Looking for you

Pandora Box Poster Request Shop (Hiatus)

Title: Looking for you
Author: SHINee_Miki
Story Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/212388/looking-for-you-sequel-supernatural-you-exo-luhan-sehun

image link: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5gw6rbUFh1rw69nco1_1280.jpg

hope you like it^^

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hey guys..I'm sorry for the lateness..lately my internet just doesn't go well..it ..


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Title: THE - - - (XO) Kind (XO) Mean

Or it can be.. The XO-K XO-M

Author: itaekyu

Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/451662/the-xo-kind-xo-mean-comedy--you-school-exo-exok-loveangst

Cast: EXO, Park Sora, Kwon Sujeong, Jinyoung, CNU, Gongchan

Theme: cute, y, graffiti-ish/clean

Pictures: EXO: http://25.media.tumblr.com/75a748f11273fd4160b2aa6b2977996a/tumblr_mn01ej0JPA1s4hs7xo3_r1_500.jpg, http://25.media.tumblr.com/eff5a6725f289603f8628072e6c6a875/tumblr_mmvzg9eWKf1rvlzuno1_500.png

EXOK: http://25.media.tumblr.com/c63f8150482558eb98210a0a8213eaa4/tumblr_mmxys7nJfj1r77y7qo2_500.jpg

EXOM: http://25.media.tumblr.com/8377fe02d20e0fa28f801f3a9e39b37b/tumblr_mmxys7nJfj1r77y7qo3_500.jpg, http://24.media.tumblr.com/85ba431798538c408383f562a1e0b19b/tumblr_mn2n2pk3eM1rtjcr5o1_500.png, http://25.media.tumblr.com/90942c15d0b8502c2caabb1ea93bea72/tumblr_mn1gbvGWgf1rn8lhxo1_500.png, http://purpleonact.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/exo-xoxo-wp-2.jpg?w=560&h=315

Sora: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BxZawYT2FUQ/UU351ktgMUI/AAAAAAAAHu0/xcHo2vqI9hA/s640/7.JPG, http://25.media.tumblr.com/ad34073a1e38d08f32034442311cf592/tumblr_mlb5n4gKhw1rve87to1_500.png

Sujeong: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwbknanN9W1r0h31bo2_250.jpg, http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lye1amBsJh1qlf4yao1_500.jpg

CNU: http://25.media.tumblr.com/07423713950b08a542b4e3597c98fc5c/tumblr_mlw9b3QzF91r1fepbo5_500.png

Jinyoung: http://25.media.tumblr.com/3333058bebd9e731a7febd93dfd88e39/tumblr_mlw9b3QzF91r1fepbo4_500.png

Gongchan: http://25.media.tumblr.com/8c01b2dc6cda7d24bef68db14f675cc7/tumblr_mlw9b3QzF91r1fepbo3_500.png

Extra info: Any of these pictures are good for the poster(s. I want to request for three :*

I’d like the OC’s : Sujeong, Jinyoung, CNU, Gongchan and Sora with one of the exo pictures for one poster.

If you only feel like doing one that's great,and if so, let the OC's be with EXO in the poster.

Take a year if you have to. <3
taehyungshii #2
Title:Im a Girl
Author: MizSweet
Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/351038/im-a-girl-infinite-jiyeon-myungsoo-sunggyu-myungyeon
Cast: Jiyeon Myungsoo Sunggyu
Theme: Happy poster
Pictures: Jiyeon :http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31300000/T-ARA-JiYEON-t-ara-tiara-31360538-501-720.jpg
Myungsoo : http://stuffpoint.com/infinite/image/118821-infinite-myungsoo.jpg
Sunggyu : http://kpopencyclopedia.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/infinite_sunggyu.jpeg
Extra Info: Make it really HAPPY poster.. ^^

~That's all... Kamsahamida~
STORY LINK: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/357776/the-stranger-man-is-key-shinee
CAST:SHINee (Minho, Taemin, Jonghyun, Onew, Key) Girl's day (Kim Ahyoung)
THEME: Comedy, little bit of drama, and Romance
PICTURES: http://www.facebook.com/francez.david/photos_stream (one link only. but i have 5 photos. 3 photos for the girl and 2 for the guy)

this is my form. :) kamsahamnida.
Title: The STRANGER Man Is KEY
Author: PhilSHAWOLs
Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/357776/the-stranger-man-is-key-shinee
Cast: SHINee (Minho, Taemin, Jonghyun, Onew, Key) Girl's (Kim Ahyoung)
Pictures: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.538568816155070.128048.100000058684530&type=1
Extra Info: nothing. thats enough :))

this my first time so i really dont know if i did right or wrong. :)
this is my form.
i'll go wait for it until it'll be done :)
I am forever your customer!~~
Here to make a request, please. <3

Title: Bestly
 Author: itaekyu
 Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/267622/bestly-luhan-you-mystery-romance-you-exo-kai-luhan-xiumin
 Cast: Luhan, Huan, Xiumin, Kai, Kris, Lin Fei
 Theme: mystery, romance
 Pictures: Main characters: Girl;http://24.media.tumblr.com/2a1726a7fca868baa489bd39152554d5/tumblr_mf4wbyZDdw1qjvy7mo2_500.jpg
other characters; 1. http://www.vintagevender.com/shopimages/vinven/0690020001222.jpg 2.http://forums.allkpop.com/attachments/thissssss-jpg.20368/
 Quote:Saving a soul in exchange for a story.
 Extra Info: The main characters are Luhan and Sumin(the model). The other pictures are other characters.

Take as much time as you want. :)
sadique #6
Chapter 20: asdfghjkl....It's so cute!!! :D it matches perfectly with my story! Thank youx100!!!! ♥:D
Hello! I would like to make a poster request(:
Emm, the theme is pretty dark kind of the name of the story is called "Dark Reality"
The images I would like to use are

http://i45.tinypic.com/30xbfv4.jpg (if you would like to use a different one it's fine, but I really want that quote in the poster)
&a picture of Kim Himchan(I'd rather him have the blonde hair, but whatever suits you is fine) I hope I'm not asking for too much I'm just kind of picky, but I really like your edits I think they are the best on here ^_^; If you feel like you wanna add anything else in the poster it's fine (: oh~ and be sure to put your name on the poster so people wont try to claim your hard work (: I really hope you take my request~ thank you~
sadique #8
Hello unnie! I have come back to request another poster if its okay! :D
Title: We Fell In Love Within A Week
Author: ElephantSungie
Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/327330
Cast: Lee Kiseop, Dayoung(fictional), Kevin, Gongchan, Myungsoo +others
Theme: romantic, cute, dreamy, pale colors
Lee Geum Hee (short hair)
Any photo of Lee Kiseop with dark hair ^^
Quotes: "Even though it was a show...I still fell in love with you," (please include the speech marks)
Extra info: please use the photo of Lee Geum Hee, the ones that i gave you, pretty please? Because i think a short haired girl would match very well with Kiseop! Gomawo unnie! ♡
SnsdForeverInfinite #9
Title: On One Rainy Days
Author: SnsdForeverInfinite
Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/322385/on-one-rainy-day-sooyoungxsungyeol-soshifinite
Cast: Sooyoung , Sungyeol , SNSD , INFINITE
Theme: Romance, Love story
Pictures: Any Sooyoung picture with long hair ... Any sungyeol picture
Quote: Rain brought us together
Extra Info: Tell me if something's wrong and take your time to do the poster.. AJA AJA FIGHTING!
sadique #10
Chapter 19: Thanx a lot!!! I luv da poster!!! :D