My eyes

The windows to my world

"You don't have much time, you have to start-"

"I will donate my eyes to her."

Without anyone talking, he left the room.

"Yoona? Let's go."

As he held her little, tender hands, he guided the young twenty-two year old out of the hospital and back to their humble little home. 


"Yoona, give me your hand."

She stretched out her hand to him, waiting for him to hold her. His warm and gentle hand wrapped around hers. 

"Bend down, slowly," he squatted down with her, "Touch this."

"What is this, oppa?"

"It's a seashell. It's smooth, isn't it? Listen to it. I am going to put it to your ear. Hold on." 

She listened to the seashell. It was amazing. For her entire life, it was her first time. Yes, from young until now, it was her first time. Why? She is blind, she was born with eye defect. Though she had a sucessful operation at age five, she lost her vision once more at age ten. She thought that she would lead a terrible life until Donghae stepped in and turned it around. 

"What is that sound? It's.. It's.. So beautiful."

Donghae smiled to himself, "It's the sea."

He let Yoona hold the seashell herself. After a few moments, Yoona frowned and put the seashell down. She sighed heavily and got Donghae's attention. 

"What's wrong, baby?" Donghae held her hand. "Am I a burden to you? Have you regretted dating a.. a blind and unattractive lady?" That was such a silly question. She just didn't know how beautiful she was, she probably was never told of.

"Silly girl. Who said you were unattractive? And so what if you are blind? What matters to me, this is you, baby. You are my Yoona." Donghae pinched her nose lightly. Just if God gave her her vision, she wouldn't need to where shades everywhere. 

"I just think.. Everything is just to make me better," she folded her knees to her chest and hug them. Donghae grabbed her hand tightly, squeezing it, "Up to you to believe me or not. Let's just enjoy the breeze here." Just like her, he took his knees to his chest but still holding her cold hand.


Yoona sat patiently outside the room, waiting for those warm hands to touch hers. She just wonder what the doctor had for Donghae. 

"Yoona-iss! I have found a donor!" The voice she wanted to hear flow into her ears. And yes, finally, for what she was looking for, a donor. Though he/she will lose her vision for her, she just wanted to see again. How the colours of the rainbows are, how wide the sea is, how the petals on a flower look like and of course, how Donghae looked like. All she wanted to see the most was him. A gentle personality like his, how does he look like?

"Really? Who is he then?" she just asked though she was excited inside. But silently, Donghae frowned and felt awkward. He died inside. By the time she gained her vision, he has to leave her. He couldn't be with her, he would a burden to her.

"You will know it naturally when you get your vision."

"It wouldn't really matter. I just want to see how you look like, oppa." she smiled as she tried finding his hands. In the end, he caught hold of hers. They smiled together. But that made Donghae died a little inside. What if she couldn't let go of him after the operation?

Yoona, please don't hold too tightly onto me.. Let me go after this is over..


"Yoona? Yoona?" the warm voice woke her up from her sleep. 

"Nae? Oppa?" she wanted to sit up but he didn't allow her. "Don't, just sleep. I just wanted to see if you are asleep. You look like sleeping beauty."

Sleeping beauty? Who is she?


"Haha, after you get your vision, you will know it. It's a cartoon of a young- Aish. Whatever, you are my sleeping beauty, babe." he touched her hands with his smooth face. Yoona giggled and hit his head lightly. "Oppa, can we go for a walk? I love walks."

"Sure, anything you want," he helped her up and got her changed up. Everything, including her undergarments. "Oppa," Donghae hooked up her bra and looked at her, "Why do you never complain and do everything so willingly for me?"

"I don't know. I just love you."

If I could see, probably life would be totally different


They walked through the park nearby. She knew it was a great day as the cooling breeze her hair which blew to the back. Donghae held her hand and guided her on the pathway, making sure she was walking straight.

If I could see, I could hold your hand in the crowds like how every couple does, the correct way

"Let sit here, slowly, babe." Trusting him, she knew that he will keep her safe. She sat down, lying her head on his shoulder. She heard the children laughing, cars drving pass and the birds singing. The smell of flowers nearby. Then they heard a bell.

"Yoona! It's the ice cream truck, do you want an ice-cream?"

She just nodded. Donghae slowly stood up, "What flavour do you want then?"

"Anything, as long as it is good."

Maybe what I want, what I like, what I love would be totally different

"Wait here. I will be quick." she heard his foot steps fading and she waited for it to come to her. She held her head down hanging on her neck. 


