Me and My Mr. G (Chapter 24 - My Instincts are Pretty Accurate...I Guess)

Me and My Mr. G


CHAPTER 24: My Instincts are Pretty Accurate...I guess




I was so uneasy living Piper behind. I can really feel she’s kind of disappointed or something when she found out it wasn’t Eun Joo she’s looking for. The thing is, she’s really into it and she seems sure that she’s the one who wrote her the letters. Well, I can’t really judge by the way I see it now. I mean, I never got to know Piper more so I can’t tell her it’s really her or it’s impossible to be Eun Joo. Jeez. For real, I really felt sorry for her I don’t want to leave her just like that. But since she insisted, I just let her. Maybe she needs some time alone.


Just then my phone rang. It’s Seungri.


Jiyong: Yoboseo?

Seungri: Ya, hyung! Sajangnim is looking for you.

Jiyong: Eo. Waeyo?

Seungri: I don’t know. But he said meet him in the office.

Jiyong: Araseo. Eooo! *bids goodbye*


I went faster to drive towards our office. Maybe he’s got something for me to work on. When I actually got there, he was sitting on his chair in front of his computer screen.


YG: jiyong. Where’d you go in a Sunday morning like this? I was expecting you’re still sleeping when I called in your dorm.

Jiyong: Uhm, I…met with a chingu.

YG: Aaah. I called you because your fans are demanding something.

Jiyong: What’s that? *I sat on the couch*

YG: They want Big Bang TV to be back.

Jiyong: Eo, but we haven’t done it for a long time.

YG: Exactly. So, you ready?

Jiyong: Well, why haven’t you called the other boys as well?

YG: because I’m putting you up first. GD TV.

Jiyong: Eo.

YG: Your comeback is fast approaching right? You should shoot your preps.

Jiyong: Ohhh, okay. I understand.

YG: You should talk with your stylists now. Your first shoot will be on Tuesday. Your manager has your schedule so, work on it. Araseo?

Jiyong: Ne. Kamsahamnida.




Stella: Where the hell did you go??

Piper: What? Oh, I actually tried to find the sender.

Stella: Well?

Piper: False alarm. *upset face*

Stella: Oh. Look, Pipes. Forget that. We’ve got the whole day to enjoy. Araseo?

Piper: Where are you planning to go this time?

Stella: Hmm, I’m planning to go to Myungdong. Wanna come?

Piper: Oh. I’m kind of tired with all that searching. Why don’t you go?

Stella: Jeez. You kill joy! C’mon, shake off that weariness inside you! Kaja! *gets hold of my hand and grabbed me all the way out*


When we were already in Myungdong, I realized I haven’t been into shopping these past few years. The last time I went here is when I had to buy something nice for my mother for her birthday. That’s it. We went to the mall first and scanned for Stella’s most wanted she-sweater.


Stella: Ya, don’t you want to buy anything?

Piper: No, I’m fine. Really.

Stella: Jeez. You’re in Myungdong you silly girl! Go around for a while and I’ll just text you, okay? Ka!


Just like that, Stella decided to separate ways with me. Maybe she kind of figured out that I’m not as a shopaholic as her that I can’t even pace up with her. Well, I need some time on my own so this isn’t bad at all. So I let my eyes do the looking for something that’ll suit me. I hope.




I give up. This is hopeless. I can’t concentrate on those clothes, none of them suited my style either. Or it’s just that my mood isn’t suiting for shopping now. Stella texted me that we should meet up at the ice cream shop at the corner so I had to go there at this instance.


When I arrived at the outside of the shop, I saw this familiar lady standing near the barker. Wait a minute, I think I saw this lady before…When I actually walked forwards, I noticed something different. Like, I was walking and the others are not even…moving. What…the…heck?


Piper: Excuse me?


As I scanned her face closely, I was shocked to see Ms. Lee Eun Joo standing in front of me, seeming alive while the others froze.


EunJoo: Piper, dear.

Piper: What…what’s happening? Why…why are they frozen? What the…

EunJoo: It’s okay. I’m sorry, I had to lie.

Piper: What? About what?

EunJoo: Look, I don’t have much time. The thing is I removed your memories for a reason. You needed time to find him but now that fate has gotten you back together, I have nothing to do but let you guys do your own thing. No magic this time.

Piper: Magic? What magic? And…you removed my memories??!!

EunJoo: Piper! Listen to me! Open up your senses! My powers are draining and I can’t help you anymore. This will be my last time to talk to you as…like this. You have to remember, I know…deep inside you, you still remember. You’d have to fix things before it’s too late.

Piper: Wait! Can’t you just give me a clue or anything??? ‘Cause I’m really mind-blown here.

EunJoo: *sighs* You already found him, Piper. *holds my hand* You already did.


Then just after a blink of an eye, EunJoo vanished and I was left standing in front of the shop Stella wanted me to go to. And still, I am really…dumbfounded.


Stella: PIPER!

Piper: Stella?

Stella: Erm, hello? Are we going inside or not?


Stella insisted on having a snack inside and she treated me this ice cream mixed flavors that were my favourite since I got here. We settled on the back corner of the shop and she looked at me like she wants to shred me to pieces out of curiosity.


