The Unexpected

Iced Matcha Chocolatte with a shot of Caramel


Okay, Sunggyu, breathe. You have ten minutes. It’s not the first time you’ve been out on a date. You’ve been out a million times. And by a million, I mean twice. But that’s okay. Twice is still twice. That’s two times, quite the effort, I think.



It’ll be okay. Right? Yeah. Sure it’ll be fine. I’m sure we’ll just go out for a movie or something cliché people do these days.



Or maybe to the amusement park? I should’ve brought an extra jacket, it’s freezing tonight. I haven’t had fairy floss in years, that’d be nice.



He wouldn’t have forgotten right? No way, he seemed pretty reliable. What are you talking about, Sunggyu. He’s a stranger, you don’t even know his name. All he did was wink.

But oh, a wink was enough.

I giggled like a fangirl to myself as I reminisced over the experience this morning.



Oh god. What if he stood me up? What am I going to do? This is so embarrassing. I should’ve told Yeol to wait around or something, I’m just sitting here looking like I have nothing else to do. Okay maybe I’ll go grab a cloth and clean the table agai-


“Hi there.”




Shocked at how I didn’t even hear the bell ring because I was too caught up in my thoughts, I turned around and saw the stranger standing oh so handsome with his hands tucked into his front pockets of his black jeans.

Oh, we match.


I gave a nervous laugh and smiled,

“Hey stranger.”


I put down the cloth and moved out of my seat to meet him in front of the door, next to the wooden clock.

“You’re early.”


“By a minute.” He replied, with a hint of mischief in his eye.



Seem like someone had their eye on their watch too.


He walked slowly up to me, not losing eye contact and stood right in front of me before reaching out his hand,

“Well I thought it was about time my mind stopped thinking about this cute barista I met at this amazing coffee shop and officially introduce myself,” He grinned.


Oh that was so greasy, but his grin. His grin.


I reached my hand out and answered,

“Well, you already know my name. May I have the honour of knowing yours, my knight in shining black jeans?”

Two can play at this game.


He gave a deep chuckle and shook my hand enthusiastically, as if meeting your best friend from kindergarten.

“Nam Woohyun.”


I think I was going to like this date.


After a few more pointless exchanging of what seemed like Shakespearean language, I closed up the shop and wrapped my grey scarf around my neck tightly as I stood at the front doors. Staring at my feet, I waited for the strang- Woohyun, I mean, to tell me where we were going for the night.


“It’s a secret.”

“What is?”

“Where I’m taking you.” He simply responded. How did he even know what I was thinking?

“Oh, mysterious aren’t we.” I gave a shy smile, a little bit excited.


He led me to a dark royal blue Mercedes, opening the front door like a gentleman, and ushered me inside. I felt the leather surface underneath my finger tips and drummed my fingers lightly as I waited for him to get into the car himself.

“I’m impressed. Not bad for a first date, already bribing me with a nice car.” I grinned cheekily.

He smiled and gave a wink, “Wait til you see where I take you then.”

That was enough to keep me smiling all night.


When we finally arrived at the destination, it was already 8:29, but I wasn’t complaining. We had a carefree conversation in the car that seemed like it could go on forever. I was surprised at how it wasn’t awkward at all, despite my occasional slip ups and stuttering, I got to learn more about this mysterious character called Woohyun.


So here’s what I found out within the twenty nine minute car ride;

Nam Woohyun. Age 21. An aspiring chef, he told me. His parents were wealthy and owned about three of the high skyscrapers in inner Seoul. Although his parents wanted him to take over the company one day, he refused and worked hard and earned the money to be educated at the best culinary school in Korea. I mused at the kind of opportunities he had, they were all amazing, but yet he gave them up to be a chef because it’s what he wanted to do ever since he was young. I developed great respect for him, and my impression of him was just getting better and better, well that is, until we arrived at our destination.



A taco shop.

“Here we are.” He turned off the ignition and got out of the car.

I stared at the bright green and yellow lights, almost blinding, which carried the words ‘the best Mexican you’ll experience in town!’. To be honest, I think it’s the only Mexican restaurant I’ll experience in the whole of Korea, actually.

I gave a laugh and opened the door,

He really is out of the ordinary.


“Tacos? Really?”

“Hey now, what do you have against tacos?” He looked at me, with an over exaggerated gasp.

I lightly hit him on the shoulder, "nothing. Just didn’t expect something like that from you.”

“To expect the unexpected shows-“

“- A thoroughly modern intellect”. I finished the quote off for him. I raised my eyebrow in surprise.

An Oscar Wilde fan.

I like him already.


He gave a look of uncertainty and surprise before smiling, as if knowingly.

“Should’ve known you would know it”. He simply stated.

I hummed in reply, over the moon that at least someone of this century still shared my passion for reading.  


We settled into the nice, quaint restaurant. It was cosy, the lights were slightly dimmed, and soft violins filled the soothing atmosphere. The restaurant as already filling with people, and despite the time, the cold weather, and the obvious fact that we were having Mexican food, I felt like there was no better place than to spend our first date.


