yoona's pov

Apple Desire (because SM ent. have secrets,,,,,)


Chapter 6:

Yoona’s pov


Kris loses his tongue, I didn’t asked either, I used all my forced to drag him out of our room, away from the love birds, I was doubting at first, but he went with the acting that I started, and April fool’s day was just an excuse. We had stopped the war, for now, but not totally.

“Are you okay?” I asked as we headed back to the company, he told me that he wanted to go back, when I asked him where will I drop him, then he was silent again.

Our practice can wait, I need to baby sit him for a while.

He covered his face as we walk inside in the building lucky that there are just few people inside and they are busy enough to notice us, Kris made a few turns before he decided to sit in a bench on the corner, peering down at the glass window, we had reach the 7th floor of the building, no more people went here, Kris needs and wants to be alone.

But I am not that intelligent enough to understand that, because my heart tells me that he needs me, that he needs someone to be in his side in his   broken situation, I sat beside him, looking particularly at his wound.

“Let’s cure that,”

He looks at me for a while and gaze back again to the reverie that he is watching, maybe he is still picturing what had happened earlier.

“It’s nothing much compare to the pain in my heart,”


I know I was hit by those words to.

“Why did you help me?”


“I need to know,”

Shall I say everything that my heart contains?

“Why would I not?”

“I asked first, I should know the reason,”

“Why would I not helped you and thus my reason matters?” he is confused about my reply, he crooks his brows looking at me.

I can see a perfect example of the past Seohyun, current me and him in his eyes.


“Why would I not help you?”

“You’re just repeating it; you’re not giving a good answer,” I chuckled at his irritating response.

 I exhaled deeply before looking for words to explain why I helped him.

“You’re looking at Seohyun while Seohyun is looking at Kyuhyun oppa,” I tried to sound as jolly as I can ,” remember when you were in preschool before, you’re teacher will align you in a straight line, you’re standing at the back of Seohyun, while she stands behind  Kyuhyun oppa, and at your back stands number of girls, including me,,” I’ll chuckle but I thinks those explanation just made him bewilder.

Why does it is really hard to say these things in my chest?

I feel like I am not Im Yoona every time I am him, I can’t lie a perfect lie, nor can utter a decent joke, I feel like, I’m senseless?

“I need water,” I stands up, excusing myself I can’t stand the perplex stares that he is giving me, I never thought that he is this stupid.

After getting two bottles of water, I went back to where I left Kris.

Glad that he is still there, in his deep thoughts.

“Explain in detail,” he raise more like ordering me to speak up, I stand in front of him, he look up to me, with those beautiful orbs that Seohyun failed to see.

I think it’s now or never,

“To put it simply, you love Seohyun, Seohyun love Kyuhyun Oppa, while I love you!” there I said it, three complicated hard words.

But maybe I just made him more confound.

I’ve been liking him since the first time that I saw him, everyone have their own fear, and my fear is I am afraid of being caught, I mastered  Freud’s defense mechanism’s projection.

 I tried to ease the tension by laughing at his epic reaction.

“This is just a joke right?”


Lesson learned, don’t joke too much because when the time comes that you’re telling the truth, no one will believe you.


I didn’t nod, nor deny, maybe he’s not yet ready, but I am willing to wait until he finally open up for me.

“Here,” I handed him the other bottle of water, hesitantly he took it.

“That will help,” I said smiling at him,” you know what you still have the same expression from three years ago, I didn’t know that my confession will make you nervous like how you did before you went in the audition room, ”I put emphasize on the word confession, I smile at him, and you didn’t even say thank you at that time!” I sneer at him, hoping in some way I will make him feel better,

I check the time, our practice, I can’t be late or else I will receive a mountain of nagging from Taeyoon unnie.

“I have to go, and Kris don’t try to kill yourself, arasso!” I threaten him before making step away from him.

I bet he is not that stupid who will kill himself.


I was surprise when he called my name, I stop and look back, he stands up holding the bottle up,

“Thank you for this, I didn’t know it was you before?!” he told me, his voice is a bit weird.

“Because you didn’t look up that’s why you didn’t realize that was me,” I answered back, yes he snob me before, the next thing I know he is now standing in front of me.

“I’m sorry,”

“why are you sorry for?” the last time I checked he never done anything wrong from me, aside from the fact that he didn’t return my feelings which he is oblivious off until  earlier.

“If I just looked up that time,” he pause, it’s my time to be confuse, my phone rings, its Yuri calling,

“I need to go,” the elevator open, I gave a last smile at him,

“From now own, I’ll be looking at my back, I’ll be looking at you, I made a mistake, and it’s not too late to correct it back right?”

