The Meeting

The Playground Wars

The bell rang and kids scrambled. It wasn't even a minute when every little human being was screaming around the playground outside of their school. It's a wonder how their teachers had not yet become deaf, seeing how they weren't much different inside. The playground was always the place to make friends for new students. You could tell where you belonged based off where the kids went off first. The kids who went to the blacktop with chalk in hand were more creative and tend to live in their own world: It would take a while to learn how to play with them unless you just had 'it'. At the playground with all the swirly slides, you'd usually find the bullies, pushing around the pipsqueaks who were trying to have fun. And if you were a popular person you went to 'The Dome'.

The Dome was, as the name describes, a huge dome, made out of metal pieces. The popular kids were almost always seen on the top of it, joking around, gently pushing each other's shoulders. The Dome though, was a place where you had to work to be. There were deadly contests of 'Who could hang upside down longer' and 'who can stand in the middle longer' ( Which meant on the top of the dome, where there was nothing to hold you up) or 'who can do the coolest tricks on it' and sometimes even ' who can get the first girl without cooties to kiss them.'. These contests were to decide who was the 'coolest' and who had the right to be there. These contests also attracted alot of attention, little kids from all around the play ground ( During and after school) would watch, with interest. After school though, you had to pay a nickle, but that never stopped any kid from seeing who would be the next cool kid, and who would be the next dork.

 There are some though, who are against the ruling of the 'cool-kids'. They dispised how everyone was treated and how these popular people were just real mean bullies. These kids, made up their own group. They called them selves SM or, Super Men. When they started off they had nothing, not a playground tower to their name, not even a swing set, and they knew, if they wanted to change how the playground was going to be run, they had to take over.

 Now in the battle of Recess, which was a few weeks previous in September, was a difficult one. SM had only, still have only, a few warriors on their side, but they were lucky each one of them had something to attribute. They knew they couldn't get to the Dome, so they decided to start off with just getting some land, so they covered the Orange play-set ( Ones with fire-poles, swirly slides, and monkeybars all attached) with spiders, scaring away all Popular forces. They let Yesung, who wasn't afraid of spiders guard that place, as they went after others. They took the west swing set, just a few feet from the Orange set. Donghae had joined that day, he was the younger brother of their leader , Yunho, and had amazing technology: Water guns.

 SM was slowly taking over, that was, until Yunho's brother fell off his bike, with out a helmet on, and went down hill crashing into a tree. He's in the hospital, and quickly appointed Donghae as leader. Donghae assigned his best friend Leeteuk as his co-captian and with that, they let their battles stop. They wanted to wait for their leader, but when the Popular's took advantage of this, Leeteuk declared war.

 " I'm Donghae." The petite brunnette greeted, holding out his cute, little hands towards the new kid. Eunhyuk stared at the kid before him. His clothes were drenched, from being pushed in a puddle a few minutes ago but he didn't know that, and he was holding a water gun in his right hand.

 " E-Eunhyuk. You're not going to shoot me are you?" Eunhyuk asked. Donghae giggled and shook his head.

 " Not unless you shoot me." Donghae announced smiling. Eunhyuk nodded. " Can I see it?"

 Donghae's face brightened and he handed over the gun. Eunhyuk grinned and fiddled with the device, giggling every few seconds. Donghae sat on the edge of the sand box and grinned.

 " Do ya' like it?" Donghae asked.

 " YOU HAVE AN ACCENT!" Eunhyuk screeched. Donghae's face reddened and he shook his head.

 " I do not." Donghae replied, covering up his fairly obvious accent.

 " You do. I heard it." Eunhyuk fought, holding the water gun at point in front of Donghae's face. Donghae's eyes widened.

 " Okaye, okay. I do." Donghae confessed, letting his accent run free. " But ya' can't tell the other kids."

 " Why?" Eunhyuk asked dropping his aim, he could see the smaller boy's body relax.

 Donghae looked around, trying to see if any teachers were coming their way before standing up and whispering in Eunhyuk's ear. " There's a war going on., and if they figure this out, they'll make fun of me in battle everytime."

 " A-A war?!" Eunhyuk screeched. Luckily, the teachers were on the other side of the play ground. At the moment Eunhyuk and Donghae were on neutral zone, or in this case, the sandbox. No water shooting, bug-planting, ear, cheek-pulling, arm pinching, or name-calling allowed.

 "Yeah.... I'm on SM, you should join us. SM stands for Super Men. Ya' know like Super Man? But there's lots of us. My brother came up with it, he's the boss. He's away right now, I can't tell you, it's confwuchental-"

 " Confidential?"

 " Isn't that what I said?"

 " Sort of." Eunhyuk chuckled. " Do you even know what that means?"

 " No, but Teukie-hyung told me I should say it. Teukie is smart."

 " IT means it's a secret."

 Donghae's eyes brightened, and he showed off a toothy grin. " COOOL!"

