A Day of Roses

Iced Matcha Chocolatte with a shot of Caramel

With my side bag on my left shoulder and a paper bag of cookies in my right hand, I scrambled down the street, straight out of the metal gates of the university. My lecture finished a little late, and I had told Junhyung that I would meet him in a couple of minutes. I gave my watch a check one more time to mentally calculate how many minutes I could spare before my bus would arrive at the stop. A rush of students surrounded me as we all tried to get on the bus, desperate to beat the peak hour. 

I felt my bag slide off my shoulder as a girl smiled apologetically to me as she rushed to get inside the bus, I gave a loud sigh and decided just to walk to Junhyung’s house. It was only a few blocks away anyway, and my sense of direction did not fail me as I had walked upon the same road for the third time this week.

I passed the local coffee shop and refrained from the temptation of getting a caffeine fix before my lesson. I walked past the glass doors as a couple of girls exited the shop, giggling as their eyes landed on me and smiled shyly. I gave a polite smile back as I let the aroma of coffee beans fill my senses and used that opportunity to observe the other customers inside the shop. 

It was the busiest time of the day for any coffee shop really, as students were let out, and workers finished their final shift. There were loud conversations overriding each other and orders being yelled across the shop as cups of coffee tinkled gently as the ceramic cups were placed down by their respective customers. I decided to give into temptation and was about to push the door open before my eyes landed on a familiar face. 

I saw the all too familiar man conversing with a girl in a business suit as he laughed at something she said. I slightly narrowed my eyes but felt nothing for it as I pretended to text on my phone, hoping the pair did not notice me. I observed them from behind a girl with bleached hair, her split ends obvious, and a strong smell of hairspray met my nostrils as I wrinkled my face slightly in disapproval. 

Choi land and building services, I read on the stranger’s briefcase.

Well, she certainly had a stable job. Maybe they were just friends, I told myself, as I tried to make sense of the situation.

"Gyu?" I looked up as I heard my name being called by the very man I was thinking of in front of me; Woohyun.

"What are you doing here?"

"Ah I, um, class just finished. And I was about to go to Junhyung’s house for an assignment."

"Oh." His face dropped as he lowered his eyes.

"You've been spending a lot of time with Junhyung lately." He voiced out his thoughts, eyes still cast downwards.

"Yeah, like I said, assignments and stuff." I lied and nervously glanced away, pretending to check my watch. I knew I was already late, but I didn’t want Junhyung to have to wait for me for this long. I decided against my coffee and exited the long line in front of the counter.

"Hyun I gotta go, sorry. I'll catch you later yeah?" I pecked him on the cheek as he nodded, a little bit hesitant. 

 I wanted to ask him who the girl was. I would’ve been lying if I said I wasn’t curious, and maybe even a little bit worried, but I decided it would have to wait, as getting the song ready was first on my priorities list.

I wanted this to be perfect, no, it had to be perfect.



“How's the song going?"

Junhyung asked me in a light tone. His girlfriend, a beautiful girl with light chestnut hair was cooking dinner for us as Junhyung sat down patiently with me, handing me over his guitar.

"I've written all the words, I just need to work a little bit on the chords and I'll be done." I said with a tone of excitement as I propped the guitar up on my knee, already beginning to place my fingers on the nylon strings.

"Great! Okay let's go from yesterday, so here's the E minor..." 

We continued playing and perfecting the song as he taught with me with much patience and understanding. Junhyung was my senior and was also studying music as a major. I knew he was talented; he had a whole fan club to show it, but I was actually blown away at all the instruments that he could play: guitar, of course, being one of them.

"Oh Sunggyu it sounds wonderful!" Hara exclaimed as I played it to her once, finally finishing the final product ready to be played in just a couple of days. I smiled gratefully as I waved away the compliment. Hara placed her hands on her boyfriend’s shoulder and Junhyung nodded enthusiastically with an equally wide smile,  

"Woohyun’s going to be a very happy man."

I smiled and I thought of my own boyfriend’s cheesy grin,

I really hope so.