She moved and faced to where the sound came from. Then, it shocked her, she saw light, a blurred person smiling and holding two ice cream cups.


"What?" It was Donghae she saw. Though blurry, she could see his hair, face and eyes. But within seconds, it was gone.

"I saw you..."

"You did?! How about now?" he shaked her lightly. She frowned. 

"It's.. Gone."

Donghae was disappointed but he was delighted, she saw something. "What did you saw?"

"I saw you, oppa. A blurry image. I love your eyes, they are.. Nice." That made him smile. He passed to her the ice cream, "It's peppermint chocolate. It's cooling for the throat." Slowly, she guiding the spoon into . Yes, it was delicious. She smiled, Donghae smiled too. He put his chin on her shoulder, "I want peppermint too~~ Please~"

"Haha, here, sorry if that isn't your mouth, Hehe."

Donghae opened his mouth and had the taste of peppermint in his mouth, "It's good, isn't it?"

Yoona nodded but suddenly, she felt a droplet on her arm. "What was that, oppa? Is it gonna rain?"

"No. It-t-t's-s.. I-I-I-I.. It's t-the d-d-d-dew from the t-tr-trees." he was stuttering. It wasn't dew.

Blood. From his nose. His sickness has worsened.

"I will clean that for you." 

He kept wiping his nose but it kept coming. He started coughing a little. He sniffed a little. It was a horrible feeling. He stuffed tissue into his nose, not wanting Yoona to get 'dew' on her arm.

"Gwenchana, oppa?"

"Gwenchana. Let's enjoy our ice cream."


Yoona was resting on his lap as he her hair. Like every afternoon, before naps, Donghae would read to her books. She loved to listen to the stories and his voice. 

"Oppa," she interrupted. Donghae stopped, "Yes?"

I look at you, but I couldn't see a thing

She tried again and again but nothing. No bright light, no Donghae. She was disappointed.

Did God laid down a curtain before my eyes and forgotten to raise them up?


"I can't see you."

"Yoona, it is okay. You will be seeing in a month or two. Just wait until the doctor confirms the time and date for you, okay?" Donghae kissed her forehead, "It's time for your nap too, come on." Donghae held her up and took her to the room. He removed her shades and left it on the table beside her bed. He helped her switched on the air conditioner. After covering the blanket to her shoulders, he kissed her forehead.

"Rest well. Just stay in bed if I am not around, don't panic." he her hair. She nodded. Donghae smiled and left the room, leaving her to rest.

"I should do it now," he opened the box. It had a camera, photos, a diary and a recorder. He was going to go out, to see what he could capture so that when she gets her eyes, she can see them. He just took the camera and recorder.

Donghae walked out of the house. He decided to go to the garden which his grandfather gave him as a birthday gift. He hoped that the tulips and hibiscus have bloomed. It was just a few blocks away. On the way there, he saw many kids who were blowing bubbles. He snapped some photos of them and soon, he was there. Donghae greeted his younger sister, Yuri, who loves to visit the flowers. He grabbed a watering can and went to the place where he always go. 

"Yes. It bloomed." He thought and smiled. The hibiscus bloomed. What a beautiful thing. He snapped a photo of it.

September thirty, I guess you don't know how beautiful the flowers are


She heard the door open and familiar foot steps came towards her, and she heard someone else too.



"Who is that?"

"Yuri, your favourite unni. You said that you missed her so I took her here today," Donghae went out again. Yoona smiled, "Yuri unni!"

"Nae. How was your day, Yoona-iss?" Yuri asked sarcasticly. It is not that Yuri hated her, she just dislike how her brother always have to take care of her. She just can't see why Donghae has to pay his life to her. 

"When Donghae oppa took me to the park, I saw him, a blurry image."

"Oh. Wow, that's great. Still have that image in your head?" Yuri was suddenly interested. 

"Yes. Eyes. He has brown hazel hair. He wore a green shirt. His smile was beautiful."

"How about now, can you see me?"

Yoona frowned and shaked her head. Yuri did the same. Hope seemed to be lost.

"What's with the long face, girls? Dinner is ready, come on, Yoona, let me help you." Donghae came in and like everytime, helping Yoona. Yuri just watched how her older brother helped the blind girl who trusted him. 

"One more step," Donghae said as they got to the end of the staircase. They all settled down at the dining table. Yoona was able to recongise the aroma, kimchi fried rice, which she liked a lot. She smiled to herself, "Oppa, is this kimchi fried rice from your-"

"Yes, my mum. Let's dig in- Aish, I forgot the utensils. I will get them, wait for me."