 Eunhyuk smiled and ruffled the boys hair. Donghae giggled, quickly patting down his hair afterwards. The two looked at each other for a moment before cracking up and simutaniously sitting in the middle of the sandbox. For a few minutes, they attempted to build sand castles. Eunhyuk chuckled as Donghae tripped and fell face first into the pile of sand. When his face turned towards Eunhyuk, and he sat straight up, the latter could only laugh.

 " D-Donghae."

 " W-what?" Donghae pouted. He was used to falling into sand, so he wasn't going to cry like he used too.

 " You look funny." Eunhyuk announced. Donghae pouted and started slapping his hands across his face trying to get the sand off, with no avail. Eunhyuk watched for a few moments before scooting over grabbing the smaller's wrist.

 " Wait." Eunhyuk told him and moved his hands to the boy's face. He gently brushed the sand off, smiling while doing so. When he was done he leaned over and kissed Donghae's forehead.  " All done."

 " What was that?"

 " What was what?" Eunhyuk asked.

 " That thing on my top-head."

 " Forehead-"

 " That's what it was?"

 " What?"

 " What you did just now was a forehead?"

 " No,no. Hae-ah"

 " Hae?"

 " Wait hold on." Eunhyuk groaned. Donghae nodded, widening his brown orbs. " I nicknamed you Hae is that okay?"

 " That's okay with me Hyukkie!" Donghae chimed tackling the boy into the sand. Eunhyuk smiled.

 " And your top-head, is actually called a forehead."

 " WOAH! Hyukkie you're so smart."

 " Thanks." Eunhyuk smirked, nodding his head in agreement. " But what I did was a kiss."

 " A kiss?"

 Eunhyuk brushed his lips against Donghae's cheek and nodded. " Yes."

 " I do that all the time with mommy!"

 " Yeah."

 Suddenly, two shadows loomed over the talking boys. Donghae looked up, and slid off of Eunhyuk who slowly pushed himself up, dusting off the sand.

 " What do you do all the time with mommy?" Kangin asked.

 " A kiss." Donghae informed them, once again hiding his accent. Kangin rolled his eyes.

 " What ever." Kangin spat. Eunhyuk stared at Kangin before moving his eyes over at the other, and widening as he did so.

 " Kyuhyun?" Eunhyuk asked.

 " Hyukj-"

  " Eunhyuk." Eunhyuk quickly announced. He watched a sly smirk appear on the younger's face.

 " Of course, Eunhyuk. Whatchya doing here?" Kyuhyun asked, crossing his arms.

 " Mom moved me here. Her job thing changed."

 " I told you didn't I?" Kyuhyun groaned. " You're mom loves my town too much."

 " It was job, not the town Kyuhyun."

 " Yeah yeah. Anyway, since you're here, you have to take the Dome test. I can't talk to you if you don't pass it Hyuk."

 " Y-You kn-know him Hyukkie?" Donghae stuttered, forcing tears to stay behind his eyes.

 Eunhyuk nodded. " I lived here last year."

 Donghae nodded, but looked away, poking at some hole in the sand.

 " So come on take the test." Kyuhyun ordered, grabbing the older by his arm. Donghae's head jerked.

 " He doesn't have to take it! He could be part of my group!" Donghae yelled, quickly covering his mouth. Kangin walked over towards the boy and 'accidently' tripped , kicking sand into Donghae's eyes. The smaller boy jumped and rubbed at his eyes, tears quickly falling.

 " Baby." Kangin muttered. " Why would he be part of a group with a baby? He's probably a special anyway. one of those who'll get in just by looks."

 Donghae couldn't respond through his sobbing and burning eyes. Eunhyuk watched the scene before walking away from Donghae and hugging him tightly.

 " You okay Hae?" When he didn't respond, Eunhyuk held him tighter. " It'll be okay."

 " Eunhyuk hurry up, and take the test." Kyuhyun groaned, stomping his foot childishly. " I want to know if you're still cool."

 Eunhyuk rolled his eyes and stood up, ruffling Donghae's hair. " I'll be right back okay? I Pwomise." Eunhyuk changed his voice into a very childish form, causing a stifled laugh to escape Donghae's mouth. " Here's you're gun."

 Eunhyuk dropped Donghae's water gun on to his lap. " You can come watch if you want."

 " HURRY UP!" Kyuhyun cried, puffing his cheeks and crossing his arms tightly.

 " Shut up Kyu." eunhyuk hissed, grabbing ahold of Donghae's hand. " Come?" Donghae hesitnatly nodded and stood up.

 " I can't let an SM at the Dome. He'll be entering our territory. What if this is all a trap. I forbid Donghae from coming."

 " You can't forbid me from doing anything kyuhyun." Donghae announced sticking his tongue out, although he was shaking with fear.

 " What ever." Kyuhyun muttered stomping towards the Dome.

