Is this it?

Tell me, won't you?

He decided that since he was dying anyway, he should leave some last words with s. He requested for some pieces of paper, a couple of envelopes and a pen from the nurses. Youngest first?

“Dear Taemin-ah,

It’s your Key umma, if you’re crying right now, please stop. Have some sweets to calm you down. From now on, you must take care of yourself, wake up on time and iron your own uniform and get to school on time. Promise me you’ll study hard. Do it for me okay? After all, I know you love me the most out of the four of all your other hyungs! Remember that there will always be someone out there for you when you’re down. You’re never alone okay? Live life to the fullest!


Key umma.”

Key folded the paper into fours and placed it into an envelope. Labelling the envelope.


“Dear Minho-ah!

It’s Key! I know you won’t be crying, I know you’re always the one who’s always trying to be strong for the others. Don’t be too hard on yourself alright? I leave my Taemin into your trusty hands. Minho, if there’s one thing I’ve always wanted to say, it’s... You’re such a er, you know? I know all our fans have been saying it but you really are! Hahaha, but no matter what, I still love you, my dongsaeng. Stay strong okay! Always be yourself, never give up on the one thing you love doing, playing soccer. And also, never give up on someone you love, yes that’s right! I know about you and Taemin. Don’t ever make him cry. You got that? Love him with all your heart and never let him go. I trust you. Promise me that okay?


Key the diva.”

Key folded that paper as well and sealed it into an envelope. Labelling the second envelope.

“Dear Onew-hyung!
It’s Key, your favourite dongsaeng! Kekeke. Not to flatter myself too much. I’m sure everyone would be sad right now, so as a last favour to me, hyung, being the leader, keep all of them together and keep them on track? Whenever they’re feeling down, ask what’s wrong. When they’re slacking, pick up the pace for them. When they do something wrong, nag at them and teach them the right things. Please take care of them for me. And do take care of yourself! Eat as much chicken as you want, to your heart’s content but make sure to burn the calories and maintain a healthy weight! I think your Onew condition is funny and no matter what other people say, you must always stay you because that’s what makes you unique, okay hyung? Promise me you’ll stay that way!


Key the almighty.”

And last but not least, Jonghyun... For once, I felt myself at a lost as I twirled the pen with my fingers... Hmm... It took me the longest.

“Dear Jonghyun,

We’ve been best friends since forever and we always had each other to lean on but I have always wondered... Were we ever more than friends to you? Ever? I admit now in my absence that I loved you, I love you and always will love you. Not just as a friend, not just as a brother, not just as part of the band but like my own life. Every touch, every conversation, every smile, every tear we had together, I remember. I remember everything about you, not because you say it often but because I paid attention. I don’t know if any of those meant anything more to you but it meant the world to me. Because I love you. I love you even till death, aren’t I just pathetic? If I died with any regrets right now, it would be that I never had the courage to tell you my true feelings, like the sea that needs the moon by night and the sun that needs the edge of the world to become sunset and sunrise. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about how much you mean to me. Without you I have no end. When I stop and think about the things that mean more to me than my own life, that thing is you. You will never know how many nights I laid in bed crying, because I don’t know if you love me or not. Not knowing if I meant anything to you and yet, I do not expect you to love me, I am not worthy of your love. All I am wishing for is for you to accept me as a last favour and not to mourn over me. I am too little worth of your tears. I'm sorry my dearest Jjong.

Yours truly,


I wrapped my diary up with the letter and put it together with the others. With my computer, I looked at all the pictures I had taken together with the band and I felt hot tears streaming down my face. I realised, for the millionth time, how much they all meant to me and how much we shared together and how much I loved all of them but in every picture we took together, my eyes had always glanced to his face. His face. His perfectly sharp jawline, skin smooth as silk... I cried even more, and before I closed my eyes I only wished to see them once more.


“Can you all just be quiet for one second?! Key’s trying to sleep here! Don’t wake him!” a voice whispered.


I opened my eyes to the hospital clock, it was already Sunday noon, I didn't have much time left. Then looked to where the noise was coming. To my surprise, it was Onew, Minho and Taemin...

“W-What the ? What are you guys doing here?!” I screamed.

“See! I told you not to wake him!” Taemin chided his two hyungs.

Oh Taemin, you amuse me sometimes. He turned to me and gave me his cutest eyes, “Umma, why didn’t you tell us? Is it that you don’t trust us?” he burst into tears suddenly.

“Oh Taemin, don’t cry... Don’t cry... Shhh...” I tried to sooth him, pulling him into a hug, rubbing his back. Both Onew and Minho looked with worried eyes.

"Key umma, why did you leave us without saying anything? Do you know how worried we were? Then we heard you resigned... And... And... And..." All his sentences dissolved into hardcore, uncontrollable sobs.


We had spent the rest of the afternoon out, they took me to the beach, to enjoy the cool sea breeze. None of us said a word. We all feared the one thing, and as I looked at the three of them, despite the fact that Jonghyun was absent, I had my second heavest regret in my heart, I couldn't spend forever with them, let alone one more week. But at least my wish was fufiled, I got to see them once last time, one final time, and say goodbye, forever.


We got back to the hospital around evening. The moment we most feared was drawing to a close. We huddled around in the tight circle. I didn't want to let go. I never wanted to let go, I wanted to stay this way, with the three of them... SHINee was a big part of my life, we accepted one another, supported one another, went through all of it  together. I can't believe it was all ending for me...


I closed my eyes and laid back on my bed, holding Onew's hand... Too tired to register anything, I heard beeping and people fussing about and then I went to sleep. [around 11:06pm ]


Jonghyun POV (for once)

a/n: this is all happening the same time as when Key got back to the hospital in the evening 

I got a text from Minho in the afternoon... "Key hyung is at Soonchunyang University Hospital , hurry."

I wanted to, believe me, I really wanted to run and see Key, even if it was for the last time... The only thing that was stopping me was manager hyung, I told him I needed to see Key and he said that this was more important and that Key was no longer in the band so why should I be giving a about him. But he doesn't understand! No one understands! I felt like kicking myself for not even knowing earlier, when the news hit that Key had quit and left us, only then did I realise that I loved Key, I'm in love with him. I can't let something like work stop me. It was dinner break and without manager-hyung knowing, I slipped out and ran on the streets, not caring that it was raining heavily or that people were staring like I was mad because I was crying too. I ran as fast as I could, as fast as my legs would carry me. The only thing in my mind  right now, the only thing that I cared about right that moment, was seeing Key.

Key, Key, Key.

I finally found my way to the hospital, falling twice but getting up because nothing was going to stop me from seeing Key.

I finally reached to the hospital, drenched in head to toe, bloody palms and knees, I looked like the living dead. I continued running through the corridors with tears overflowing in my eyes snd running down my cheeks stained with ruined makeup. [11:04pm]

Key. Key. Key.

I flung open the door... "Key?" [11:06pm]







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Awww so sad!
Its like lies by big bang mv hohoho sadddd :'(
OMG, u actually made me cry .. Oh I have nothing to say, my feelings are flooding T______T
banapple195 #4
this story is precious! <3 so flufffffy!
RukiKazama #5
Sequel ! (': I loved it !
SHINeexxxXD #6
Ilonahaku #7
Awww, it was sooo sad! T___T
Please, make a sequel! T_T It would be great if I could read a happy ending, but I would accept a sad sequel, too. :)
@lifespring, Hahaha, sorry darling but I can't make any promises ;)
@MomoKomo, Aww, thanks for the support :')
I can't wait for the next chapter. I want to read about SHINee's reaction...
No I love the story but I just don't want to reach the end T_T
Oh please please please a miracle has to happen.