"Hae oppa, I will help you." Yuri took the excuse to follow him to the kitchen. Donghae wanted to stop her until he saw her eyes. She had to tell him something. 

"Yoona, hold on." Donghae went to the kitchen with Yuri. He stopped at the row of drawers and turned to her, "What is so private that you can't talk at the table?"

"I thought you were going to break up with her. You know how much our parents hate her. And you got that fried rice from me. Plus, marrying to a blind girl isn't great. You have the looks to have a better girl. Don't waste your time-"

Donghae slammed the drawer back, "Don't piss me off, Yuri. You know how much I hate it when you all talk about her like that. And her being blind isn't a crime. I love her, she loves me, that is all that matters. Now, shut up. We will talk about that next time," he walked to the dining table where Yoona was. Donghae stopped and looked at her. She was silent, she felt uncomfortable no matter where her hands were at. She looked lonely, quiet and un-loved. Donghae watched how she sat there alone. To him,  she lives in a dark world, no one is there. What if he had to leave her right now? Wouldn't it be worse?


"Huh? Oh." Donghae started scooping the rice into their bowls. 

"Gomawo, oppa," Yoona thanked him as he put the spoon into her hand and the bowl into the other. She felt blessed. She can't believe she had Donghae. She then never felt lonely. Though she couldn't see him, she knew that he is her strong tree that she can always rely on, against hurricanes and storms in life. All she needed was him, she wouldn't ask for more.

They were silent at the table. Yoona, happily eating her rice. Yuri, sitting there awkwardly eating. Donghae? He didn't even took a bite. He just looked at Yoona. 

Why did I love you?


Yoona fell asleep. Donghae left the room and went down stairs. He was greeted by the phone.


"Donghae ah? It's umma."

"Nae, umma. How have you been? Is dad fine with his back?"

"If you want to know, you should drop by. You know how much we all miss you."

"Nae. I will. I will bring Yoona along by then."

"That blind girl? Again?"


"Break up with her already. Child, it is for your good and for your family too. How am I going to tell my friends that my son's wife is blind? How am I going to face the world?"

Donghae sighed, "I know what I am doing, umma. It is nothing embarrassing. As long as I love her, everything's fine."

"You always say the same thing, son. Can I know when you are going to break up with her?" 

"Umma! For the a thousand time, I am never going to!"

"Don't you shout-"

"Mother-in-law, I am so sorry for all the hate. But I will be getting an operation soon. I will get my vision then." Yoona said, through the phone in her room. She heard the entire conversation. She was heart-brokened, "T-t-t-that's a-a-all I hav-ve to sa-a-ay."

Donghae and Yoona hung up. She started crying. The truth was there, the only person who loves her was Donghae. 

"Yoona, why-"

She cried louder when she heard Donghae's voice. She felt like a burden, no matter how much he say she wasn't. 

"Don't cry," Donghae hugged her. But, she continued to cry in his arms. How she wished he never entered her life. How she wished she never existed. 

"I'm sorry," Donghae kissed her forehead," I didn't want any of this to happen or want you to know any of this. I am sorry that my-"

"Oppa, let's just go to sleep now. Good night," she wiped her tears and put her head on his shoulder. Donghae sighed, only for himself to hear. He rest his head against hers and they both fell asleep.


Yoona sat on the sofa, listening to classical music that Donghae left to play. She was relaxed, as if all her problems were gone, as if she had no more worries. Donghae was packing that box again, without her knowing. She never knew what he was doing, he never told her. 

He took out the photos from its place. He grabbed a bunch of pins. He was going to pin all of them up on the board. Now, he was facing a big board that spreaded across the wall horizontally. He only have half of it filled. He just hopes he gets them full before the operation. He was good at putting them up, the pictures suit wherever they are placed. Pin by pin, they stopped the photos from falling from its place. Donghae smiled at it, at every photo that Yoona was in. Most of them were Yoona, but only one or two having him in it with her. 

He was putting the last photo, her side profile. Suddenly, he sneezed. The blood sprayed on his hands and to the corner of the photo. Without Yoona noticing, he quickly grabbed a few tissues and wiped his nose, hands and wherever the blood fell on. Except of the photo, it absorbed the blood already. He just smiled at it. Without caring, he just pinned it up. He dumped the bloody tissues into the bin. 

The phone rang.

"Annyeong hassyo. Yes, Doctor Kyung. Nae... Now? I think so. Let me check.. Yup. Sure... Yes.. Thank you very much, doctor... Bye."

