A night for a Diva and the appearance of the Devil Incarnate

Iced Matcha Chocolatte with a shot of Caramel


There was a grand entrance leading into a modern, white tiled house, filled with balloons the colour of the rainbow, and complete with streamers and glitter everywhere. If it were anyone else it would've been considered childish.

But then again, it was Sungjong we were talking about here.

There was a side bar filled with at least four bartenders tending to a whole crowd of people who had just arrived and wanted a free drink. The majority of the party was already outside, filling up the backyard, as loud conversations occurred over the blaring speakers and flashing lights.

I peered around for the sight of the birthday boy, holding a box in front of me as I carried the beautifully decorated chocolate cake, with the courtesy of Woohyun, of course.

My other hand was in the grasp of the said man, who was looking around curiously at the countless numbers of teenagers who were here to celebrate a good night. His head lightly bobbed to the music and he pulled gently on my hand as he dragged us towards the living room, where it was slightly quieter and where we would be able to carry a conversation without straining both our ears and voices. A massive pile of presents had accumulated at the middle of the lounge room from the large cohort of both girls and boys from Sungjong’s old high school and from our university.


“Sungjong sure knows how to throw a party.” Woohyun smirked at me, before shrugging his leather jacket off of his shoulder.

“Of course, it’s his biggest talent, after learning kpop girl dances, that is.” I laughed and nodded as he pointed his chin towards the bar, suggesting that we get a drink.

The music was blaring and people were lining up to exit the double spread of glass doors to go out to where the party was. There were fairy lights lit around the pool as well as the garden which, for that night, acted as the dance floor for the hundred of eager and slightly tipsy early twenties. I looked at each of them with a look of slight disapproval before shaking my head at how old I was acting; they’re young, they better enjoy it while they can.

A skinny figure in a suit with a red bowtie caught my eye across the ocean of people dressed in casual suits and semi formal cocktail dresses.

"SUNGJONG AH" I yelled over the crowd, battling with the music in the background.
The newly aged twenty year old looked towards me and with a big smile, waved like a mad man.

I gave him a thumbs up and mouthed, ‘great party’. To which he squealed in delight and waved his hand around to brush off the compliment. He bounced across the room, ignoring the bleached blonde girl in a short red sequined dress, towards Woohyun and me.


He gave us each a hug and smiled a toothy grin as he peered inside the paper box at the grand chocolate cake.

“Thank you so much hyungs! It looks amazing, and you know there’s nothing I love more than sweets!” He exclaimed in excitement as he clapped his hands together cutely. Oh he’ll never stop being my baby cousin, I thought to myself as I wiped an imaginary tear off of my face.

“When did you start growing up so fast, Jongie?” I shouted into his ear as he hugged me, giving us his thanks.

“Since you started growing up just as fast when Grandma died, hyung.” He whispered gently into my ear, pulling away to look at me directly in the eye.

I gave a sad smile and patted his head,

“Happy birthday, Jong, hope you have a great night and please don’t do anything too irrational.” I wished him my best wishes in a motherly tone.

He nodded quickly with a great big smile and gave Woohyun and I another big hug before welcoming his other guests for the night.



A couple of drinks later and a few hours of random chatting with new and old friends, Woohyun and I finally walked out of the doors of Sungjong’s house with a satisfied smile and a light breeze gently blowing through our hair. I shivered at the slight contact with the cold as I stepped out, obviously not wearing enough for the late night.

The party seemed like it was going to last forever, but I was honestly getting tired and too old for all this partying. Woohyun agreed and held my hand, a little tense from the night. I looked at him in a sideways glance, and saw his eyebrows furrowed slightly, and his lips downturned, in a confused and even perhaps angered expression.


I thought back to the night as I remember talking to Dongwoo and Hoya, who were of course, invited as well, when Woohyun had excused himself due to an important phone call of some sort. I looked at him for a brief moment asking if everything was okay, and he just gave a light smile and told me not to worry. But how could I not when he appeared so obviously worked up and anxious about something?

Dongwoo and Hoya had decided to hit up the dance floor, or should I say hit up each other, and I was left to find my missing boyfriend in amongst the crowd.

I wandered my way around the party until I saw the familiar pathway of stones leading up to Sungjong’s hidden fountain behind his house. I had been there many times and it was a place for the both of us to relax and to hang out as close friends.


I walked silently, humming lightly to the pop song that was playing in the background, before I heard a new voice come into my line of hearing.

“No. I mean-, no appa, you know I don’t mean that. Please- can you just- look, let me expl- no stop it, I can’t do this anymore.” A muffled voice muttered angrily. I realised it was Woohyun and I halted in my steps, listening before interrupting his phone call with his father.