I rolled over and felt a heavy arm around my neck as I groaned into my pillow. I sniffed at the overly sweet scent of the figure lying next to me, his legs sprawled and blankets neglected at the bottom of the bed, as I blinked my eyes furiously. The sun had well risen by then, and I squinted as a ray of sunlight sneaked past through the crack in my velvet curtains. I turned my aching neck towards my alarm clock which flashed in great red numbers ten past eleven. Luckily it was a Saturday, or else I would’ve missed my lecture for sure. 

I lay in bed, simply staring at the top of my ceiling as I let a familiar tune ring in my head. I had finished my song last night with Junhyung and I was more than happy with it. My fingers still ached from the plucking of the nylon strings and I gently sighed as I ran my fingers against each other, feeling the small calluses forming, the toughness already seeping through my once soft fingers. I gently smiled to myself as I remembered the day,

Today was Valentine’s Day.


I heard the soft rustle of my bed sheets before I felt a foot dig into my side and a firm amount of pressure was applied into it, pushing me off the edge of the bed. I fell with a great oomph and stared furiously at the figure, now sitting up, hanging his legs off the side of my bed. 

“Oops. Sorry hyung.” Sungjong grinned sheepishly as he ignored the glare I was giving him.

My bones were aching, damn I need to get out more, and I felt like I’d developed a bruise on my backside that would last for a week. I decided that the floor was better than nothing before laying down, face down on my furry carpet.

Sungjong scoffed and kicked me over with his pink fluffy slippers, an expression of disgust on his face. 

“Hyung, you do know how much dust there is on that…thing. right?”

“Yeah, I’ll worry about my face later. Sleep first. Dinner…later. Woohyun…said…i… later.” I mumbled incoherently into my floor, breathing deep sighs as I relaxed my entire body onto the floor. 

The slam of the bathroom door and the shower being told me that Sungjong had given up on me and decided to tend to his daily beauty routine. I smiled to myself and stared up at the ceiling, wondering what today would bring. 



It was nearly noon when I finally made my way out my of bedroom doors. Sungjong had finally let me take control of the mirror and I managed to freshen up before walking out of my room like a zombie with no eyes. No surprise there though.

A sweet scent filled my nose, pancakes? I thought to myself as I walked into the lounge, I could smell a thick smell of some kind of fresh-


I literally halted in my steps and my jaw dropped open as I stared at the bouquets of different coloured roses which filled my entire lounge. There would have been at least fifty baskets full of the fresh flowers, the strong scent hitting me more than ever. I scrambled around in shock and saw a large plate of pancakes on the marble kitchen bench. Sungjong was flipping lazily through one of his fashion magazines with his own plate nearly destroyed by his fork as he ate his own share of berry pancakes with a grin.

“Believe me, I was surprised too.”

I chucked a pillow from the coach into his face as I turned away and blushed slightly, still amazed at the sight.

Boy, imagine if I were allergic to flowers… 

I looked at each bouquet and noticed a tag on each of them, tied into place by a silk pink ribbon. 

Sungjong pointed at the one in the far right corner without looking at me, still too engrossed with his pancakes to care.

“Try that one over that. That’s the first one.”


I walked over to the corner and felt around for the tag, already smiling as I peered at the roses closely. I flipped over the tag with the number one on it as I peered at the neat cursive writing. 


‘July fifth, the meeting.’

Attached to it was a small photo of myself in the familiar old green apron around my waist as I was brewing a cup of coffee for a customer. I was unaware of the picture being taken and I lightly smiled as I reminisced over the encounter with Woohyun, immediately blushing as I remembered my awkwardness. I still remembered him ordering the Matcha Chocolatte with a shot of Caramel as if it were yesterday. 


Number two. 

‘The drink.’

Attached to it was the all too familiar horrid drink which brought us together in the first place, and a conversation that led to me stuttering like a nervous wreck.


Number three. 

‘July fifteenth, Tacos.’

I smiled widely as I flipped through the takeaway menu of the Mexican restaurant known as the place of our first date. 


Number four. 

‘July twentieth, confessions.’

A picture of us two standing at the lighthouse, the city lights flashing and the waves crashing behind us, our cheeks pale and nose slightly red from the cold, our hands clasped firmly together. 


Number five.