"Oppa, was that Doctor Kyung? Why did he call?"

"We will know when we get there, honey. We will get changed up and go after that."


“Good afternoon, Miss Im Yoona," the doctor greeted, "Are you ready for a last check up?"

Yoona was lost. Last check up?

"I am sure she is, right, Yoona?"

"Of course she is, she is going to see in a few days. Do you know that, Yoona," the doctor asked. Yoona frozed before smiling to them. Donghae was crying the tears of joy silently. 

"I will take Yoona from here, Donghae. You can wait here," after closing the curtains, Donghae's smile was gone. He wanted t leave. Not because he had someone else. He didn't want to hear her cry for him after the operation. He was selfish but he just wanted to turn away and leave.

"Mr Lee, it's your turn. Yoona, I will take you to sit outside. You will wait until Donghae comes out, okay?"

The doctor took her out. When he got back in, he saw Donghae crying, badly. His back jerking up and down continously, his hands trembling badly and tears coming down. 

"Donghae ah, you don't need to do this if you don't want to."

"No-o... I-I-I-I ha-have to-o."

"We can always wait."

"By then, I-I will be-e dead."


"I wil do-donate my e-eyes before t-the can-cancer cells ta-take the-em a-a-away."


A week more. 

A week more to the operation. 



"What day is it today?"


Yoona smiled, "One more week and I can see you."

"Ya. You will..." He said in a plain tone.

"Are you not happy, oppa?"

Donghae remain silent. He just looked at her. Slowly, he approached her. He touched her cheek, brushing it gently. He touched her silky hair that he always wash. Though he knew he shouldn't do it, he took away her first kiss. She never did anything like this but she didn't push him away. She don't know what he was doing but she knew it was what a couple do. He kissed her gently, slipping his tongue into . Suddenly, he broke the kiss. Yoona froze and wondered why he stopped. He just her hair before hugging her.


Three more days. Time seemed to be going faster and faster. Donghae has been taking her out and today, he took her to the farm which was owned by one of his close relatives. 

"Thanks, Hyomin."

"Nothing, let's go around this place, shall we?"

She took them around.

"These are our horses. I guess why Donghae brought you here, Yoona. This is my horse, Diana. You can pet her, she won't bite." Donghae took Yoona's hand and slowly put it on Diana's forehead. Yoona was a bit afraid of the texture and jerked back a little.

"It's okay, babe. I am here. It's a horse."

Of course, she don't know how a horse looks like. She never seen it before. But all Donghae wanted was to spend quality time with her. In a few days, he will disappear from her life. 

"Hehe, " Yoona giggled. Donghae smiled. Hyomin just watched them from her angle. They look so sweet together, she thought to herself. The camera hanging on Donghae's neck. "Donghae ah, can I check out your camera?"

"Oh, here you go."

Donghae continued Diana with Yoona. Within those moments, Hyomin snapped photos of them. She guessed those were the moments that both of them can't picture. Or probably will never picture. Hyomin knows Donghae's plan. Only her, other than Doctor Kyung. 

"Let's see the other animals, shall we?"


"Dinner was great!"

Yoona got wiped by Donghae who added, "And filling. I feel like a pig now. Haha."

"Thanks for visiting, guys," Hyomin bowed slightly. Donghae smiled and nodded. It was time to go. Hyomin took them to their car. Before they could get into the car, Hyomin held Donghae back, "Donghae ah, I have something to tell you."

"Yoona, get in. Be careful, your head. I'll be in there in a while." Donghae closed the door and turned to Hyomin.


"Actually, you don't need to donate your eyes. Yoona needs you."

He let out a heavy sigh, "No. I will not. I can't. She needs a pair of eyes more than me-"

"No, she needs care-"

"She doesn't need me, I am a burden for her future. Are you supporting me or am I going to lose another person I can tell secrets to?"

Hyomin remained silent. Donghae entered his car and drove away. He was tired. No one would support him, why? 


He shut the door. That was the first time he quarrelled with her. He wasn't angry. He was, at first. But now, he closed the toilet bowl and sat on it. Tears filling up to the brim and fell down his cheeks. He didn't meant it. It is just that he couldn't face it. He couldn't face that he wasn't going to take care of her, not going to hear her, not see her smile and never ever come in contact with her. He was frustrated. He was crying again, like how he did at the hospital. 

Outside, she was finding her way up the stairs, finding him. She was lost. 

"Oppa? Where are you?" 

