Chapter 2

State of Emergency



Chapter 2

Music for this Chapter: E.R. By Dalmatian



You squinted your eyes as your vision blurred. You could hear cries, shouts and sirens in the air. You saw flames close to you and your vision blurred once more. You could hear some people talking around you in rushed voices, it seemed like they were arguing.

“We have to move them out!” An ahjussi stated in a rushed tone.

“No! You can’t move them. We have to wait for the ambulance.” A younger girl argued.

“Look you stupid girl! See that? That’s a gas leak. The car is going to blow up! We have to move them!”

Your body felt numb as you could not take on any more pain. Oh my god. You went back to unconsciousness.


2 Hours Ago


It had been 3 years since he had confessed to you during that New Years Eve. You had been together for him for a long time and you were graduating today. He had graduated a year ago and already had a stable job in an entertainment company.

You were at home getting ready for him. He was going to take you out to dinner tonight to celebrate your graduation and propose to you. Of course you did not know about the last part, he was planning on surprising you.

You heard the doorbell ring. You skipped to your window and saw him waiting outside your door with flowers in his hand. You smiled but that smile soon turned into a pout as you saw the dark clouds hovering over the sky. It seems like it is going to rain.

You were not going to let the weather ruin your mood however. You ran down the stairs while putting on your earrings.

“Slow down. He is not running away.” Your dad rolled his eyes as he walked to the kitchen.

“Appa!” You pouted cutely before running to the door. You opened the door, slightly panting from running and smiled at him.

“Do you want to come in?” You asked politely even thought you wanted to get out of the house as soon as possible.

He glanced at his watch and shook his head. “We will be late for our reservation.” He said.

“It’s okay, don’t mind us. You guys go have fun.” Your mom smiled, creeping up behind you.

“Thanks mom.” You smiled at her and grabbed your black heels and put them on.

“Let’s go.” You s your arm around his and walked to the car. Your mom closed the door behind you with a smile. Your parents already knew why he was taking you out for dinner as he had asked for your hand in marriage from your father a few days ago.


You were fidgeting in your seat as he drove on. It was raining really hard. It was hard to see the road despite the wipers moving continuously.

“Don’t worry we will be there on time.” He glanced at you sideways.

“It’s not that. Just watch the road. You know I don’t like it when it rains.” You explained.

With a smile he concentrated on the road. He glanced at the time. We are going to be late.

He pressed on the gas pedal. You froze in your seat. “Don’t speed up. It’s raining. I don’t care if we miss our reservation.” You added. There was this heavy feeling in your chest. You did not know why but you did not like it.

“Fine.” He pressed on the brakes to slow down a bit. You smiled and faced forward. Your eyes widened at the sight. There was a truck on the road which had been in an accident. It was overturned and was blocking the whole road.

Your eyes widened when the car did not slow down. “Watch out! The truck! Slow down!” You shouted in fear.

“IT WON’T STOP!” He pressed the brakes more harsly but due to the water on the road the brakes had gone bad. It was not working. You closed your eyes as you waited for the hit. Soon enough the car crashed into the truck and rolled over.

Is this how it’s going to end? You thought in fear before your head crashed into the door making you go unconscious.

You heard sirens in the air as you gained back your consciousness for a while. You were upside down in the car. The airbags had popped open, squishing you. Your vision was blurry due to all the blood that was gushing from your head. You glanced sideways and winced in pain as your whole body ached. You saw him covered up in his own blood. You wanted to scream and shriek for help but nothing came out.

You heard people talking around the car. There was a gas leak, it seemed. The car was going to blow up. You lost consciousness once again and drifted into the world of unknown.

The people around saw the gas leak and pulled him out first, making sure that he was away from the car. Then they went over to the car and proceeded to pulled you out. Right when they were pulling you out however, the car had already caught fire, causing you to get major burns.

Once you were out of the car’s way the car blew up with an explosive sound. Soon enough the ambulance and fire trucks arrived, rushing you to the hospital.


A Week Later


He opened his eyes and faced a white unfamiliar ceiling. His vision was blurry but cleared out in a few seconds.

“He is awake!” He heard a voice cry who he assumed belonged to his own mother. Soon he felt his mother’s hand on his own. He could clearly see her tearful eyes. His father was standing behind his mother, looking relieved. The doctor and the nurse rushed in to check up on him.

