
My Princes



you got to school paranoid as ever but you cant blame yourself i mean come on you almost got 2 TIMES!

you sighed as you reached the school gates, as you walked to class you could hear the same whistles and guys howling, you held  your shoulder tightly when somebody suddenly somebody tapped your shoulder, you turned in around with a defense move, but noticed it was just niel and ricky

"hey" niel did a cute peace sign

"hey nicky you need to get used to people staring at you" ricky slightly lowered his glasses to look at you

"ill try to... hey since when did you wear glasses?" you asked ricky

"gosh nicky is fashion" he waved his hands in the air like a diva would do

"heheh sure" you sarcastically laughed and giggled causing niel to laugh too

"i agree it looks kind of stupid" niel nodded at ricky

"hehe high five!" you high fived niel and giggled

"what EVA! talk to the hand" ricky pushed his hand in front of you

"gay~" you cooed making niel laugh louder

"hey im just kidding... I LIKE GIRLS!! maybe... NO NO SERIOUSLY I LIKE GIRLS! I WAS JUST JOKING!!" he was trying to convince you and niel but just made the two of you laugh even louder, you laughed too much that you had to grab onto niels shoulder to support yourself, niel also needed support so he held onto your waist

"HAHAHAH! BWAHAHAH!" the two of you were practically crying due to laughter. you started to attract attention but you didnt care because it was so damn funny

"what are you kids doing?" the three looked up to see who the owner of the voice was


"cap! good morning" you bowed 

"nah no need to bow" he ruffled your hair

"ok" you giggled as you fixed your hair

"so what was so funny?" cap asked with an eyebrow raised, you and niel slowly turned to each other and looked at each other for 5 seconds before breaking out into hysterical laughter

"CAP!! IT WAS SO FUNNY!" you almost fell to the floor

"IT WAS HYUNG AHAHAHAHAH!!" you and niel almost lost your breathe

"calm down kids your gonna die like that" cap calmed you guys down

"theyre so mean it was just a joke" ricky puffed his cheeck out and pouted

"awh im sorry" you went up to ricky and hugged him making him blush

"your forgiven" ricky smiled in satisfication, 

"HEY GUYS!" you looked up and it was L.joe and Chunji


"hey!" you ran up to them and smiled

"hey nicky" L.joe ruffled your hair

"good morning" Chunji smiled

"lets go to class" they all started walking

"wait what about changjo?" you asked worried

"hes most probably in class already" they continued walking

"ok! wait for me" you ran to go catch up with them. you got to class and saw changjo sitting there he looked up at you guys and smiledchangjo-16.jpg

"good morning" you smiled and sat next to him. 

"good mor~AH!" he was about to stand so he could bow but fell down instead

"HAHAAHAHAHAH!" everybody laughed

"its not funny it hurts guys" changjo got up to dust off the dirt on his knees

"sorry" you sat down "but it was really funny" you did a merong to him

"haha i guess it was" even changjo had to admit it. shortly after the teacher came in and class begun, you were all working on your math woorkbook when suddenly

"Eunji! can you go to the staff room and send these books please" you got up and took the books

"oof" they were heavy

"are you gonna be ok carrying them?" the teacher asked concerned

"its ok" you gave a thumbs up and left causing the teacher to chuckle, you walked upsatirs to the staff room you werent afraid because it was class time nobody would be out in the halls lucky for you... you turned the corner and your greates fear appeared

a gang of guys skipping class, you walked into one of them and squeeked

"eep sorry" you apologized

"oh are you the famous Eunji? hm" one of them asked getting closer to you

"uh i..." you were too scared to say anything

"come on lets play" him and his gang came alot closer causing you to fall back

"KNOCK IT OFF!" a voice behind them yelled

"BOSS! sorry we were... were" they tried to look for a resonable answer

"shut up move" the guy came up to you and helped you up

"are you ok?" he asked with sincerity in his eyes

"yeah i just... whoah" you looked at him really closely damn he was handsomeonew.jpg

"sorry about that" he smiled *whoah he has a really nice smile

"no its ok..." you blushed

"im Onew by the way you?" he asked as he helped you pick up your books

"im Eun... Ji... you grew nervous around him

"Eunji hm? nice to meet you" he gave out a nice eye smile

"nice to meet you too oh i should get going" you said worried

"oh ok be safe kitty cat" with that him and his gang walked away

*kitty cat?.... BA BUMP BA BUMP what is this feeling im getting

you covered your heart with your hand, but immediatly remembered the books. after returning you got to class

"nicky what took so long?" the teacher asked worried

"sorry i just fell" you bowed

"its ok get back to your seat" he smiled

"ne~" you walked back and looked at Teen top

"psst are you really ok?" Chunji asked

"yeah... somebody helped me" you rememberd onew and blushed

"hmm?" teen top looked at each other and wondered what you were talking about. you continued with the woorkbook until class ended.


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nielsgirl #1
Chapter 7: Please update soon Author-nim
100percent22 #2
This is great! Please update soon :3
LeeMinJi #3
Chapter 6: Keep updating!!
HeartGold426 #4
Great story so far~ ^ - ^ I like it.
LeeMinJi #5
Sooo cute~! >w< update soon!♥♥♥
atifah22 #6
hits is so good >.< UPDATE SOON!!
Lynettezhixuan #7
Update update!!!!
update soon PLEASE!!! this is so good!!
LeeMinJi #9
Awww update soon!
update soon :)