She's gone.

When The Love Stops ♥

Daehyun went outside from the house, he walked to the club. He walked inside and saw many people were dancing and drinking there.

He went to the drinking bar and ordered soju.

After an hour past, Daehyun drank 15 bottles of soju and he was completely drunk. Jongup were there since Daehyun want a mini ‘guard’.

He was fully drunk and sad at the same time, he kept drinking the soju even his friend said to stop but he just can't. His views were double vision and he felt very dizzy.

“Hyung, stop! It didn’t even released your stress..” Jongup shooked his body. “Aish, you little. Just watch me! It’s not you’re the one who control me!!” Daehyun shouted.

Jongup were scared at his hyung reaction, but he can’t stop just like that.

“It’s not good for your healthy…” Jongup said.

Daehyun looked at Jongup with a soft eyes and smiled a little. “Your words remind me of Hayeon..”


Daehyun and Hayeon were at a sweets shop, Hayeon only bought 2 lollipop. She was waiting for Daehyun and the counter.

To be shocked, Daehyun bought a lot of sweets.

“Daehyun, it’s not good for your healthy! It’s too sweet!”

Daehyun pouted and put the sweets back, Hayeon put her sweets smiled.


Daehyun went out from the club with Jongup but the worst was, he saw Hayeon walking in this heavy rain. She was all wet!

Hayeon were walking down the street as she feel the rain started to be heavy. Thunderstom were everywhere, she felt scared. She was crying but no one can see her tears because the rain were coming down to her cheeks also.

She can't keep the fact that she already broke up with her first love, Jung Daehyun.

“Is this the last time for me?” she whispered to herself.

She can’t feel anything, her view start to be blurred and she fainted on the ground. Everything went black..

Daehyun who saw everything, run to her and took her with Jongup using a taxi. “Hayeon-ah!” Daehyun who touched her face. Hayeon face very pale!

Jongup who looked Hayeon, he felt worried and made a call to his hyungs.

As soon as they arrived at the hospital, Hayeon were put on a wheel bad and being dragged to the emergency room. The nurses pushed Daehyun and Jongup away.

After an hour,

The doctor finally came out, the others were seriously worried. Daehyun were soaked with his wet clothes, he was shivering but thanks god, Youngjae lend him his jacket.

The doctor looked at them, with a worried + sad + happy face. Zelo looked at the doctor, “Is she okay?”

The doctor just nodded, “She just need a long rest.. You may visit her..” the doctor leave. All of them entered Hayeon’s hospital room.

They were happy to see her there smiling and playing with her fingers, “Oppa! Annyeong~ Junhong! Annyeong!” Hayeon smiled and waved.

“Ish, noona~! You even can go smiling like that.. If the other patients were weak..” Zelo looked at Hayeon and stuck his tongue out. “Aigoo, noona is strong!” Hayeon flashed a smile.

*Tchh! Strong what? You even faint..* Daehyun thought.

“Okay, guys. We need to go, Hayeon need to rest~” Yongguk said as he rubbed Hayeon’s hair and made it into messed. “Yeap, I wanna go to my new home..” Hayeon were biting her lips to hold her tears.

The others looked at each other, “AISH, I’m just joking~” Hayeon laughed. The others smiled because they were happy to see her laughed.

When the others about to walk out from the room, Hayeon had a hard time to breathe. The others saw her and they went back to her..

“Ju-jung D-D-Daehyun.. I—Lo-ve—you—.. Pl-ease ta-k-ke care..”

 “HAYEON!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!” Daehyun kneel down and hold her cold arms tightly. “Please come back! I don’t want you to go!”

Her heart stop beating. The others can’t believe it, she’s gone!


The heartbeat machine started to give a loud alarm, the doctor and nurse rushes to the room. The doctor felt sorry, he need to do what Hayeon wants. She didn’t want the others know that she’s having a brain cancer that were really serious.

"Is this when the love stops?" Daehyun cried and cried.


Sorry, I can't made a great one T^T It doesn't even make sense with chapter 1 ><

Really-really sorry! :( But hey, look forward to my new story "Lost In Love" ;)

I promise I'll finished my other story soon ^^

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MinjiLee #1
kyaa..i cried...;A; but anyway i like it.. :)
Your story is really good, english is pretty good too...but I cried on the last chapter!! D':
little-rainbow #3
Oh no! Don't die. Expect the unexpected. Over roll 100/100. Anyways I like the story. :)