My Prince of a Boyfriend

I'll Be Your Lover Forever


L.Joe and I were staring at each other intensively after I let go of him.

He really has a lot of guts to come to this school and try to flirt with MY girlfriend.

I'm going to pound him till he can't move.

ing bastard.

Then he spoke,"~~~ might be yours now, but just watch. She'll be mine soon. You're no competition."

That's the last straw!

I swiftly punched him in the face.

He staggered slightly, but shook it off quickly.

L.joe looked at me and just smirked.

I didn't know why, so thought he was just being the psychopath he is... but that was untill I saw who was behind him.

It was the rest of Teen Top.

Wonderful... Why isn't Infinite here?

Well I am the best fighter, so I bet I can hold them off... for a bit.

CAP kicked me in the stomach.

I fell to the ground and Ricky tried to kick me, but I rolled to the side.

I jumped back to my feet and spin kicked CAP in the face.

His knees buckled and there was a shoe print on his face.

Then he grew unconscious.

I started to laugh until Chunji kicked my back, but it wasn't enough to affect me.

I turned around and punched him on his right cheek.

He ran towards me and I tripped him.

Chunji fell flat on his face.

Changjo also tried to throw a punch, but I caught it easily and flipped him over by the arm.

Niel and L.Joe both came at me.... with baseball bats.

Oh crap.

I deflected the first blow, but it became overwhelming.

Worst of all, the four members that were on the floor stood back up and grabbed another bat.

More people started to whack me.

I was losing strength.

But then I heard fast foot steps.

Noo! More people who are going to help Teen Top.

However, it was the opposite.

I felt no one hitting me.

I looked around me and saw... Infinite!

They came!

But who called them?

Then, I felt someone pulling me.

It was ~~~.

No wonder.

She's the best girlfriend ever.

She helped me to my feet and make me sling my arm around her shoulder.

I watched Infinite fight while ~~~ tried to stabilize the both of us.

Sungyeol was punching Chunji while Hoya was kicking Changjo.

Our maknae, Sungjong, was pushing Teen Tops visual maknae, Ricky.

Nam Woohyun threw Niel down and Dongwoo was elbowing CAP in the stomach.

Our leader, Sunggyu, was taking care of L.Joe.

Infinite totally won this fight.

I felt ~~~ pull me towards the school.

We walked to the infirmary and I layed down on one of the beds.

The nurse saw me and gasped.

She quickly and gently started to clean and treat my wounds.

~~~ held my hand and caressed my cheeks.

When, the nurse finished, she left.

While she was leaving she winked at me.

Eww e!

Oh wait.. I think I heard her mumbling something about ~~~ and I being a cute couple.

Ohhh! I get it now!

~~~ then said," Thank you so much for defending me, it means a lot to me. But, you got hurt in the process. 

Please don't do that again, promise me.

I started to say no, but ~~~ cut me off.

"No, promise me. It makes me feel weak and useless," she commanded.

"Fine!" I said in a whiny voice.

Satisfied, ~~~ smiled.

"Good. Now sleep," she whispered.

I nodded and was about the drift off the dreamland when I heard ~~~ say," I love you so much to let you be hurt!"

I smiled in content.

"She feels the same way I do," I thought as I fell asleep.

~~~ POV:

You were glad that he was okay.

You thought of Myungsoo as a brave and courage boyfriend like a prince.

While he was sleeping, you changed his contact name on your phone from Myungsoo Oppa <33 to My Wonderful Prince <33.

You put away your phone and looked at Myungsoo.

You chuckled because he looked so cute while sleeping.

Unknowingly, you fell asleep too.


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Chapter 36: Too much drama for me. I feel like, with a situation like that, it's not meant to be dragged out. It's something maybe for 2 chapters after the initial misunderstanding.
kwistal12 #2
Chapter 24: Be ma girl- Teen Top
kwistal12 #3
Chapter 20: My ultimate bias is L.joe/Byunghyun
BellaDoanOfficial #4
Chapter 20: Mine is ALL UKISS members especially Hoon... <3
Chapter 10: It is tooooo awesome!!! :D
Chapter 38: it too short i think
keep writing and be my friend ;)
Chapter 37: Nice story :)
Chapter 3: I love this already x)
Chanyeol4lyfe000 #9
Chapter 11: wow i love it is the best story
Chapter 37: that was an awesome story! and really cute too! :D haha