‘Calling you my boyfriend.’

I nodded slightly at this one as I remembered the photograph being taken in front of his parents’ house’s front doorsteps. The rose he had picked out from the bush in my right hand, and my other hand in his. I was smiling shyly at the camera while Woohyun was staring at me, his eyes full of happiness and a smile that reached his sides. 


I flipped over tag after tag, untying them and putting them in a pile as I swept through the lounge, reminiscing after every moment that Woohyun had captured in the moment and wanted us to remember. This was our whole relationship documented in just a few simply words written in cursive ink. I laughed at my boyfriend’s cheesiness and realised that really, I shouldn’t have been surprised in the first place.

This was Nam Woohyun we were talking about. 


I finished reading through all the tags, and finally seated myself down next to Sungjong, who by then was staring eagerly at my share of pancakes. I gave him a small shake of my head and could not get rid of the smile that I knew was going to stay on my lips for the rest of the night. 

I picked up my fork and hummed lightly to myself in contentment.

“That happy, huh?” Sungjong laughed as he picked up a blueberry with his fork. 

“More than you’ll ever know, Jongie.” I laughed as I placed a strawberry in my mouth. I sighed happily as I felt the sweetness mixed with maple syrup fill my tastebuds.



A small place card was sitting in front of my plate which I had not realised until Sungjong pointed it out with his maple syrup covered fork. I gave him a stern look to make sure he didn’t make a mess of things, before reading the note, a smile immediately gracing my face as I took a mouthful of pancakes. If it were anyone else but Nam Woohyun, I would’ve cringed at the corniness. 

‘See you tonight, Gyu.

Your valentine.’


But since it was Woohyun, I could do nothing more but smile like an idiot and count down the seconds until the doorbell would ring that night at exactly quarter past seven. 



As I opened my front door I nearly gave another gasp as yet another bouquet of roses was into my face. I immediately laughed and pushed the flowers away before being greeted by the face of Woohyun. I gave a wide smile and hugged him, his arms automatically closing around me as a reflex. 

“Thank you for the roses, Hyun. I love them, and especially the tags.” I mumbled into his neck as I breathed in his soft vanilla scent, mixing in with the smell of roses.

He chuckled and nodded, 

“I’m glad, wasn’t easy bringing in all those flowers into the apartment without waking you up.”

“By the way, how on earth did you get into my apartment?” I turned towards him with my mouth slightly gapped open as I slapped him on the arm.

He laughed and turned away, avoiding the question with a grin, before grabbing my hand and dragging me towards his car. 


I already knew we were going to go to a restaurant but I had no idea it was going to be the one Woohyun worked at. Adding onto that, I had no idea that there would not be a single customer in sight apart from the staff and the head chef. I hesitated for a few seconds as I thought back to my original plan of asking Mr Jung to help me out by saving us a table to spend dessert in the restaurant afterhours, where I could give my own gift to Woohyun in the comfort of his well, own restaurant.

I wiped my hands nervously on my trousers as I gave a slightly confused look in Mr Jung’s direction as we passed him by the door. He gave a small assuring nod of his head with a smile and a subtle wink when Woohyun wasn’t looking. 

I gave a small sigh of relief and turned my attention towards the table Woohyun was dragging me towards. I was so caught up in my plans that I didn’t even realise that the whole restaurant had transformed into something completely different to the usual classy, clean scrubbed tiles feel. There were red roses all around the floor, and candles surrounding our single table in the middle of the whole restaurant under the chandelier. The candles provided us with enough light to see and small specks of light that reflected off the glass diamonds above us were beautiful. 

I looked towards Woohyun, who was looking at me expectantly, his fingers unclenching and clenching again.

I knew enough that he was nervous, I patted his hand and assured him that I loved it. 

“It’s perfect.”


“I couldn’t ask for anything more. Hyun, I can’t even-“

“It’s fine. I did it all for you, and as long as you keep that smile on your face then there’s not one single thing I regret.”

“Except maybe cutting the tags too quickly, I got a papercut on my thumb.” He slightly pouted as I laughed and leant across the table to give him a light kiss.

