Meet the parents

Iced Matcha Chocolatte with a shot of Caramel


It wasn’t until Woohyun lightly tapped her on the shoulder and shook his head with a chuckle that she finally released me.


“Oh, you’re right, Woohyun, he’s absolutely adorable!” She squealed in delight as she patted her son on the right shoulder with a nod of approval.

I gave a nervous laugh and looked at Woohyun with uncertainty but amusement.

He shrugged apologetically and started walking towards a long hallway filled with antique furniture and ancient paintings worth millions lined on the wall.


I stood there awkwardly as I watched him walk away, but Woohyun’s mother immediately grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the kitchen.

“Woohyun tells me you know how to cook too. Even though Woohyun’s a chef trainee, he never helps his old umma in the kitchen. You’ll help me out though, right?” She said excitedly as her eyes twinkled in delight.

I laughed and nodded, grateful that the welcoming and cheesy Nam gene ran throughout the family.


After a couple of hours in the amazingly clean, and white tiled kitchen, complete with every single appliance, yet another chandelier, and a dozen maids helping us, we finally finished making dinner which was, in actual fact, a magnificent feast. There were at least five different cuisines, ranging from dishes with spiced turkey, baked lobster, steamed chicken, grilled beef, to even plates and plates of beautiful desserts.

The maids were all so funny and outgoing, they looked as if they genuinely enjoyed working in the Nam household and loved every moment of it. I was even able to teach Woohyun’s mother about differentiating between the different tastes of different types of coffee beans. She said it would make Woohyun’s appa a very happy man if she were able to make the perfect coffee for her husband.

There were times when I was just too amazed at the whole environment of it all, and I couldn’t believe that I had been welcomed so warmly and well, accepted, by Woohyun’s mother. I laughed and gently shook my head as I remembered how freaked out I was before coming here tonight.

I washed my hands with soap, before taking off my white apron to hang on the side door of the kitchen. Woohyun’s umma was already outside ushering the maids around to put down the numerous plates of food in their specific places on the long glass table outside in the dining room.

Actually,now I think of it, where was Woohyun?

I hadn’t seen him for about two hours ever since I got here. It was as if he knew his mum would’ve just taken care of me. I lightly chuckled as I realised that maybe this was exactly his plan, for me to get closer to his mother. Hmmm.


I started humming a soft lullaby of my favourite song when I felt a pair of warm arms wrap around my waist. I immediately froze, but softened as I recognised the gentle touch of Woohyun.

His hair was freshly shampooed as I inhaled the all too familiar vanilla scent. I gave a soft chuckle as I turned around to face him and gently hit him on the arm,

“Yah. How dare you leave me all alone for two hours. I could’ve been bullied or like lost in this great big house of yours and starving to death or something.” I scolded him childishly, bringing out my melodramatic emotions.

He gave a loud chuckle before grabbing my hand,

“Well were you being bullied?”

“No, definitely not.”

“Then it’s all good.” He simply stated, before dragging me by the hand out into the dining room.

I smiled at my boyfriend’s naivety and followed him outside.



We were all seated at the dinner table, as almost two hours of pleasant chatter and eating passed by quickly. I was introduced to Woohyun’s dad, who also looked exactly like his son, and shared the same humour as me. He was extremely worked up about Lee Enterprises taking my coffee shop, to the point where I had to tell Woohyun to tell his dad that it was okay, and with a single look, Woohyun was able to silence his father, as the older man nodded and hummed in understanding.

Woohyun’s parents were extremely keen to find out even more things about me. However, it wasn’t in a creepy i-want-to-know-everything-about-you-before-i-let-you-date-my-son, but it was as if they showed genuine interest in my oh so very boring life, and it wasn’t an uncomfortable atmosphere at all.

I surprisingly had a lot of fun joking around, trying different foods I had never tried before, and even made my specialised coffee for each of them, to which they expressed great joy and complimented me to no end.

I smiled shyly and waved their compliments aside,

“I’ll definitely make it for you again, Mr Nam!”I expressed excitedly as he shared a wide smile with me. His love for coffee was to an extent that was comparable to mine, and I felt that we would be able to bond over the subject almost immediately after first meeting him, to which we did.


