Love's Way


We fight a hundred times, and our hearts breaks a hundred times

But like tangled pieces of string,

our love can’t be pulled apart
We fix our faults, learn each other’s hearts
I know that one day,
only our happiness will be left

At first we couldn’t meet
But it is so different now
Still you don’t know how much
I want to keep on meeting you
You keep me alive
So that I can feel you
Even though we are so different
Our love will stay the same

I don’t want a love
that will evaporate away like soap bubbles
A love that will be felt without words,
That is the love I want
When you are with me,
You can’t ride in golden carriages
even in your dreams
But while you are still with me
I can make you smile

We think that star couples have a perfect relationship. But we don't know the hardships that they have to go through just to be with each other.


I continued to stare at the tiny plus mark on the tiny stick as tears fell down my cheeks....

I was so confused....

"I'm pregnant" I cried


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smiley_me #1
It's really interesting!! Update soon!! :)