PSD #4 + recent poster + colorization + advertisement

grace of beauty {resources site}

click to download

I'll be posting one psd at the moment. COMMENT down if downloaded. I made this a while ago as well, tell me what you think! ^^

a second trial on colorization and still not impressed >_<

a free poster for grab! Tell me if you'd like to have this poster for a story and I'll add your username on it!




writing and graphic challenges

featuring ze:a - like a phoenix, baby!




Extreme Quality Site, or Exquisite, was started by LADYGENERAL (previously as iamaninjadude.) alongside angelo_david in year 2010. We provided graphics, fanfic reviews and one-shots. After a long hiatus of over two years, Exquisite is back with its awesomely-epic-you'll--and--okay-maybe-it-really-ain't-that-cool new services: graphic and writing challenges! 
GRAPHIC                                                                                                WRITING
First place                                                                                          First place
- one gold banner                                                                   - one gold banner
- wall of awesomeness                                                 - wall of awesomeness
- shop/story ad on the thread                             - shop/story ad on the thread
- one kpop album of choice                                   - one kpop poster of choice
Second place                                                                              *Second place
- one silver banner                                                              - one silver banner
- shop/story ad on the thread                             - shop/story ad on the thread
Third place                                                                                      *Third place
- one bronze banner                                                           - one bronze banner
- shop/story ad on the thread                             - shop/story ad on the thread
*Runner-ups                                                                                    *Runner-ups
- appreciation award                                                        - appreciation award
*if you want some graphic goodies from me, I'll offer them too.
Join the contest and prove to people that you can!
(credit gifs to it's owner + text to LADYGENERAL)



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Thank you!
posted some sites that could help you! might be posting ones in tumblr/DA!


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mochae #1
supporting c:
-lovelies #2
Chapter 7: thank you for the psds! c:
really appreciate it ♥
oh-raindrop #3
Chapter 7: thank you for the psds! ♥
Chapter 7: Happy birthdaay unnie >u< *throws confetti*
junghwannie #5
Chapter 4: I saw starlite there! thank you for getting my resource center in the list ^^
lethargic #6
@gd-love; it would take some time for me to update because of my tight schedule. I would try updating it very soon if I am free. Thank you! ^^
Can't wait for your next update! Loving your graphics so much ^_^
lethargic #8
@this-ipromise-you; thank you! ^^
@sunnybunny14; at last somebody shared their work! Omg. Hmm it's pretty but I wonder why it looks so plain LOL nice job though! ^^
heyaaaaa! I used followed your star struck tutorial in making this poster but I made some changes
I really loved that tutorial :D