He ordered for the two of us, assuming correctly that I had no idea what a Chimichanga or even close to what it was. I sipped my water slowly as he finished talking with the waitress. He handed back the menus and turned his full attention away from the flirting waitress and stared right into my eyes.

A bit surprised, I leaned back into my chair, trying to grow accustomed to these unique chairs twisted out of straw. I nervously twiddled with my thumbs until I took a deep breath and glanced up. Just to see Woohyun hadn’t even averted his eyes.

He gave a light smile before asking me,

“Is this okay? I’ve never done this before. Like I have, but not like this. I’ve never taken anyone out for Mexican on our first date”. He combed his fingers through his hair nervously.

“Well, it’s different.”

“A good different? Or like a bad different? I don’t want to make you scarred for life and like never come out with me on a date ever again or something. I mean-“. He could’ve rambled on forever if I hadn’t touched his hands gently on the table.

“Woohyun, calm down. It’s wonderful. I didn’t know you could get nervous like this too.” I with a smile.

“I usually don’t. It’s just, you make me nervous. A lot. And I don’t know if I’m doing anything right.” He looked away in embarrassment.

I chuckled and gave him an assuring pat on the hand.

“Well, young one. You have a lot to learn, but you’ll get there.”





“Yeah?” I looked up from the delicious taco I was about to crunch on. It looked amazing, perfectly crisped, with the perfect amount of lettuce, the perfect amount of sauce, and the perfect amount of beef, it was just perfect.

“What do you call someone else’s cheese?”

“Um. I don’t know? Woohyun what are you on abo-“

“Nacho cheese.”



A silent moment passed before I burst into laughter. Woohyun kept a straight face until he couldn’t take it anymore and laughed alongside with me.

“That was lame. I can’t believe I laughed. I feel a bit ashamed of myself at even thinking about it being a joke.”

“Please, you thought it was funny. Admit it.”

I continued to chuckle, wiping a tear away from my eye.

“Yeah, okay whatever you say, Hyun.”


Before you ask, yes. We got onto a nickname basis. He was intent on calling me hamster, because apparently I looked like one, but when I threatened to call him namstar, he immediately closed his mouth and decided with a simple ‘gyu’.

The rest of the night was filled with amazing tacos, my first hand experience with a Chimichanga, sitting in uncomfortable looking but strangely comfy straw chairs, lame jokes and pointless chatter.

What your blood type”



“One. He’s a hyung. I’m sure he’d love to meet you some day, he’s in Europe right now though. On a business trip for my dad. Duty calls.” He shrugged and grinned.

I hummed in response, raising the glass of water to my lips. I think Noona would like Woohyun, well, she’d definitely approve of his fashion sense. Maybe one day..

“Love or money?”

I paused before glancing straight into his eyes,


He smiled and I felt myself blushing as I quickly thought of another question to continue on our little game.

“Favourite colour?”

He hesitated before stating



A moment passed before I realised what Woohyun said and laughed loudly.

“What? Of all colours, I thought you were more of the gloomy shades type. Not pink, what are you, Barbie?” I teased.

“Oh stop it. It’s…relaxing”

“Relaxing?” I raised my eyebrow with a smirk.

“Okay. Fine, so I like pink. Big deal. Hold on, Gyu, I’m going to go get the tab”. He started out of his chair and walked to the front desk.

I nodded in reply, and sat back in my chair.


Tonight was so not what I expected. It was already getting late, but I didn’t want to leave Woohyun yet. Knowing I had to wake up early to open the coffee shop, yeah at times like these I kind of wished I didn’t run a business, I got up to meet Woohyun at the front doors, with the intention of going back to the shop.

“Not yet.” He whispered, but loud enough for me to be able to hear him, even over the loud chatter of the family of five sitting closest to us.

He gently grabbed my hand and squeezed it, mentally telling me to follow him wherever he was taking me. I bit my lip and nodded, I shouldn’t but I want to, oh screw the shop. I’ll worry about my eye bags tomorrow.

We started down the avenue. Winter was certainly coming in on the street of Seoul as a thin layer of snow glazed the surface of the asphalt road. I took a deep breath of fresh air and exhaled, condensing the air around me. Christmas decorations were already beginning to appear, that reminded me of the old boxes at the back of my storeroom that contained the fairy lights, baubles, and other ornaments that I decorated my café in annually. I’d have to get that started again. Tomorrow, I thought to myself.

We walked peacefully for a few moments before we stopped in front of a park. There was a marble fountain situated in amidst the faded coloured trees, with streams of water sprinkling down the sides. I stared at it in amazement as I placed my other hand, (the one not holding Woohyuns) through each drop of water. I cheekily flicked it at Woohyun and he flinched in surprise before he himself started flicking drops of water onto my hair. I shivered at its coldness and Woohyun immediately took off his jacket.

I gave a noise of protest but he gently shook his head and placed his jacket over my shoulders,

“You need it more than I do.” He whispered into my ear,

I felt his warm breath tickle my neck and I couldn’t help but smile at how perfect this moment was.