“Thank you, Nam Woohyun, for being the greasiest man alive, and the most perfect boyfriend in the world. And I’ll treat your paper cut later at home, okay?” I gave a soft laugh before sitting back in my chair, the white napkin spread out on my lap. 


Mr. Jung approached us with a wide grin and a bottle of wine in his hand.

“Evening, lovebirds.” He smirked as he poured the deep crimson liquid into our glasses. I felt my cheeks heat up while I listened to Woohyun ramble on about what we were having for dinner. Mr. Jung simply shook his head and waved away his worries, 

“Not to fear, apprentice. Everything will be perfect. You know I only accept the best.”
 Woohyun chuckled and nodded in agreement as the head chef walked away, going back into the kitchen to keep everything in check. 


A couple of glasses of wine later, the only remains on the plate of Italian cuisine were light streaks of the béchamel sauce, betraying the ceramic dish’s cleanliness by a slight measure. I gave out a contented sigh as I watched Woohyun wipe his hands lightly on his napkin before getting up, patting a crease out of his dark jeans.

"May have I have this dance?" He turned towards me with an outstretched hand, his palm facing towards the ceiling, and an expectant look in his eye.

"Don't be silly Woohyun, there's no music." I laughed slightly as I raised my eyebrows, but nevertheless, taking hold of his open hand.

He smirked at me before clicking his fingers together, a loud snap piercing the otherwise silent restaurant. An orchestral piece immediately started playing, the gentle strings filling the air as it attempted to elevate the romantic atmosphere even further.

I gave a look of surprise and slapped his arm lightly,

"Why are you so overly romantic?"

"Didn't anyone tell you my middle name's grease?" He chuckled as he spun me around to draw me closer.

"Yeah, I named it for you." I whispered as I reached my arms around Woohyun’s neck, his arms circling my waist as we swayed softly from side to side, our gazes fixated upon each other. 


The song ended as Woohyun gave me a final twirl and drew me back in with a gentle tug, ending our dance with a content smile on both of our faces. I gave a small laugh as I realised what we were doing, and how outrageous we would’ve looked standing there in the middle of an empty restaurant. Woohyun brushed a strand of my hair that had fallen into my eye, and I smiled in reply, remembering my gift that I had yet to give. My turn.

I cleared my throat as I pulled away from Woohyun telling him I'd be back in a minute, excusing myself to go to the bathroom.  

I met the Mr Jung in the kitchen and he handed my guitar with a smile,

“So far so good, eh?”

“You didn’t tell me you were planning our dinner too, chef. I thought-“

“Yeah, well, guess you two complement each other too well when you know you’ve picked the right person and right place for your valentine’s dinner.”

“And plus, isn’t it nice that we all get a surprise somewhere along the way?” He smiled as he patted my shoulder gently.

I nodded and smiled in reply,

“Thank you. Really, for everything, chef.”

“Glad to help, now go serenade your oblivious boyfriend who thinks you’re still in the toilet.” He gave me a gentle push towards the door.

“Oh, and tell Woohyun I expect him back in the kitchen tomorrow morning. No excuses.”

I laughed and gave him a small wave of the hand in acknowledgement as I pushed the white doors open with a deep breath.


I light strummed the first chord on the guitar before I opened my mouth,

Woohyun turned towards me in surprise and immediately smiled widely as he saw me playing the guitar. He shook his head in disbelief and his eyes followed my every step as I moved closer to him, eventually sitting down on the table opposite his chair as I started singing. 

I should’ve said it first but
Finally, I am sitting across from you
Talking about things that only we understand
And finally getting ready to say it

I see your smile from far away
I can’t forget those lips that called my name for the first time
The twinkling eyes that only looked at me
I’ll be better, I’ll say it more
I’ll love you more

We walked here together, we cried together
You’re the only one that I could never forget
Good days and bad days will come
But the only person I think of is you

I’m so grateful that I know you, that I got to meet you
I’ll grow this much to always love you
Again and always, I’m living in longing
Already, already, I’m thinking of the memories

The fluttering wishes, yeah
The confession that I never made
I will tell you while looking at your eyes
The love that remains in me
I want to give it to you now


“Happy Valentine’s Day, Woohyun.”