“I wish you’d just- look, never mind. I’ll talk to you later. Tell Boohyun I’ll call him later too. Yes. I understand. I know. J-just give me a few days.” He gave an exasperated sigh and swept his fingers through his hair in anger and frustration.


I walked towards him, and patted his arm before wrapping my arms around his waist and lay my head upon his shoulder, trying to calm his anger just a little bit.

He softened his tone and he muttered a little bit more into the phone before hanging up and placing the mobile device into the back of his pocket.

He turned to look at me with a sad smile and hugged me, allowing me to comfort him. I lightly hummed a lullaby and he gave a small sigh before leaning forward to give me a light peck.

“Not the best night, I presume?” I whispered into his ear as he brought me back into his arms.

“Yeah.” He simply stated, and grabbed my hand before nodding his head towards the front doors.

“But you make it so much more bearable, trust me.” He smiled and shrugged out of his jacket, putting it lightly on my shoulders to keep me warm.

I would’ve been lying if I said I wasn’t curious about the phone call, but I knew that Woohyun would tell me in his own time. And if not, then maybe it was something he needed to keep to himself for the time being. Sure, I was curious, but being a comforting and supportive boyfriend came first. Always.

I hummed in reply and squeezed Woohyun’s hand gently as we began our way home.




It was already eight am when my alarm clock went off, the loud buzz echoing around my apartment. I gave an exhausted sigh and rolled around in my bed, lazing around before deciding that if I didn’t get a move on, I’d be late to class. Today was the last rehearsal before Jonghyun and my performance in front of the class which accounted for half our semester’s marks.

So yeah, I think Jonghyun would appreciate me being there, as I knew firsthand how anxious he got before performances.



Oh crap, I’m going to be late. I quickly brewed a strong black coffee, added a few drips of milk and a spoonful of sugar before inhaling the scent. Ah, I’ve missed this feeling. I thought to myself before rushing to butter a wholemeal piece of bread and grabbed my backpack, hoping I wasn’t about to miss the only bus that would bring me to University on time on a Monday morning.


As soon as I had finished locking the door to the apartment I turned around towards the elevator, but slammed face first into the most annoying, yet caring and loving woman I had ever met. My noona.

“Ow! Noona, what are you doing here? Isn’t it way too early for you to be awake anyway?”

She rubbed at her forehead, in pain. She then proceeded to lightly punch my head as she scoffed at me in reply.

“Don’t tell me you forget today was the day we organised for your suit to be fitted?”

“fitted for what?” I muttered, trying to ease the pain now on both my forehead and the side of my head.

“Don’t make me hit you again, Kim Sunggyu. How could you forget your own sister’s wedding?” She took a sharp intake of breath and narrowed her eyes, the clear hatred evident in her almond shaped eyes which mirrored my own. It was in that moment that I knew I had screwed up my hard work in up to my sister over the years.



I quickly put my hands up in front of my face in protection and also in surrender as I begged for my sister’s forgiveness.

“I-I mean, of course I remember! How could I forget?” I peeked from beneath my spread fingers at the fuming, slightly red faced, female.

She sniffed loudly and flicker her hair slightly to the side, ignoring the fact that I had just most probably given her the biggest insult of her life.

“You’re lucky I’m in a good mood, because you’re coming to pick my wedding dress with me. Now.” She emphasised loudly, giving me no choice.

I sighed inwardly, I guess Jonghyun would have to wait a little longer.


So here’s a little bit about my very own sister, who looked too much alike me for my own liking. Name: Kim Yong Eun. She has five years on me, and since the day I came out of our mother’s womb, she has never let me forget it. She’s currently working as an interior designer, with a well reputed name, and is doing exceptionally well at the age of twenty seven. Even though she is as naggy as our mother, and as nosy as the reporters working for the top gossip magazines, she is my one and only sister. She is the first person I would tell everything and anything to. But I guess I knew better because…


“So tell me about this Wooyong guy again?”

“It’s Woohyun, noona. How many times do I need to correct you?” I fumbled a long apology in the form of a text message to Jonghyun, half listening to what my noona was trying to ask me.

“Yeah. Same thing, it’s not my fault you refer to him as the most amazing, most hot, most gentleman like, mo-“

“Okay. Stop. You are not to mention a single word of this to anyone, okay?” I glared at her from beneath my fringe, making sure she understood.

She simply laughed and patted my head,

“Oh you’re growing up so fast, what is your noona going to do without her little hamster?” She teased, as she gently ruffled my hair.

I swatted her hand away in slight annoyance and crinkled my nose,

“Oh I don’t know, continue fangirling about Yunho as if there were no tomorrow?” I suggested, with a sarcastic smile.

“Ah. yeah, I guess so.” She shrugged and smiled lovingly out the window, as if just thinking about her husband-to-be was enough to keep her in good spirits.