She was scared without his guidance. Her hands were shivering in fear. She felt so insecure. 

"Oppa? I am scared."

She fell a few times, hitting her knees on the edge of the steps but she got up again. Finally, she was at the top. She kept walking straight. She didn't know where she was going. 

"He always brings me to room three."

She found the wall which allowed her to find her way.

Then she heard sobs and cries.

"Oppa- Ah!"

She fell and her body hit the floor heavily. She tripped over a box which was in the way.

"Oppa... Oppa.. OPPA! I am scared! I am sorry! Please come out! I am scared, very scared..."

It was like seven years ago, when no one was there to give her security. She was afraid. She fell into a dark room with no end. Now, she was crying, hopeing Donghae would hold her hand again.


His voice. She was relieved. She was finding him and he caught her hand. He pulled her up and carried to the bed. Before she could say a thing, he hugged her tightly, "I am sorry, Yoona. I am so sorry. It's my fault. I've hurt you when I promised not to. I am sorry. I am sorry." He started crying again, while hugging.

"Oppa. I.. I.. I.. I am fine. It is okay. Don't cry anymore-"

Now his cries were louder.

"It is not okay, Yoona. It isn't. I am scared, Yoona."


He remained silent. Like that time, he kissed her but now, roughly. Knowing that it was Donghae, she wasn't afraid anymore. She let him control her body, letting him do anything he wanted. He pinned her on the bed, holding her back and neck. He kissed her lips, neck and the collarbone, giving a sensation she never felt. Automatically, she put her hands on her back. That was the first time they kissed for such a long time. Slowly, Donghae stopped. 

"I-I-I am so-o sorry."

He found out that he had done something wrong again, "I will go downstairs for a while. And do some stuffs. I will come up in a bit. Then we will sleep together."


It was a Wednesday, meaning tomorrow was the operation. And every Wednesday, Donghae would go back to his parents' home for dinner with his siblings. He also took the final chance to see them.


"Ah, my little brother. How is Yoona? Hi Yoona."

It was his elder brother, Siwon, with his son.

"Happier than anyone. She is going for an eye operation tomorrow, isn't that right, my Yoona?" Donghae smiled. Yoona nodded her head, followed with a smile. Donghae sat down beside her.

"I am home!" It was Yuri, with her sister, BoA. They all gathered at the living room. "Yoona ah~ It's BoA unni. How are you?"

"I am great, unni. I am going for an eye operation tomorrow!" She announced to all of them. Yuri was surprised, she never knew that would ever come. Donghae just smiled. "That's great! As soon as you recover, you two can get married and have kids!" BoA laughed but she really meant it, she wants them together. Unlike their parents, she gives them all her support. She would be so happy when she see them in a wedding photo. 

"Hahaha. Really funny, noona. You are thinking too far. Maybe Yoona would want to-"

"I would want to. I would want to marry you, oppa."

Donghae was silent. He was shocked at that statement. Suddenly, he sneezed. He covered his nose and mouth. He knew it, blood again. "I'll be back. I need to toilet." Still covering his mouth and nose, he ran to the bathroom. He was right. It was blood.

"Of all times, why now?" He thought. Sighing once again. He looked at himself in the mirror, "Why is this happening to me? Why?" He just washed the blood away.

"Donghae ah! Dinner is ready~"

"Arraso! Take Yoona to the dining table for me, noona." 



The mother called. He went to his mother who was in the kitchen, "Nae?"

"You know what I want."


"I just arranged a blind date for you. I need a daughter-in-law to help me, not a useless-"

"She is not useless."

"What can a blind girl do? You tell me, son. Tell me."

"Then have you asked if I am happy now? And all you tell me is to get another girlfriend? You think this is funny?"

"Lee Donghae, I raised you up. Because of a blind girl, you are going to go against me? IS IT?"


He screamed until his voice filled the entire house. The good thing was BoA let Yoona listen to music through her headphones. She enjoyed the beautiful music while everyone heard the shoutings.

"You are still not married, son!"

"Umma, I have internal illness. The operation for Yoona tomorrow, well, I am her donor." Tears spilling from his eyes. Everyone heard it. Siwon's eyes widen. Yuri gasped. BoA turned to Yoona who was smiling as she was still listening to the music. 

"So she doesn't know, does she?"

Donghae shook his head. He gulped, "She shouldn't. She doesn't need to." He walked to Yoona and removed the headphones from her head.

"Are we leaving already, oppa?"

"Yes, sweet heart. Let's go."


