Chapter 1

Body Guard
*Yawn* "Hah. What a beautiful day it is, dont you think so Robert!?" Kayla smiled and looked at her dog Robert as he barked and jumped onto her bed. "AAH!!! Hahahaha! Robert get off! I have to get to school!" She shoved Robert off of her and bounced off her bed, then there was a slight knock on the door. "Yes? Who is it?" She said quickly changing into her green v-neck and black jeans. Even though she asked, she knew exactly who it was. "It's Kyle. May i come in, Kayla?" Kayla froze. He wants to come in!? He has never done so!!!! She had a mini heart attck, running around her room, throwing her clothes in her closet as if they were there the whole time, not on the floor growning mold.... After she finished throwing things into hidden places to make it look as if her room was clean, she answered him, "Yes! Sorry for not answering right away!" She then threw herself on her bed, then sitting up as if she was just chillin. Not freaking out that the guy she absolutely loved was coming into her room. Then the door opened and Kyle came in. "It's alright. I don't mind waiting," he said with a gentle smile on his face. KAbOoM!!!! Kayla just about had a nose bleed right on the spot. "..god he is so cute...." She thought trying not to die. "S-so what's up Kyle!? Um.. di- did you need anything!?" He smiled again," No, I just came to check on you. Breakfast is ready though, it's your favorite," he said grinning. " going to die if you keep this up Kyle......" She muttered under her breath. "Alright! I will be down in a second! I have to get my stuff ready." "One. Seconds over, time to eat!" He grabbed her by the wrist and practically flew out of her room. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "KAYLA!? ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" Kayla was sprawled out on the floor, from a loss of blood. "Kyle....why...are you.... SO GODDAMN CUTE!?!?" She got up with her fingers pinching the bridge of her nose. "I'm alright Mom! I just kinda flew down the stairs too fast." She went to sit in her spot at the table and stared at all the food. "Kayla? You're drooling you know," Kyle said handing her a napkin. Shocked, she grabbed the napkin and wiped her face..... It wasn't her fault though. Who could blame her with crispy bacon, chocolate waffles with maple syrup, cheesy scrambled eggs, and fresh toast with nutella on it!? Once her mom sat down, she dug in. "ARIGATO GO SAIMASU!!!!!!" Kayla and her anime......gotta love it though. Everyone laghed and said the same thing, but them quickly grabbed what they wanted before she ate it. *sigh~* "That. Was absolutly delicious! Thanks Mom! Alright! Lets go Kyle!" She wrapped her arm around his and dragged him out the front door. She was blushing the moment she touched him. "God it's going to be a long day," she thought yet happy with Kyle by her side.
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SushiEatingPandaz #1
Please tell me how it is! I dont want to continue the story if people dont like it....