I felt him lean in and I nervously closed my eyes as I awaited the inevitable.



Well that was until a little girl decided to start crying. Oh, destiny, why must you play with my feelings.

I pulled away and looked at the little girl of six years old, tears streaming down her face as she waddled towards us, alone.

I immediately ran to meet her and I knelt down on my knees.

“Are you okay? What’s wrong, why are you crying?”


She continued sobbing, and I hugged her until she was reasonably calm.

“I can’t find my umma. Oppa can you please help me?” I glanced around worriedly, it was nearly eleven at night, it was so dangerous for a little girl her age to be wandering around this late.

“Hyun, what should we do?” I looked towards the dazed man, maybe he was a little bit disappointed in not being able to continue what would’ve ended a perfect date. And I’m not going to lie, but I was too.

He looked at me with a light smile and grabbed the little girls hand,

“Its okay, your oppa and I are going to help find your umma, okay? Don’t cry, didn’t anyone tell you that you look prettiest when you smile?” The little girl immediately sniffed and wiped the remaining tears out of her eyes and smiled cheekily.

Oh what a sweet talker. Che, kids these days.


With one hand in Woohyuns, and the other in mine, the little girl had us walking around the park, up and down the street for fifteen minutes, talking about animated television shows, the little boy she met on the first day of kindergarten, to even what she felt like eating. Which was chocolate ice cream, despite this cold weather, I shivered at the thought of it.

We saw a distressed middle aged woman run towards us, with her arms spread wide.

Hyesung ah! Oh my gosh, I’ve been looking for you for hours! Where were you?” she swept her daughter up into her arms and looked at us gratefully. I recognised her as one of my regular customers, the one who couldn’t take caffeine? Yeah that’s the one.

I gave her a smile in recognition and she thanked us over and over again.

I knew I’d see her later when she’d visit my shop at 9:55 am so I didn’t bother to say good bye and wish her the best, instead I offered her an assuring smile that it was all okay and told Hyesung she should visit the shop sometime. She nodded eagerly and gave Woohyun and me a bear hug.

As I pulled away, Woohyun continued to kneel on the floor, at Hyesung’s height.

“Hyesung ah, next time remember to tell your umma where you’re going okay? If you’re a good girl, Sunggyu Oppa and I will treat you to a really big cup of chocolate ice cream okay?”

“Really?!” Hyesung squealed loudly in disbelief.

She frantically nodded and stuck out her pinkie “you promise?”

“I promise.”

Woohyun nodded reassuringly, looping his pinkie onto the tiny hand of the little girl we had just met fifteen minutes earlier.


I smiled at Woohyun’s simply yet meaningful gesture. Seeing the caring side of him made me like him so much more. And it was incredible how much closer we have gotten just from one night. As we walked back to his car, hand in hand, of course, we smiled sweetly at each other and the unspoken words were so much more meaningful through our peaceful silence.

He dropped me off back at my apartment and by then it was nearly midnight. I rubbed my eyes as I realised the time, I had never forgotten to keep track of time before. I must have been just so caught up in the moment.

“Alright then.” He turned to face me.

“Alright.” I simply stated, and gave a light chuckle.

I’ll see you tomorrow?” He whispered, with a hopeful tone in his husky voice.

“Yeah, you’ll know where to find me, right?” I smiled gently.

“I’ll surprise you. When you least expect it.” He grinned happily.

“Hmm, I’ll be waiting.” I nodded with a faint smile as I pulled away from his hands and unlocked the apartment door.

He slowly turned away and started for the elevator, giving a small wave good bye.


Well, that is, before giving a soft kiss on the cheek.

And as expected, yes. I blushed and a crimson red shade spread across my cheeks.


He whispered, before actually leaving this time. Grinning all the way out and leaving me standing there like a blushing idiot for yet another ten full seconds after he was gone.


Damn. He really needs to stop doing that to me.





how was the date? i settled for mexican food, the taco joke made me die laughing the first time (yes i am lame), so i had to put that in there.

despite my headache which is still killing me right now, i managed to typed this up for you guys! i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed typing it.

To be honest, this whole story is what i would love to experience :') if only my life was as interesting as this hahah.

anyway, good night and please do leave a comment if you want! :D


thank you new subscribers! :)

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finally replied all the comments *cries sorry for the lateness! hope to see you all on my new fic in dec!


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709 streak #1
Chapter 17: Still one of the sweetest scene
709 streak #2
Chapter 1: I’m here again ❤️
709 streak #3
Chapter 20: i need that same woohyun in my life 🥰
dgh2673 #4
Chapter 21: it was nice
thanks 🙏💙
dgh2673 #5
Chapter 5: they were cute 😍
dgh2673 #6
Chapter 1: wow like it
hope it would be good until the end 😍
Simran20 #7
Back to read this master piece again❤️.
Chapter 21: so sweeetttt~ my woogyu is perfectly define the words lovely and sweet. I'm in love with this <3
Thank you for making this authornim ^^
Chapter 2: Literally only on chapter 2 AND IN LOVE