“Eh?!” I asked him confuse,

“It should have been you,” a smile form in his face, that’s the last word of him before the elevator close between us.

Okay, what did he mean by that?

I am touching my chest the whole time, his smile; I can’t help but to love him more.



I was left in the practice room sitting at the side, wiping the sweat in my face and neck,  it’s already 9 in the evening, I am still working in a certain dance routine, I shoed Hyoyeon away, I bothered her enough.

Okay I just wanted to be alone, I’m still not ready yet to go home, face and explain another lies to Seohyun, if Seohyun was Kyuhyun oppa’s stalker, Kris is her stalker, then you can say that I am Kris stalker.

That’s how this pattern of us flaws, I’ve been liking him secretly that’s why I tried to make a way to converse to him, but our conversation always focus on particular person,  our maknae, I set aside the thought first, but later on as I keep  my eyes on him, his eyes were fix on hers.

Ironic, I know,   I got dumped before I could confess.  He had found out that Seohyun likes Kyuhyun oppa, then he accidentally discover Seohyun’s writing in Asianfanfics, actually it was me who  suggested for her to used Kris character as the male lead, then everything came out of hand, they became secret friends without Seohyun’s knowing that it was him. 

It makes me sad, what if they fell in love then? I really want Seohyun to be with my Kyuhyun oppa, she loves him for too long, but at the same time I don’t want to see Kris hurt even though his happiness is not with me.

I didn’t know what the right thing to do .

There’s no perfect formula in this situation.

This morning I overheard from Tao that Kris left, he didn’t said where he went, the realization that I also caught Kyuhyun oppa leaving the building made me shiver.

They must be heading the same way, so my instinct took over and followed suit.

I shouted his name as Kyuhyun oppa ride in the elevator but his brain is already occupied with things that he didn’t hear me.

It was bad.

I took the stairway up to our floor, I was panting real hard then I overhear them shouting, most empowered by Kyuhyun’s oppa’s angered voice. As I went in, I saw Kris on the floor his lips bleeding, my heart ache seeing him in that pathetic state trying to catch a girl that will never be his.   Then the lies came out, I can’t just stand there seeing him hurt.





“Where will you ever see me instead?” I whisper in the air, no one will hear.


“Are you finished?” maybe I just wish to see Kris that’s why I am hearing his voice but as I look to my side, he is there, walking towards me, his hands in his pocket, smiling, as if he was not hurt by an incident this morning.

“What are you doing here?” I asked still confuse.

He scratch the back of his neck before he response,

“Waiting for you and if you will agree eat dinner with you, I’m kind a hungry and I know that you haven’t eaten yet,”

“Why?” I asked again, if it’s way of thanking me earlier, he doesn’t have too, but dinner, seems like a good idea. To start a new.

“I told you earlier, it should have been you,” those lines made me confuse again., my heart is beating crazily , if he keeps on doing this I might fall even more.

“Come, I have a lot of explaining to do.” He extends his hand and lifts me up.  I blush at that contact, I thought he will let go my hand afterwards but he didn’t, he presses it gently and look at me in the eyes.

“What’s got in to you?” I asked before I got lost with his mesmerizing gaze.

He took my hand and places it in his chest.




Can I assume things?  Can I say that those speed heartbeats are because of me?


“You got in to me and it took me stupid years before I realize that,” the next thing I know he crash his lips in to mine, I’ll just ask him later, over or after the dinner. If this is his way to forget Seohyun, I will gladly help him.





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chapter 4 is up, kris pov


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really nice, but it's pretty weird at first! kkkk~
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
Chapter 6: Wowowowow it like a never ended circle :)
Chapter 6: woaaaah~ full of twists!!
expect the unexpecteds!
really like it, my jaw kinda kept falling because of the surprises

good writing, write more :)
Chapter 6: Wow!!! Your stories are full of twists :D
But it really works ^^
And the ending is good :)
Every one is happy ^__^
i know this story is really confusing!LOL!
After completing it, i realized that i just messed up. but anyways i completed it, no matter what !
i know this story is really confusing!LOL!
After completing it, i realized that i just messed up. but anyways i completed it, no matter what !
Chapter 6: Is that the end? Good story! It had a lot of twists, and I made everything a lot more suspenseful! Sometimes confusing, but I loved it!
Chapter 5: Okay, this chapter was hectic!! And confusing!!
Chapter 2: The first chapter was confusing... But I think I get it now xD I sha'll continue reading. :)