“What happened?” He asked, his voice hoarse.

“You got into a car accident.” That was the only explanation his mom gave him. He remembered that much, however.

“Where is --?” He asked. He hoped you were awake already. His mom looked away at his question. “D-don’t worry about  ---ah for now. Worry about your own recovery.” His mom stated.

He grew furious at that. “Is she—" He couldn’t’ complete his sentence. Was he responsible for your... death?

“No. no. She is alive…barely.” His mom’s voice cracked. She was trying hard not to cry.

“She is still unconscious.” His father stated, trying to ease the worries his son was feeling.

“I have to see her.”He tried to sit up. His mind felt dizzy as he slumped back towards the bed.

“Please don’t rush. You were unconscious for a week. Take things slowly.” The doctor warned while the nurse was jotting down information about his pulse and heartbeat.

“A week?” His eyes widened. “I have to see her.” He argued, not backing down.

“You are still weak, you shouldn’t move.” The doctor argued but saw the determination in your eyes and sighed. “Nurse Kim, please go get this patient a wheelchair.” He ordered. The nurse left the room and came back with the wheelchair soon enough.

They helped him get on the wheelchair. The doctor took him to the room where you were being held. You were still inside the Intensive Care Unit and he was not allowed to go in. He gazed at you from behind the glass wall. He couldn’t even recognize you. You were bandaged up from head to toe. It’s my entire fault.

He felt a lump in his throat keeping him from talking. He let out a sigh and tried again, “How is she? She will live right?” He looked up at the doctor with expectant eyes.

“I don’t know how to explain this to you but she suffered from 3rd degree burns. The car blew up when she was still close to it. I don’t want to give you false hope. She might not survive.”

He was shocked. He was glad that there was the wheechair holding him in his place. This was not the answer he wanted to hear. He wanted to throw a tantrum and beg the doctor to save you but what could he do? It was his fault that you were like this. If I hadn’t rushed… if the car did not break down… if….just if I was careful enough….




After a week he was discharged from the hospital. You were still unconscious. The doctors did not have any hope left for you but your parents did not give up on you. He visited you regularly every day. All he could do was to gaze at you from behind the glass wall.

Once again, he was at the hospital to see you. He went towards where you were but was unable to locate you. Where is she? Did she wake up?

With hope he rushed back towards the lobby but found your mother crying while your father was comforting her.

He approached your parents with heavy steps. He hoped what he dreaded was not going to come true. “Ms. ---?” His voice croaked. “Where is ----ah?”

She looked up at him with tearful eyes. How was she supposed to tell you the news? “We lost her.” Your father answered with tearful eyes.

He shook his head in denial. “No… This is not… something to joke about. You’re… lying.” He scoffed, not believing it.

“We are just as devastated as you are but it is the truth.” Your father replied.

“No… no… she can’t just die…disappear…” He muttered in shock.

“Don’t blame yourself though. She wouldn’t want that.” Your father stated.

It’s my entire fault. I killed her. She died because of me. He shook his head in denial as tears streamed down his face. He did not even ask to see your dead body. He couldn’t handle it.

“NO!” He shouted in agony. It was painful to watch him in pain for your parents as well. They knew that he was blaming himself despite their words.

“No….” He walked away stumbling as he did so. He got out of the hospital and ran away from reality.


A/N: Hello lovelies!~ Did I shock you? This is not the end!~ There are still two more chapters to go!~ Don't forget to leave a comment and subcribe :)

Have a nice day!~

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Chapter 4: Aw. I really liked this one. It's sad, but yet it's sweet at the same time. (:
Chapter 4: i feel like i want to crying reading this story...
thanks for writing this story author-nim.. ^^
Chapter 4: sequel pls...
IceEmpress #4
Chapter 4: Waaaah my heart <3 I couldn't handle angst lol. Ah my bias is Jeesu but IDK why I'm imagining Simon... Uh-oh! Haha. I also like it that the brother is Sehun XD Thank you for the story <3 I love Dalmatian's songs so much!
acelite #5
Chapter 4: Love your fic !!
You should make scenarios based on Dalmatian :D I really enjoyed your short fic!!
jongdown #7
I loved it! So sweet and just perfect! When Dalmatian comes back I hope you do this again as a sequel or something.
It was really good :))
ahhhhh I super Love!!! thank u for this.. I'm imaging it's Daniel as the main character~~