Taking Over!

- Hey Kiina, can you pick up the bottles? Jun called from the layer. Kiina looked up from the books as she sat at the bar.
 - She studies Jun, came from Kazuya and went to the store. He smiled at Kiina who had been about to get up.
- Oh, sorry, Kazuya? Will you help me? Asked Jun.
- I'm here right? Asked Kazuya.
 - But maybe you just had intended to watch, protested Jun and Kiina could not help smiling when she heard Jun screamed: Ouch, Kazuya had probably struck him.
 - Is the math? Asked Kazuya and cocked his head to see what she did while he was carried a wooden box.
- History, she said with a laugh.
- Huh? Is it? Yes, that's it, I just saw the numbers, said Kazuya and smiled.
 - You doesn´t help, a damn, when you flirting with Kiina muttered Jun and walked by with another box. Kiina saw at Jun and missed how Kazuya blushed.
- I took it out of here right? Sa Kazuya and squatted down.
- Do you need help? Asked Kiina and closed the book. She could not concentrate anyway.

- Kiina? Can you come up here a while, Ueda called out from booth on the second floor.
- Yes, I will, 'she called back and jumped off the chair.
- Kazuya? She said, and saw how quickly Kazuyas head appeared.
 - Can you put these in my bag? She asked, handing him the books.
 - Sure, he said with a smile.
- Thanks, she said and walked away.


She climbed the ladder and came up behind Ueda.
- Listen to this, Ueda said, handing her headphones. She took them and pulled on them.
- This is good, we must play it tonight, said Kiina.
- It's time to pick up some speed, we open in half an hour, shouted Koki through the space before he stepped forward.
- We have an eye on the schedule Koki, it came from Jun.
- Where are Kiina? Shouted Koki.
- I am here, 'she said, leaning casually against the railing.
- What are you doing up there? Koki asked, watching her.
- I would decide if we were to play a song, she said and shrugged.
- Are you going to sing tonight? Asked Koki.
- Would not believe it, 'she said quickly.
- What am I going to people to who can sing when no one plans to do so, muttering Koki.
- Ask Kazuya said Kiina.
- What? Kazuya asked at that time.
- He wants someone to sing tonight, said Kiina.
- No, I want to Kiina going to sing tonight, so persuade her, said Koki and patted Kazuya on the shoulder before he went to check what Jun did.



- What are you doing next week? Asked Kazuya Kiina when they stopped working.
- I'm going to Korea, said Kiina.
- Korea? What should you do in Korea? Asked Kazuya shocked.
- I'll get home Kana, she is in trouble again, Kiina said with a sigh.
- Should I go with? Asked Kazuya as he straightened his necktie.
- It feel free to do if you want, Kiina said as she walked along the pavement.
- Yes, I'm not going to let you go alone, what if something happens to you, 'said Kazuya.
- Why should you always be so, said Kiina.
- Be how? Asked Kazuya.
- As if I were 13 years old, she said.

The week went by and on Friday got both Kauya and Kiina flight to Korea ..

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