Siwon took them, because Donghae knew he couldn't drive his own car back anymore. Donghae held Yoona's hand throughout the car ride. Donghae looked at her, she was grinning to herself. "Excited, aren't you?"

"Of course. I will see you in a few hours more. I can't wait."

Donghae just smiled. Siwon looked at him from the mirror. A face with a smile that was just to cover up the other emotions. Brothers for so long, of course Siwon could see it. But he said nothing.


Then the rest of the ride was silent. No one said a thing. 


"Oppa. I am scared all of a sudden."


"I am afraid that after the operation, I see no one. I will never see you-"

"Silly! Don't ever think that way! It will be fine. It will be successful. Trust me." Donghae kissed her hand and held it tightly. Yoona put her other hand above his. She did the same, held it tightly. "Don't ever let go. Don't let go until I am unconscious, please."

Donghae kissed her forehead, "Okay." He said softly, only for her to hear. She lay her head on his shoulder. They did not let go. 

"Yoona. It's time to change up." Doctor Kyung said, wanting to get one of the nurses to change her clothes. Yoona refused, "No. No. Unless Donghae oppa is the one who does it." Yoona squeezed his hand lightly. Silently, Donghae was filled with tears. He was forcing himself not to cry. He swallowed that lump in his throat. But he suffocated him, still, he pushed it down. 

"Yoona. Go with the nurses. I will be waiting here. Trust me."

Yoona shaked her head. 

"Please? Unless you don't trust me?"

Yoona hesitated a bit. But she nodded. She followed the nurse reluctantly. Donghae followed Doctor Kyung. He had to change up too.

"Doctor Kyung."

"Yes, Donghae? Do you want to back out now?"

"No. I just want to ask- No, I want to confirm that thsi operation will be successful for her and me, right?" Donghae wore the green cloth of his size. But it seemed bigger now. He lost a lot of weight due to his sickness. He wrapped the plastic cap on his head.

"Yes. It will."

"Don't ever tell her about me. When she asks about me after she can see, tell her I left. And I left without a word. Okay? I trust you."

Doctor Kyung was a bit reluctant but he nodded still. Donghae mouthed the words 'thank you' before leaving the room for Yoona. Yoona was in a room, a private ward. Yoona sat there. She looked grumpy. Donghae approached her silently. "Yoona~"

"Oppa!" She smiled. Donghae smiled too, "Nae. What was the long face?"

"They said I couldn't go outside to meet you-"

"Well, I am here. Wait, let's remove those shades of yours." Donghae wanted to remove it. Yoona insisted on wearing it.

"Okay. If that is what you want.-"

"Oppa. Be beside me when I wake up. Okay?"

Donghae swallowed hard. He scratched his head a little. "Erm." Suddenly, two nurses and Doctor Kyung came to them, "Yoona, it's time." Suddenly, she held Donghae's hand very tightly. She was scared.

"Don't let go, oppa."

They pushed the stretcher out of the ward. Donghae held her hand tightly as they got near to the operation room. They stopped him from entering the operation room though his attire allowed him to. Doctor Kyung told him that he will call him later. Yoona still refused to let go.

"Yoona. Don't."

"No." She shaked her head. Tears of fear rolled down her cheeks.

"Please, Yoona. Let go. You will see me after this. Let go."

Slowly, she did. Then the door of the room closed.

Donghae was called in. He was on a stretcher too. Then he saw Yoona. 

"Hi, donor."

She was still conscious. Donghae did not say a word. He know that she would recongise his voice. 


No reply. 

"Yoona, he is a mute." Doctor Kyung lied.

"Oh. Well, thank you so much for your eyes. I don't know why you are donating your eyes. But thank you. I can see my boyfriend after this operation. After nine years of knowing him, thank you for the chance. Thank you."

Donghae held his tears back. He flipped his body to the other side. He did not want to hear her. One word from her would make him cry.

"Yoona. You will see me later. You will be unconscious a few minutes after this ejection. Don't worry." Then they eject it into her left arm. Minute after minute, slowly, she lost conscious. Donghae watched her. He sighed. He closed his eyes as it was his turn. And like Yoona, he fell into unconsciousness. 


It has been the second day since she awoke. She has not removed that bandage yet she wanted to find Donghae. She angry but excited to see him. He was nowhere to be found. When she asked BoA about him, she would change the subject. Donghae broke the promise. He lied. 