I laughed and too looked at out the window, sighing as I saw the all too familiar wedding attire shops that were located around the area of our old house we lived in with our parents. My mother stood in front of the car door, and patted away a crease in her yellow summer dress as she squealed in delight at the sight of me. I hadn’t seen her or my sister in the last few weeks, due to the assignment which occupied the majority of my time.

“Oh Sunggyu, so glad you didn’t forget about today!” She gave me a warm hug, allowing me to inhale the familiar husky smell of one of the Chanel perfumes. I forget, what are we, up to Chanel number 10 now? I thought to myself, slightly confused.

Noona scoffed and rolled her eyes, “Oh he did, Umma. I had to go there personally to drag him, kicking and screaming, from his very own front door.” She said overdramatically, grabbing her handbag and making her way inside the glass doors, passing the numerous displays of beautiful white wedding dresses and attires fit for any formal occasion.

My mother looked at me knowingly and patted my arm, before dragging me into the shop,

“At least you’re here now, right?” She smiled.



It took nearly three hours for noona to pick the perfect wedding dress, that didn’t make her like oh too fat, or too bony, or too stuck up. I spent the majority of the time flipping through GQ magazines and occasionally texting Woohyun, who was only able to reply once in a while when his hands were clean of the sticky dough that was required to make a type of bread with a fancy name, which I didn’t bother to remember.

“Sunggyu, what do you think of this one?”

“I think-“

“Yeah? I think so too. Great, I’ll get it.” She cut me off, too amazed at her own reflection to even listen to what I had to say, which was what I had been saying for the past three hours.

I sighed and gave a small nod, before getting up from the leather couch to the shop assistant who was now ready to fit me in my very own tailored suit.


“Someone looks good.” A low male voice caught my attention as I stared at myself in the floor length mirror.

My future brother in law smirked at me, and gently patted my shoulder.

“I better watch out, what am I going to do when my own bride’s brother looks better than me, huh?” He laughed, as he straightened his own tie.

“Hyung! You know that will never happen, and you better make sure Noona doesn’t catch you here. You know how she wants the dress to be a surprise.” I exclaimed, looking around nervously for any sign of the female devil incarnate. I meant to say, my sister.

She already left, she said it was only ‘fair’ that my suit would be a surprise too. I guess she doesn’t realise that all suits basically look exactly the same.” He shrugged, as he grabbed another suit to try on.

“Are you sure you want to do this hyung? I mean, noona’s one of the most inconsiderate, nosy, loud, and ev-“

“Yeah, but I still love her for it.” He said, with a genuine smile.

“I don’t know whether to say you’re lucky you’re in love, or unlucky for being in love with my sister.” I asked with slightly furrowed eyebrows.

Yunho laughed and patted my head,

“you’ll find out when you find someone you love. No matter what they’re like, you’ll accept every bad thing about them and learn to love them just as much as you love their good characteristics. As cheesy as it sounds, I guess it’s what love does to you.” Yunho said wisely, as he straightened up in yet another suit.

“I’ll think I’ll take this one.” He hummed to himself, giving the suit a look of approval before turning to me.

“But I have a feeling you already know what I’m talking about, am I right?” He said with a knowing smile.

I blushed and waved a hand in denial,

“Ah, I don’t know hyung.” I looked down at my feet, slightly embarrassed.

He walked back into the change room and closed the red velvet curtains, to change back into his casual attire, leaving me there standing alone in front of the mirror, staring off into space as I thought about what he said.


“Then you’ll soon find out.” He simply stated.




SO sungjong's one year older and Yunho makes an appearance, i would've loved to add in a yunjae shipping but sadly gyu has a sister :')

and i'm am totally so so excited about this but i got 100 subscribers!! yay! i never even thought i would get 10 when i began this fic and i can't tell you all how grateful i am for all the love you have shown me! please do continue to comment and read my fic, it means so much to me :)

anyway i've started writing the next chapter so hopefully you wont have to wait too long!

do shout me a comment and let me know what you thought of the chapter!

thank you all <3





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finally replied all the comments *cries sorry for the lateness! hope to see you all on my new fic in dec!


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801 streak #1
Chapter 17: Still one of the sweetest scene
801 streak #2
Chapter 1: I’m here again ❤️
801 streak #3
Chapter 20: i need that same woohyun in my life 🥰
dgh2673 #4
Chapter 21: it was nice
thanks 🙏💙
dgh2673 #5
Chapter 5: they were cute 😍
dgh2673 #6
Chapter 1: wow like it
hope it would be good until the end 😍
Simran20 #7
Back to read this master piece again❤️.
Chapter 21: so sweeetttt~ my woogyu is perfectly define the words lovely and sweet. I'm in love with this <3
Thank you for making this authornim ^^
Chapter 2: Literally only on chapter 2 AND IN LOVE