Stella: What the hell is going on with you, Pipes?

Piper: *with shaking hands* I…I don’t know…

Stella: You’ve been shaky these past few days because of those stupid anonymous letters.

Piper: I…I think I found her Stella. *looking her seriously in the eyes*

Stella: What? Who? Her?

Piper: Lee Eun Ju.

Stella: ….L.E.J! Omo, Piper!

Piper: But…you see, when I was looking at those letters yesterday…I remembered this, name. But it’s not Lee Eun Ju…I figured, she might be the one I’m looking for but why different names?

Stella: What’s the name you remembered? *scoops ice cream*

Piper: Uhm, miss June…

Stella: June? As in the month June?

Piper: Yeah, weird huh?

Stella: Wait a minute…Eun Ju. June. *gasps*

Piper: What…what is it???

Stella: Jeez, Piper Grace! Those letters were just jumbled! She used it when she was in your…uhm, past life?

Piper: eo…to think of it, you’re kind of right. But, Stella. I have to tell you something.

Stella: Hm-Hm?

Piper: She talked to me. She said she removed my memories through her magic and she’s talking something about finding someone, uhm…that fate has gotten us back together.

Stella: Woah, that’s a lot to absorb. Uhm, so…she’s some kind of a fairy or something?!

Piper: I really don’t know. But…who’s this someone she’s talking about?

Stella: *gasps* OMG. It might be the other letter sender! The one who ILOVEYOU’d to you???

Piper: My…boyfriend?

Stella: Correction, your past boyfriend. Jeez, if you really had amnesia…you can’t possibly remember ‘em right away…right?

Piper: She said…I’ve found him.

Stella: *widens her eyes* WHAT?

Piper: But…who was this person that I’ve found?




Seungri: Ya, hyung! Where’d you go?

Jiyong: Didn’t you say sajangnim looks for me? Of course, I went there. *sounds annoyed*

Seungri: Yaaa, what’s with the mood?!

Jiyong: Aiiissh! *goes straightly to his room*


Daesung: Eo. What did you do this time?

Seungri: Mwo? Aniyo!

Youngbae: That’s weird. His mood was up when he left earlier.

Seungri: *thinks* Maybe he and the one he’s dating had a fight! Yaaa.

*Daesung and Youngbae looked at seungri and exchanged looks*

Seungri: Right? I’m right?

*Daesung and Youngbae left*


Seungri: Ya! Aigoo. What’s with people nowadays??


(meanwhile in Ji’s room)


I went straight to my bed to relax my senses. I really can’t get my mind off that I just let Piper go like that. She must be alone by herself trying to put back the pieces she had because of that random letter sender. Jeez. I’m not even exactly sure why I’m being so sensitive about her matter, it’s not like we’ve been friends since forever. The truth is I just met her yesterday. Jeez, but why do I feel like I’ve known her even before.


Jiyong: AAAHHH! My mind’s playing with me so badly. AIIISSHH.


Then I looked at my hand again. There was something familiar when I touched her wrist, it’s like I’ve held on to it before…like that wasn’t the first time I’ve stopped her…doing something. But why can’t I put it into pieces?


I searched for my phone and looked for Piper’s number. It’s there, all I have to do is to call her and ask her if she’s fine. This guilt is killing the heck out of me. Really.


Jiyong: Should I really call her? *thinks so deeply*


Just then my phone rang, I was so into thinking about Piper and her condition that I didn’t notice who was really calling.


Jiyong: Piper?? You okay?

Teddy: Jeez man. Are you still dozing? Teddy here.

Jiyong: Oh, sorry. Uhm, why did you call hyung?

Teddy: Just wanted you to update about your album. The finish product is already here, wanna see it?

Jiyong: Oh, sure. Where are you?

Teddy: Recording room, bro.

Jiyong: Okay, I’ll be there in a jiffy.



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Chapter 45: Wow!!! Finally, I finished this in a day, lol. Thanks authornim for this..^__^ anyway a new reader here..I like the plot & its phasing..looking forward to read other fanfic of yours...
I finally got around to finishing this story and I loved it! I loved everything from the plot of the story to the characters. I'm happy Piper and Jiyong ended up together. :)
I just finished reading chapter 20 and I really love this story so far. But I wish there was a translation when she's speaking in korean.
@lidyaaa I have another fanfic going on, it's actually about CL and Jiyong. kkkk hope you like that too :)
awawwawawaw please nmake a story about GD again
your story make me scream so awesome
Aww! You guys are amazing! Thank you very much!!! :> :) <333
Vvilde #8
Wonderfull!!! i love/loved this story <3 its was lik Nawww <3*omg, i'm such a fangirl* But seriously the story was Amazing, i relly liked the charachters and what makes it even better is that you're truly a talented writer! So I really wanna thank you for a great story, you really made me adicted and new chapters where the high lights of my day <3 So thank you for creating such an amazing story <3
I LOVE THIS STORY. Amazing ending!! :D And I am a hardcore Piper Grace fangirl ;) Thank you for creating such an amazing character amd such an amazing story :3