"Yoona, the doctor will remove that blind fold in two days. You must be patient, okay? I know you are dying to see-"

"I am only dying to see Donghae oppa. Unni, where is he? He said he would be beside me when I wake up. He lied. He broke his promise. It has been two days."

"Yoona, I will cut the fruits-"


Yoona screamed. She has got enough of everything. Where was he? 


"Please.. Please tell him to show up.. I am scared..". Where


Doctor Kyung was unwrapping her bandage slowly. It was the moment of truth, did the operation succeed? It all depended at this moment. BoA and Yuri waiting outside with Yoona's parents. 

"Ms Im?"

She blinked once, and another time. 

"Is that you, doctor?"

Doctor Kyung smiled. His eyes glowed. Yes. Vision. She got it.

"Yes! Mr Im and Mrs Im! She gained her vision!" Doctor Kyung ran out of the room. Yoona was looking around the room, "I can see..." She looked at her slim fingers. She looked at her arm. Her milky and smooth skin. She smiled.

"Yoona? Yoona!"

BoA ran into the room and hugged her. "BoA unni? This must be Yuri unni then." She said as she saw them entering the room. "Appa? Umma?" 

"Yoona ah! My girl! Finally, you can see!..." She heard her mother talking as excitement took over them. But she wasn't interested. She was finding her lover, the one she has been waiting for all these days. No, he did not show up. Disappointment all over her beautiful face. The first person I want to see is you. Where are you?



Yoona was throwing her temper again. After two days of removing that blindfold, she has waited. No. She had enough. Her parents were shock to see her screaming like that. Doctor Kyung sighed silently. Standing far away from her was BoA. Of course, why would she stand near? She was crying for her beloved brother.

"Hmm. Mr and Mrs Im, can I have a word with Yoona alone?" Yuri asked politely. They nodded and left Yoona to Yuri. She sat next to Yoona, "Where is who?"

"Donghae. My boyfriend. The one who said will be beside when I wake up. He lied. I want to see him."

"Okay then. But. But let me bring to a place before that."


"Where is this?"

"Your humble home, Donghae said I had to bring you here before I let you see him." Yuri shut the door. Yoona stayed there for years but it seemed so new to her. It was beautiful. What caught attention was that long board spreaded across the wall. She was amazed.

"Did.. Did oppa put all these up?" she stepped closer. Her photos were all taken beautifully.  Then a face caught her attention. Donghae. Those eyes. That hair. That jawline. That sweet smile. 

"Is this.. By any chance.. Donghae oppa?" 

Yuri nodded, "I guess.. You should take your time exploring the house. Donghae oppa had a lot for you. See you tomorrow morning. We.. We.. will see him tomorrow... Ya, tomorrow.." Yuri left Yoona and her time. She was not desperate to see Donghae. Something in this house made her want to stay.

She saw a blood drop on one of the photos. When she reached out for it, a box was in her way. Yes. That box Donghae has been storing photos in. She squated in front of it. It was a green box with vintage designs. 'Yoona' was written on it.

"Mine? Since when?"

She opened it, a note lay in front of her.

Mind if you finish the board but pinning the rest of the pictures? Thanks, Yoona ^^ My board is perfect because of you.

She found the stack of photos under the note. As if the note was alive, she obeyed its instruction. She looked through the photos. It was all her, except for one or two. A man. His smile so beautiful, a face with perfection written on it. His eyes could talk. His fringe rested on his forehead. Donghae.


She pasted the photos onto the board. She continued looking through the box. She found a DSLR camera. 

"How do you use this?" She found the manual beside it. She was searching for the gallery. She saw Donghae and her, his hand over hers, petting an animal. Either did she knew why, she cried. "Oppa.. Where are you?"

That was when a piece of paper caught her attention. It was not a note. A letter.

Dear Yoona-iss,

Annyeong. It's me. Donghae oppa. Hopefully, the operation was successful. Is the world beautiful now? You always have been waiting for that pair of sight and a vision of your own. From now on, you are alone. I am sorry that I can't be your pair of eyes again. I can't there to hold your hand as we climb the stairs together. I am sorry. I don't know what to say, Yoona ah. There is so much to say but time is running out for me. I wrote this outside of the operation which you entered for the eye operation.

Yoona blinked rapidly. She did not want to let it fall, her tears. But she did let it fall in the end. 

I know I left without a word. I promised to be with you, but I really can't. It was not a choice for me to make. Please make it worth it for me, okay? Live your life to the fullest, babe. Maybe we will end here. I know you see ink smudges on this piece of letter. Sorry, I am crying while writing this. Ah, what should I do? I am leaving Yoona.. But I know you can do this on your own, right? Thank you, for your presense, taking away my sorrow. And thank you for your love. Goodbye. Let's meet again. Someday.

