The Jeonghan Situation

Your Skin On My Skin - Taemin's Story


Realizing I was in love with my best friend was like a slap in the face.


Finding out she was dating someone was more like being punched directly in the stomach with brass knuckles.


To be fair, I had realized my feelings about six months ago and had done nothing about them. Jiyeon had no idea how I felt so it’s not like I could get angry at her for agreeing to date a guy who seemed like a great person.


And I hated him for it.


Jeonghan was as perfect as they get. He was tall and naturally fair skinned. He had a slim but strong frame and large, double-lidded eyes. He had a high bridged, thin nose and great cheekbones. He looked exactly how all Koreans want to look, how management always encouraged us to look through plastic surgery or makeup tricks. But this guy, this Jeonghan, was all natural. And that pissed me off more.


Aside from his physical perfection he was also smart. He was a senior at a prestigious private high school and had been accepted, early decision, into the business program at Seoul National University. Arguably the best business program in the country.


When I met him at Jiyeon’s request he suggested we meet off campus so that I wasn’t mobbed by fans. He was entirely polite. He pulled out Jiyeon’s chair for her, let her order first and he stared at her adoringly. Jeonghan took interest in me and never once did he treat me like a third wheel nor did he fawn over me or act fake because I was famous. He was, to be quite honest, perfect in all ways. He was charming, funny, considerate. I could tell that Jiyeon was quite smitten with him and there was nothing I could do but grin and bear it.


Walking in to the dorm that evening, I practically threw my backpack on the floor and angrily stomped to the kitchen in my socked feet. Jonghyun was watching TV with Jinki but they lowered the volume upon my arrival.


“So, uh,” Jonghyun called from the couch. “How was coffee?”


Almost instantly Jinki hit Jonghyun in the arm. My feelings toward Jiyeon were no secret; in fact it seemed that everyone else knew my feelings before I did. In response to Jonghyun’s question I stabbed the foil top of a banana milk carton violently with a straw. Jonghyun and Jinki joined us in the kitchen silently.


“That bad, huh?” Key asked sympathetically from his spot in front of a stove.
“He’s a ing Korean Adonis for God’s sake,” I whined immediately. “He’s tall and handsome and smart and has goals and .”

“Oh, Taeminnie,” Jinki murmured gently, ruffling my hair. I drank my banana milk angrily and leaned against a cabinet.

“At least he’s a nice person,” Jonghyun offered weakly. “She could be dating a , you know.”

“I’d rather he was a . Then I could kick his .”

“Taemin,” Key deadpanned. “Look at yourself.”

“Okay, I’d ask Jonghyun-hyung or Minho-hyung to kick his ,” I relented.
“Tell me when and where,” Jonghyun grinned delightfully, making me smile back.

Jinki eyed Jonghyun disapprovingly. “Jonghyun.”


The younger just shrugged in response.


“Are you going to be okay?” Key asked, stirring a pot on the stove.

“Whatever, hyung. Give me some vegetables to angrily chop or something.”


With a sigh, he presented me with a plate of carrots and a knife block.


I selected the butcher’s knife.



Another update so quickly? I don't know I just got inspired I guess. A part two to this (the Jeonghan situation) will probably come out tomorrow.

This part is obviously pre YSOMS. The last part was post.

Please let me know what you all think! I know this is weird since it's all disjointed, but it's just things that pertain to Taemin's side of the Taemin/Jiyeon story that I feel are important to understanding his character. Does the lack of chronological order bother you?

Any thoughts are appreciated. =]

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so i swear i'm not dead or dying. just... the end of the semester and finals and all. lol


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Chapter 12: Like the main story, I loved this POV story <3
EmizLucifer #2
Chapter 12: Wonderful fic once again done! :D Looking forward to more of your fic ^^.
Chapter 11: I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better :) I was just going through my subs list yesterday, and when I came to this story I was wishing you would update. I was soo excited when I checked in later and you had :D This is a great chapter, to understand how Taemin views the events after the party, and how he blames himself. I hope the next update is soon (hint, hint) :) Also please continue to update "Hold Me" I love that story and am dying to know what happens next ... pretty please :)
billion_dollar_baby #4
Chapter 11: WOAAAH I can't even comprehend how you managed to fit all that in! No pressure with the story, just look after yourself D: we can always wait ^^ I really liked this chapter, well not like how Taemin was all depressed :-(( but it was a great chapter :D and I read the previous chapter before this one just to remind myself what was going on and HOLY DEHJFEGBKS that's my favourite chapter of anything EVER, the different ways they both needed eachother? Amazing *___* keep going! :) but don't push yourself if you have no time! :O I love this story XD
6Minlover #5
Chapter 10: like it! :)
EmizLucifer #6
wickedthunder02's comment. Totally agree ttm.
i love his reaction.
its realistic in a way.
small details come back to you slowly before the reality of what happened hits you full force.
and then you go into a state of shock.
Poor Taemin-ah. lol
Somehow, I wonder what would happen when Taemin would do this in real life? Choosing the butchers knife ^^
billion_dollar_baby #9
Hahaha this made me laugh xD I like how you keep all the other characters around acting in their own little ways^__^
billion_dollar_baby #10
Its just so awesome reading Taemins point of view, and its seems to fit really well with the original story xD