell rung for Winter Break, Finally Time to have some Fun. Finally Some time to Spend Time with my Hyungs. As soon as i look outside, Its Pouring rain. I Tried to call Minho's cellphone to see if he could pick me up but he didnt answer. Its the worst Rain i've ever seen in ages, Its only 2:00 in the afternoon and it's pitch black outside. I slowly walk outside without an umbrella feeling the raindrops hit my body. It was freezing outside and small piles of snow were lined up against the trees and houses. I Trembled Trying to stay dry which was impossible in this weather. I was glad our house was only a few blocks away from the highschool. I walked up the steps with my soaking wet Clothes on and struggled to open the metal doorknob. Luckly Minho heard me at the door and immediatly opened the door. He Swung the door open and looked at me.

"Taemin-ah! Your soaking wet! Why didnt you call me?!" " I did! i called you and you never answered..." he gasped with a sad look on his face as he grabbed me and hugged me tightly. " My poor Taeminnie im so sorry! i couldnt get good reception through this horrible rain." " Well if it was raining so hard then why didnt you think about coming to get me in the first place? Hyung i thought you would at least do that. Nevermind me...Where are the Other Hyungs?" " They had to go host a show and they told me to stay here with you, but enough about them i have to get you a blanket." i sat on the couch with my wet clothes sticking onto me, i would need help if i was going to get my clothes off, and thats the part i was worried about.

Minho rushed back in with a huge blanket for me. " Before you get covered up we have to take your clothes off." i blushed as soon as he said that. He Took both sides of my shirt and slowly lifted it up, my heart was beating louder than the thunder outside. " ah~ You have to lift your arms up so i can take your shirt off.." So i did. His hands were so soft and gentle and i nearly lost control. He Got my Shirt off , My Face was the Brightest shade of red. " Ok good we got your shirt off. Now we just need your pants." He was so calm about it while i was there freaking out because he was so gentle and deep inside i really do love Minho, Alot.

-The Truth is, i could take my pants off myself, Its just i thought he could do it for me instead-

I was so nervous at this point, His hand brushed against my chest and down to the lower part of my body. Do you know how hard it is to take wet skinny jeans off? Extremley hard. He Started to tug on my pants and all of the sudden i had this weird feeling, this urge to tell him....How i really feel about him. I wanted to tell him That i loved him but i was thinking ' what if he doesnt love me back?' then again... He's always doing things for me no matter what it is, and he's always by my side, and helping me with schoolwork and other stuff, Then when he stopped tugging on my pants, it hit me. I wanted him so badly at that moment.

I Couldnt help myself, i leaned forward as fast as i could, put my arms around him and kissed him, right on the lips.

He looked at me for a second and i stopped. " i-im sorry...." He didnt say anything , all he did was stare at me for a few seconds. I Blushed and looked away. I was thinking to myself, ' what did i just do?! why did i do that i screwed it up!' I layed down with my wet pants still on and him still sitting on the couch scilent. Then out of nowhere he looked at me and he got ontop of me and pinned my arms down. I Didnt know what was going on. " Minh-" he Stopped me with a deep kiss, his toungue examined every inch of my mouth leaving a trail of spit hanging from our mouths as he stopped and pulled back.

"It's alright..." He said softly.

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xXCoolNinjaXx #1
Chapter 1: Please update
onehelllove #2
2min!!!!!!!!! story!! <3
Update!!!!! •.• *tamaki puppy dog eyes*
Would you please add the 2min tag? ♥ Thanks~
Update please!!!
omgomgomg update!
Woohoo! Minho! Go get him!
kimhyunjae #9
update soon XD