 Once there, the popular's had their eyes glued on the new comers. They knew Donghae, everyone on the playground new Donghae. He wasn't just Yunho's little baby brother, who was a huge crybaby, but the fastest water shooter known to kid. He was also pretty fast at pool parties. The problem was they KNEW Donghae, they knew he was SM, and they didn't know, why in Siwon's bible-coloring book, was he there. Their eyes also kept traveling to Eunhyuk, questioning just who was the new kid.

 " What's going on?" Hongki asked: The king of the Dome. He holds the record for the no blinking count, the holding your breath count, and the number of bugs eaten count. He was the first one to win at the Dome competitions, and so if anyone disobeyed him, they'd be challenged by him. On this playground, you should never decline a challenge.

 " Eunhyuk has to do the Dome test." Kyuhyun yelled pushing Eunhyuk in front of him, causing him and Donghae to loose contact. Kangin stood beside Donghae, eyeing the water gun in his hand.

 It wasn't that he was trying to protect their base, although he said he was. Kangin, just really wanted to play with that gun. IT WAS GREEN!

 " Fine. The Dome test which he will be given is the upside down doosey." Hongki smirked. Kids started whispering, but Eunhyuk just shrugged.

 " Jonghun, can't you do another one? Eunhyuk will-" Kyuhyun started.

 " No! We haven't done this in a month and I want to watch a loser smack his face into the wood chips!" Hongki announced, when the crowd began to cheer.

 Eunhyuk snickered and walked to the bars of the Dome, slowly climbing up it. Donghae gripped his gun tightly watching as his new friend attempt one of the 'deadliest' ( Remember they are kids) competitions. Once at the top Eunhyuk waved at Hongki who only shrugged in response. The contestant curled his legs around a bar and bent backwards, slipping between the gap of bars and succesfully hanging upside down, his shirt fell to his chin.

 "  OKAY AND COUNT!" Hongki ordered pointing at a couple of girls watching: They were nicknamed the counters, for obvious reasons.

 " 1 mississippi. 2 mississippi. 3 mississippi. 4 miss-"

 And they counted.

 Everyone watched in silence. Even some of SM, stood on the tower of their base squinting to watch. It had honestly been awhile since anyone hadto do a challenge. The record was two minutes. Hongki knew, if the kid could last atleast a minute, he would loose a crowd so he brought up Luna, who everyone originally thought to be a complete Nerd ( Turns out she hated learning) to sing. She belted out words to songs the kids loved: Usually Television Theme songs.

 " 115 mississippi..." The girls continued. The singing had stopped. If he made it for seven more seconds he'd win.

 " 117 mississippi."

 Donghae bit the inside of his lip, as they counted. Kangin's attention had been absorbed into the boy hanging upside down like it was nothing.

 " 120 mississippi." Suddenly there were muffled screams and a few girls jumping in their background.

 " 121 mississippi."

 Donghae crossed his fingers. " 122 mississippi." And then the crowd went wild. Hongki smirked and nodded in approval.

 " Welcome to the Dome club." Hongki grinned.

 ' He's not joining us then' Donghae thought. Tears quickly mounted at Donghae's eyes ready to fall at anymoment. Eunhyuk glanced over, still hanging up side down and pushed his shirt up away from his eyes. He spotted Donghae who was walking away from the scene.

 " Donghae?" Eunhyuk questioned no one in particular.

I hope you guys enjoyed this? The story is alot cuter than this chapter, I hope you understand xD

What do you think is going to happen? Is Eunhyuk going to stay with the DOME, or go off and join SM.




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HanBaram #1
Chapter 2: Please updateee
valkin #2
thx for updating..everyone is so cute..even Kangin and Kyu xD
I kind of feel insulted at your doubt about my knowledge about the digi-world though >_>
Aaaawwww.. That was so cute.
Thank you for updating.
hihi <3 Found this story and it's soooooooooooooo adorable xDDDDDDD haha. SM kiddies!!! xDDDD LOL.
Haha, thankyu for the chappie~ can't wait for the next! ;DDDD
finally you update this story..
thank you for your hardwork...
can you update longer like the first chapter??
I really love kids story of eunhae.
kid!suju is always adorable. I can't wait to read the rest of the story.
super junior as a kid..oh my God I miss a kid story of them.
subscribe..subscribe..subscribe...but can you update soon??hehehe
oh kids!!!! cuuuuuuute~~
awwwww Hyukjaeeee...but he will join SM for Donghae right??
awwwww dont cry, deaaaaar ^^
this is adorable~~
and Hyukjae kissed Donghae's forehead!! cuuuuuute><
aaaaaaa Donghae~ always cute and crybaby and I love him!! *hugsss*
thank youuuuuuuuu :))))
update soon please ~~
valkin #9
ohmyyyyyyyy sosososososossoso cuteeeeee already...kid stories are the death of me!!
I think Hyuk is going to join the Dome, for Kyu...