I whispered gently as I strummed the last chord with a smile. Woohyun was speechless, unable to even blink as his expression was filled with a smile that reached his eyes. I awkwardly stood there for a second before putting the guitar down, feeling a firm hand on my arm as I was brought into Woohyun’s arms.

He gave a soft sigh and wrapped his arms tightly around me as he whispered little compliments and sent butterfly kisses along my jaw that would keep me blushing the whole night. 

“Beautiful, Gyu, really.. I-I, thank you.”

“No, thank you. The dinner was great, the roses, Hyun, just everything. It’s perfect.”

“You’re perfect.” He mumbled softly into my neck as he tightened his arms around me, our chests touching and our warmth radiating onto each other.

I heard him whisper something, but I couldn’t catch it, too preoccupied with the lips that were now against mine and a hand gently brushing the back of my neck as he drew me closer.  




"Were you jealous?" I whispered softly as I leaned back into Woohyun’s chest.

We were back at Woohyun’s apartment, in our usual position on the leather couch as we spent the rest of the night relaxing and being in each other’s company.

After all, I don’t think either of us could handle any more romantic moments for the day. 


"Not even a little bit?" I pouted slightly as I looked at him, my eyebrows slightly raised.

"No." He said as he shook his head stubbornly.

I shyly kissed him lightly on the cheek as I whispered into his ear,

"Oh really now?" I teased, blowing lightly into his ear.

"Okay fine. A little bit." he turned to look at me, his eyebrows furrowed slightly, And a light blush on his cheeks as he admitted defeat.

"You could've asked me you know, to teach you guitar. Instead of that Junhun."

“Yeah, but then it would've ruined the surprise, Hyun, and his name is Junhyung.”

“I don’t care.”

Woohyun looked away and turned his attention towards the television, ignoring my laugh as I pushed him away, getting up from the couch to grab another packet of crisps which we had finished within the minute. 


“And he has a girlfriend." I called loudly from the pantry, immediately grabbing the attention of my jealous boyfriend. I walked back to the couch slowly with a small smile.

"Oh." His eyes suddenly lit up as he grabbed the packet of crisps from my hand, 

"Okay then." He smiled as he pulled me back down onto his lap and continued crunching loudly on the crispy grained snack, a wide grin replacing his frown. I grinned and laid my head on his shoulder, feeling the side of his jaw move slightly against mine as he ate the snack greedily. 


A couple of minutes later, I heard the man next to me clear his throat before grabbing another crisp,

“I still don’t want you hanging out with him.” He gave me a stern look before turning his face away, the pout resuming on his handsome face, which I couldn’t help but admire,

but still. 


“Yah, Nam Woohyun!”




So throw a bunch of thorned roses in my face or whatever to get rid of the cringe fluff right there^ i know it's far off Valentine's day in real life, but i'm sure we can all imagine it well enough haha!

and before you ask, no i did not write Sunggyu's song he sang to Woohyun, it's actually  a mix of With, Amazing, Paradise, White confession, I like you, and In the summer all together and i changed some words around to make it fit better, which surprisingly, some of it worked haha! so it's not just my corniness, it's infinite's fluff they created themselves, :P

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and i'm so sorry for the late chapter! My hectic week finally ended and then i just lazed around and nearly suffered from AFF withdrawal symptoms haha!

Thanks for your comments & subscribing! <3

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finally replied all the comments *cries sorry for the lateness! hope to see you all on my new fic in dec!


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709 streak #1
Chapter 17: Still one of the sweetest scene
709 streak #2
Chapter 1: I’m here again ❤️
709 streak #3
Chapter 20: i need that same woohyun in my life 🥰
dgh2673 #4
Chapter 21: it was nice
thanks 🙏💙
dgh2673 #5
Chapter 5: they were cute 😍
dgh2673 #6
Chapter 1: wow like it
hope it would be good until the end 😍
Simran20 #7
Back to read this master piece again❤️.
Chapter 21: so sweeetttt~ my woogyu is perfectly define the words lovely and sweet. I'm in love with this <3
Thank you for making this authornim ^^
Chapter 2: Literally only on chapter 2 AND IN LOVE