Trouble in Paradise High

I'll Be Your Lover Forever

Your POV:

Your mind and heart was racing.

They were there, physically there.

You had a mix of emotions go through your head.

Anger, frustration, sadness, disbelief were all included, but mainly anger.

"How dare they come to this school and act like nothing's wrong. Those arrogant, discusting, filthy bastards.

Why can't they leave me alone? I left Top High because of L.Joe and now they follow me here. They really have no

remorse do they? They don't even act human. They act more like devils," you thought while being really pissed.

You felt Myungsoo's hand entwined in yours while you glared harshly and coldly at all six of them.

Your facial expression softened and you turned your head toward Myungsoo lovingly.

You were glad that he was by your side almost all the time.

"Why don't you guys introduce yourselves one by one," the  teacher suggested.

Teen Top nodded nonchalantly.

"I'm Ricky," a baby faced boy replied with aegyo.

All the girls squealed while you pretended to vomit.

Myungsoo snickered at your actions.

"CAP here," a muscular boy said.

You rolled your eyes.

"I'm dancing boy Changjo," a layed back boy said.

You scoffed.

"He still uses that introduction?" you thought sarcasticly.

"I'm Niel!" a boy with thick lips said.

You whispered to Myungsoo,"Did someone punch him on the lip because those lips are huge!"

Myungsoo supressed his laughs while you did, too.

"I'm Chunji!" a hamster looking guy said while winking.

The girls all melted and spazzed out.

You facepalmed yourself mentally.

"Lastly, I'm L.Joe," your purple haired freak of an ex-boyfriend said while flashing a smile.

Every single girl, but you, started to yell, squeal, and try to look y.

You became really iritated and almost yelled at them to shut up, but you held it in.

"Pick an open seat, boys," the teacher said.

All of the females started to put on make up and a couple buttons of their uniform as the boys looked around.

Then L.Joe smirked.

You realized that there was one empty spot next to you.

As if L.Joe was reading your mind, he walked up and sat next to you.

The female students started to bad mouth you until you shot each and every one of them a death glare.

They gulped scaredly and looked down.

He looked at you and whispered in your ear,"You'll be mine soon babe."

That's when you totally lost it.

"Get out of that seat!" you yelled while giving him a piercing glare.

The teacher heard and looked at you.

He gave you a warning look.

You sighed in defeat while L.Joe smiled evilly in victory.

Myungsoo leaned across towards you and whispered to L.Joe,"If you even speak to ~~~ I will personally kill you."

L.Joe just shot him another smirk.

Then, he draped his arm around your shoulder.

Myungsoo totally lost his cool.

He flung L.Joe's arm off of you and stood up.

Then, he grabbed L.Joe by the collar and dragged him towards the door.

The teacher was going to yell at Myungsoo until he saw Myungsoo's eyes.

The power of being a kingka and a rich kid.

He got really frightened and continued the lecture.

You sat at your seat frozen watching Myungsoo pull L.Joe out of the school and to the school's field.

When eveything was processed through your mind Teen Top already followed after the two boys.

Quickly, you garbed your bags and ran towards the field while texting a group message to Infinite.

Go to the field NOW. A fight between Myungsoo Oppa and L.Joe is going to occur. 

We have to stop it. Teen Top is probably going to try to beat Myungsoo Oppa up. HURRY!!

Infinite saw your text and raced to the field.





Hi! Please comment! Cliffhanger!! I hope that all of you are enjoying thiis wonderful summer!

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Chapter 36: Too much drama for me. I feel like, with a situation like that, it's not meant to be dragged out. It's something maybe for 2 chapters after the initial misunderstanding.
kwistal12 #2
Chapter 24: Be ma girl- Teen Top
kwistal12 #3
Chapter 20: My ultimate bias is L.joe/Byunghyun
BellaDoanOfficial #4
Chapter 20: Mine is ALL UKISS members especially Hoon... <3
Chapter 10: It is tooooo awesome!!! :D
Chapter 38: it too short i think
keep writing and be my friend ;)
Chapter 37: Nice story :)
Chapter 3: I love this already x)
Chanyeol4lyfe000 #9
Chapter 11: wow i love it is the best story
Chapter 37: that was an awesome story! and really cute too! :D haha