By the end of the night, we sat comfortably in front of a widescreen plasma TV, which was softly playing the newest instalment of the drama series that Mrs Nam had been eagerly chasing for the past month. I, too, was watching before I felt a photo album being shoved onto my lap.

I felt Woohyun stiffen next to me and sit up tall as he tried to pull the elegantly bounded leather book off my lap.

But to no avail, as Mr Nam immediately gave him a look which made Woohyun shut up and sit tight.

Hah, so that’s how you control Woohyun…

Mrs Nam squealed in delight as she quickly turned the TV on mute.

“Oh Sunggyu, you’re going to love this! Our little Woo use to look like a girl, with his long hair and all!”She laughed as she flipped to the first page.


A large picture of Woohyun as a baby stared back at me.

I literally laughed out loud as whatever hair he had was tied into two side pony tails, complete with little red ribbons.

I looked up at Woohyun and saw him look away in embarrassment, but I assured him but giving him a wide smile and mouthed ‘you’re so cute’, towards him.

To which he further slumped his shoulders and lightly pouted.


Mrs Nam eagerly turned the next page as she started telling me about Woohyun’s little quirks and habits which he had developed when he was young and some he still had, which continued to annoy his mother to no end.

“Oh, that was when he won his first singing competition in middle school! I remember crying a waterfall that day; he made his Umma so proud.”She sniffed as she reminisced over the photo of Woohyun standing amongst a large crowd, holding a microphone and singing passionately into it, ignoring the bright lights shining all around him.

“First place? I’m somehow not so convinced.” I challenged Woohyun with a playful smile. He loudly scoffed and turned away, whereas Mrs Nam just giggled at his childishness.

“I guess he’ll have to sing to me sometime then.” I gave a small wink towards Woohyun as he pretended to look disinterested in his entire life documented within a bound album.

“I’m sure he’ll find the perfect opportunity for that one day.” Mrs Name looked at him with a stern look, as if transmitting an entire conversation through telepathy, the only direct contact being her eyes.

“Oh! This is one of my favourites-“


Mrs Nam continued to show me every photograph they had taken on holidays, graduations, school trips, even to the countless competitions Woohyun had been involved in since primary school. I listened intently to each story behind each photograph, and smiled and giggled at each unforgettable or adorable photo of my boyfriend.

Definitely perfect for some blackmail, I thought with a sly smile.



It was already nearly 10 o’clock when Woohyun’s parents left us alone in the lounge room. After a final exchange of greetings and “please do come back again”, and Mr Nam’s “I can’t wait for another coffee made by you, they’re simply magnificent!”, I gave a loud exhale of relief and slight tiredness as I reflected over the whole night.

Woohyun snuggled closer to me and whispered into my ear,


“So what?”I teased, as I continued flipping through one of the ten photo albums we had already looked through during the night.

“How are they?”he questioned curiously. I remained silent.

“I mean, I know they’re not like normal parents. They’re very nosy and-“

“No, I love them. They’re so welcoming, I can see where you get your good looks and bubbly personality from.” I looked directly into his eyes and smiled widely.

He laughed and nodded, beginning to hum a familiar tune as he continued watching me look through his photos.


Before I could reach for another photo album, Woohyun got up off the couch and gently took my hand, leading me towards a double set of glass doors. To be honest, I had been through so many glass doors in the house I had no clue as to where we were going.

The doors opened up and a large swimming pool, complete with lights and a diving board accompanying the side of the large rectangle of water. There were numerous solar powered lamps lined across the back garden, complete with yet another impressive collection of flowers and marble statues.

Crickets softly chirped in the background, and a mockingbird whistled a tune in the dark night. There was a soft breeze, gently rustling the leaves around the garden, creating soft whispers in the otherwise still night. Woohyun let go of my hand as we were met with a great expanse of grass and a large picnic rug that lay on top of it.

He lay down and looked up at me, expecting me to do the same.

I tilted my head slightly in curiosity and with a laugh, lay down next to him.

He started humming one of his favourite songs again, and after hearing it so many times, I too hummed along with him. We wordlessly developed harmonies and although we were simply humming, it created a moment of peace and a well needed means of relaxation.