"No," she held the paper tightly in her hands, "No.. No, oppa... You can't do this to me.."


"Why are we here, unni?" Yoona jut followed, wondering what this place was. She was told to wear clothes given by the lady at the counter. Boots too. 

"We are here for.. Donghae."

Suddenly, Yoona felt happy. "Jeongmal? Donghae oppa?!"

Yuri nodded. As soon as she did, she turned away. Yoona smiled to herself. Yes, I can see you face to face now, oppa.

It was icy cold. Yoona wondered. Why would oppa be here? He hates cold places..

"Turn to your right at the end. The third row." The lady instructed, giving the two girls their time. As they got closer to the end of the aisle, they heard sobs. Yuri ran in. Yoona still took her time. She was afraid. What was in there?


"Yuri ah.. Just look at him.. Those eyes," Yoona saw them, Boa and Yuri. A long drawer opened. A pale blue bag zipped mid-way. Yoona stepped closer. A body. Hazel brown hair. That sharp jawline. A mole on the left side of his neck. Thin lips that became pale. 

"Why is Yoona here? She was not suppose to be here!" BoA stood up, trying to block the body of the man. It was obvious who it was. Yoona looked concern. "I had to. She will know this someday. Hiding is useless." Then, slowly, BoA stepped away. Yoona went closer to the body.

"Oppa?" She called out for him, "Donghae oppa, is that you? Talk to me. Come on. Please. You said ' let's meet again.' You can't break that promise." No replies from anyone. Silence was so sound in the room. "Unni, what happened to oppa? His eyes? Waeyo?" Yoona was still lost from the obvious that she can't see. Yuri cried louder. BoA held her tears back, "Do you really want to know?" Yoona nodded. BoA went nearer. She looked into Yoona's eyes. She gulped.

"I am not suppose to say it but, you are actually looking through his eyes."


"Yoona-iss! I have found a donor!"

"Really? Who is he then?"
"You will know it naturally when you get your vision." 

"Oppa. Be beside me when I wake up. Okay?"



"Yoona, he is a mute."
"No.. No wonder.."
"Oh. Well, thank you so much for your eyes. I don't know why you are donating your eyes. But thank you. I can see my boyfriend after this operation. After nine years of knowing him, thank you for the chance. Thank you."
"Oppa.. No. Oppa. Pabo. Oppa, how could you do.. This to me, huh? You said.. You said.. You.. OPPA! WAKE UP! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME HERE!"
 Yoona shaked the lifeless body. It was so cold. Those warm hands was not able to warm hers. She was not able to see his smile again. Not even once. 

But, no matter how much you and I want to meet again, God said it was not meant to be. We just can't. We won't. And we will never meet again. Goodbye, Yoona. I still love you.


Hope that no one cried- No one will cry for my fanfic. Well, hope it was not disappointing or draggy. And silent readers are not allowed! Please comment in the comment section about how you feel! Thanks for the subscribers, I love all of you~~~

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Chapter 1: I'm crying
DeerLY90 #2
Chapter 1: omg~ i'm crying hard here. the ending!! YoonHae, how i hope this couple will be together :)
yulyoonhyoseo #3
Chapter 1: How could you tell me not to cry huh?? author-nim?? i'm already crying hardly while reading this... i'm crying like an idiot TT-TT how could you write a very tragic story for YoonHae TT-TT but still I Love It !!
elis031089 #4
Chapter 1: I m crying a river..ㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: Once again, your story didn't fail to make me tear up. Love it.
Chapter 1: Wahhhhhhhhhhh~ Awesome story T_T It really made me cry TT_TT
Rubyna #7
your story is great,author-nim, it make me cry so hard.pls keep your writing, i hope i get to read more your stories.
Chapter 1: Well, you failed in not making me cry. D: gaaaaah. Im crying here and my brothers are staring at me like I'm one mental woman. Hahaha awesome job! <3
Chapter 1: OMG ! Your story make me cry .. I love really2x love your story , keep it up .. I can't stop crying you know .. My sister , my cousin , my friends and me can't stop crying because of your amazing story .. Thank You for create this story ...
chechaee #10
Chapter 1: You are such a great writer. But, I don't think I can't cry because of your beautiful story. :) :( Aigoo, I'm in sobs right now. T_T Anw, you are awesome :D