Chapter 1

Tell me, won't you?



" Dear diary,

Do you know how difficult it is to love a person who doesn't love you back? Unrequited love I mean, your heart aches terribly for that person though you try and hide it with all your might, you can't? And it hurts so bad you just want to die? The longing feeling in your heart. It hurts. All that you can say is that, it hurts. And that's all you know. It hurts. That's the only thing that ever clouds your mind. It hurts. 

Everyone can see it in your eyes, funnily and ironically, everyone but the person you like love.

Thus once again, I am ending with a broken heart.

Love, Key"

I closed my book with a heavy sigh. But re-open it once again, flipping through the pages. If you looked carefully, all the entries were about the same person for the last 4 years. It's Jonghyun, Jonghyun, Jonghyun over and over again. Am I not pathetic?

I know that if I don't take action, nothing will hapen but the slight chance that if I do, he might not love me back, what else then should I do?

I closed the book once again and locked it away, saving once again, a piece of my aching heart.


"Well hello Key! How have you been!" greeted Dr. Lee as I opened the door.

"Meh.. It's managable I guess... On the surface..." I didn't exactly have the perfect life as people imagined me to have but only a few knew my secret, my heartaching secret, I was sick, for years, I never told anyone. Not a soul. That's why I was here. For my montthly check up.

Dr.Lee managed a small smile knowing my little secret but became serious again nonetheless, "Okay, I'll be taking a blood test, it won't hurt."

Key just rolled his eyes and turned away, he didn't feel so good looking at blood but he was used to the pain. Besides, nothing could be worse than the pain he felt in this throbbing heart.

~ an hour later ~

Stepping out into the cold air, Key breathed out, he cold wind his face. His mind was replaying only what the doctor had said to him. 

"I'll just say what is needed to make it easier. You have a week left. Cherish it, use it wisely and don't leave this world with regrets. Goodbye for the last time Key, I'm sure you won't be visitng here anymore." Dr.Lee managed another small smile and left.

A week? That meant 7 days, 168 hours, 10080 minutes, 604800  seconds left.

Why me? There were thousands, in fact, billions in this world, but why did I have to be the one infected by this disease?


Its been four days. I had three days left. One more day of my life and two useless days.

I held on to my resignation on my way to see Lee Soo Man sunbae, I told him it was a pleasure working in SHINee and with the whole SMEnt family and left his office, Lee Soo Man sunbae didn't ask any questions seeing my pale skin, sunken eyes, dark eye circles and my now very thin and small frame. He only wished me the best and allowed me to leave. Forever. My last request was to not tell my other band members until they found out themselves.

I went back to the dorm, which was empty as usual due to all their schedules, I packed my bag and left, looking back once before I closed the door behind me. The place held so many memories, be it sad or wonderful with the band members. Before I left, I went to the room me and Jonghyun shared and for the last time, took a whiff of Jonghyun's musky scent on his pillow and left, closing the door behind me.


Heeeellooo :)

Is this colour blinding?

I hope not xD It's Audrey here!!!! Yaaay :D

I'm sorry if this first chapter is short and not to your liking!!`

So because recently I've been stalking looking at all the angst Jongkey fanfics and because I've been shipping them for so long, well, why not write this?

So is it good?

Comments are loved okay? (: Critisizm not so much Nah, I love all of it <3 THANK YOUUU!! ^^

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Awww so sad!
Its like lies by big bang mv hohoho sadddd :'(
OMG, u actually made me cry .. Oh I have nothing to say, my feelings are flooding T______T
banapple195 #4
this story is precious! <3 so flufffffy!
RukiKazama #5
Sequel ! (': I loved it !
SHINeexxxXD #6
Ilonahaku #7
Awww, it was sooo sad! T___T
Please, make a sequel! T_T It would be great if I could read a happy ending, but I would accept a sad sequel, too. :)
@lifespring, Hahaha, sorry darling but I can't make any promises ;)
@MomoKomo, Aww, thanks for the support :')
I can't wait for the next chapter. I want to read about SHINee's reaction...
No I love the story but I just don't want to reach the end T_T
Oh please please please a miracle has to happen.