I looked up at the sky and stared at each star that twinkled against the dark blue canopy. I let out a sigh of appreciation,

“You’d never be able to see something like this in the city. It’s beautiful.”I softly whispered, not wanting to ruin the peacefulness and calming atmosphere.

Woohyun hummed in reply and stared intently at the constellation of stars.


“Have you ever wanted to wish upon a shooting star?” He asked me, slightly turning his head towards me.

I gently nodded, and smiled,

“Yeah, but wouldn’t it just be so cheesy and a classic Korean drama if a shooting star shot past right now?” I grinned.       

He chuckled and nodded in agreement.

“That’s true, and we’re way too cliché for that, right?” He widely smiled and brushed a piece of hair out from my face that slightly covered my eyes.


He his side and bent his elbow, supporting his neck, his eyes wide in excitement as if a light bulb had just flashed in his head.

“How about we make a wish on a star anyway, it doesn’t have to be fancy. We’ll be original and pretend.”

I laughed at his silly request and nodded, giving in to his childishness.

I snapped my his eyes shut and remained quiet for a few seconds, before opening my eyes again, my eyebrows furrowed slightly, deep in thought.

Woohyun lightly poked my cheek and I crinkled my nose out of habit. I gave a soft smile and closed my eyes again, thinking of what I wanted to wish for.



I wish that this moment could last forever.


I opened my eyes and looked at Woohyun, who seemed as if he too was deep in thought. He’s probably wishing for a never-ending feast of some sort. Or maybe his own restaurant, I smiled to myself.


“Did you make a wish?” I asked him with a curious smile.

He gently shook his head and smiled.


I tilted my head in confusion,

“Why not?”


“I couldn’t think of anything to wish for.” He simply stated. I looked at him, outraged.

“Yah! I even made a wish because you asked me to, as if you didn’t. Making me be all childish by myself.” I turned away, pouting slightly.


Woohyun reached out and grabbed my chin, smiling as he looked into my eyes, slowly leaning closer to me.

My heartbeat quickened as he closed his eyes, he was so close. I could feel his breath on my face, and I closed my eyes in expectance, and simply waited. I didn’t pull away, nor did I pay attention to the light headedness that had suddenly overwhelmed me, no, I simply waited.

I felt a soft pair of lips against mine and Woohyun kissed me ever so gently, taking caution as he shifted his position, his arm reaching behind me. He caressed the back of my neck, and I could smell the scent of his aftershave as I felt the warmth of his skin radiating onto mine.

It was a moment that stilled everything, as if nothing else in the background mattered.

It was just Woohyun and I, and it was everything I imagined it to be, and perhaps even more.


It seemingly went on for hours before Woohyun pulled away, still inches away from my face, smiled and whispered against my lips.



“But what more could I possibly wish for?”




so there's the first kiss done! :P i hope you all enjoyed it, i nearly died myself when i was writing the kiss scene haha!

anyway, do shout me a comment to let me know if you loved it/hated it/wanted more?! from now on it'll just be more and more woogyu fluff, and some events i'll squeeze in somewhere, maybe even conflict? haha

and i also want to dedicate this chapter to all of my lovely subscribers and commenters! especially kpopluv7! for her star gazing idea :)  thank you deary!

thanks guys! <3


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finally replied all the comments *cries sorry for the lateness! hope to see you all on my new fic in dec!


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801 streak #1
Chapter 17: Still one of the sweetest scene
801 streak #2
Chapter 1: I’m here again ❤️
801 streak #3
Chapter 20: i need that same woohyun in my life 🥰
dgh2673 #4
Chapter 21: it was nice
thanks 🙏💙
dgh2673 #5
Chapter 5: they were cute 😍
dgh2673 #6
Chapter 1: wow like it
hope it would be good until the end 😍
Simran20 #7
Back to read this master piece again❤️.
Chapter 21: so sweeetttt~ my woogyu is perfectly define the words lovely and sweet. I'm in love with this <3
Thank you for making this authornim ^^
Chapter 2: Literally only on chapter 2 AND IN LOVE