Home at last!

The Child With The Note

3 months later:


"Mi-sun." Key said, frowning as Mi-sun was hanging onto his leg. 

"We have to go to work, stay here with Mina , we'll be back soon, I promise."

Mi-sun frowned, before she pulled her best aegyo.

"Please don't go." She replied. 

"We have to go, Mina-ah. We'll be back in time for Spongebob." Mi-sun let go of Key's leg.

"When does Spongebob come on?" Mi-sun tilted her head.

"About 12.." Minho answered.

"So I have how many hours until you guys come back?" Onew giggled, before he crouched down.

"Only about 4 hours, sweetie, you'll have lots of fun with Mina, I promise."


When SHINee retured, to their surprise; Mi-sun was already sleeping. She seemed to do so when ever she was not amused, Key smiled to know that Mi-sun was at least getting good rest.

SHINee made their way over to her side and kissed her. She blinked and woke up; only to see her appas lovingly smiling at her. 

"You're home already?" She asked, looking at her appas while rubbing her eyes.

"Yes, that was quick, wasn't it?" Mi-sun nodded, her eyes widened.

"Did I miss Spongebob?" She had fear in her eyes. The yellow sponge was her favourite.

Key shook his head, "We still have an hour, it comes on late today, remember?" Mi-sun sighed in relief.

"How long is an hour?" Jonghyun giggled, but not as much as everyone else did.

"You're so cute." Taemin said, leaning in to kiss her. 

"I didn't even get to play with my toys, Mina said I had to take a nap!" 

"I'm sorry, honey, you were tired, weren't you?" Key asked. Mi-sun hesitated at first, then nodded.

"Yes.. but.." Jonghyun cut Mi-sun off.

"Honey, you needed your rest, Mina was just trying to do us a favor, we asked her to put you to sleep." Jonghyun said.

"We ask Mina to put you to sleep because of that coughing spree you had yesterday, we thought you were going to be tired." Mi-sun smiled, she was young and noble, she always forgave her appas; even when she was furious.

"I.. forgive you" She said, before she pulled her appas into a tight hug.

"That's good to hear, you want some ice cream?" Onew asked.

"Caramel!" Mi-sun said, smiling just like Onew.

"Oh yeah? Race you to the fridge!" Onew teased.

"Aaah~ I'm going to beat you!" Mi-sun said, jumping off the couch, before she raced Onew to the fridge.


Later on in the night, it was time for the family ritual; singing to Mi-sun.


SHINee stopped once Mi-sun was asleep. Key smiled, and Minho tucked her in.

"Goodnight, sleeping beauty." Jonghyun said sweetly.


Sorry for the late update

hope you enjoy the update.
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Chapter 23: Fighting! :)
Chapter 22: Key umma scenes are just so adorable!!!
Chapter 21: awww poor misun she has to go to the evil day care ^^
I love the chapter.
Chapter 21: Aw, don't worry Misun! Your appas are working hard for you!
Chapter 20: awwwww so adorable I love the little girl.
Chapter 20: ADORABLE. >.<