At A Photo-Shoot

At A Photo-Shoot [ONE-SHOT]


I stared into your gorgeous eyes as you posed for that photo, looking so professional in your y clothes, your hand touching your own pale neck, and your long legs slightly apart. My heart started to race as you again changed poses, this time you placed your hands dangerously close to your own crotch and your eyes had a wild fire in them.

Walking backwards, I knew I had to stop watching before I caused a scene. It was only a few seconds away before I jumped on you and literally took you in front of the entire band. That and my was growing by the minute which wasn’t good in a photo-shoot.

When I got to our dressing room, I stared at the alarm clock, pleased to see I still had half an hour left to get rid of my problem and fix myself to look presentable for the camera.

However, just as I was about to go into the bathroom to ‘sort out’ my problem, you appeared through the door, pushing it closed slightly and staring at me with worried eyes.

Still noting I indeed had an , I quickly and skilfully moved to the couch, sitting down and placing one of the soft pillows on my lap as I smiled at you. You sat down beside me, still looking worried, and began to speak.

“Kikwang… are you alright?” your voice was one of the most amazing things I had ever heard – it sounded like an angel. I simply nodded quickly, not wanting you to worry at all, especially if it was about me.

“Of course Dongwoon, I’m perfectly fine.” However, you didn’t seem convinced by my answer. Sure, I was fine but maybe not perfectly – I still had that small problem. (Well, big problem).

“Are you sure? You rushed out of the set pretty fast.” You explained, alerting me to the fact that you were indeed watching me. But why?

“You noticed?” I asked, wanting to find out the reason. You shifted a bit uncomfortably before answering my question.

“Yes. And I’m worried.” A small simple answer, you were always sly in that way. Your hair was messily covering your face, and I couldn’t help but notice just how y you looked like that. And of course, my grew by that thought.

But it was hard not to think about all the things I would do to you if only I was allowed.

Biting softly onto your pale foreign-looking skin on your neck, on your pink bottom lip, playing with your inviting hot muscle in your mouth, rubbing your delicious sounding , giving you all the pleasure that you could ever imagine – that’s what I want to do.

God, why am I thinking about this now!?

“Kikwang… Kikwang!” you shouted, finally getting me out of my induced trance so that I stared back into your fear covered eyes. I laughed nervously.

“Don’t worry about me. I’m fine.” I spoke with a certain soft tone that only came out around you. I watched as you sighed and stood up.

“Fine. If you’re not going to tell me, I won’t bother.” The tone in your voice made you sound angry – I didn’t like that one bit. If there was one thing in my mind that I definitely didn’t want; it was you being angry with me. So I stood up, watching you walk to the door, and finally shouted you again.

“Dongwoon! I’m sorry… I’m just a bit flustered… at the moment.” I explained, trying to keep it as clean as possible. You turned around, ready to ask what I was talking about, but it seemed you clocked my crotch a bit earlier than I thought you would. And soon, your expression turned into a nervous one.

“Oh. I’m sorry, I had no idea.” You began to talk, and I noticed you didn’t take your eyes off my little one all the time. I chuckled at that.

“You’re making it worse.” I pointed out. You were so cute when you realised what you were doing, your cheeks going pinky red and looking down at the floor now instead of at me.

“God, I’m sorry about that too.” You whispered, and I couldn’t help but get even more attracted to you. I walked closer but still kept a safe distance from you, in case it got too much and I jumped you.

“Dongwoon.” I started, making you look up at me with those large eyes, right now I could clearly say why all of our fans named you the ‘Arab Prince’, because you were perfect, everything about you was set in the right place, and your body was amazing – just like a real prince’s – and I soon began to wonder if you were god’s masterpiece. It sure seemed like it.

“Do you need… t-time alone right now?” you asked so cutely, still blushing. I laughed quietly.

“Actually,” this was it, I thought, it was now or never. “It’s your fault.” I confessed, and your cheeks automatically went redder. I knew what you were thinking about, and god you were so on the right tracks.

“…How is it my fault?” you asked hesitantly, but I knew you already had the answer. But, if you wanted me to say it out loud – no problem. I started to wonder where all my confidence came from suddenly.

“Your photo-shoot.” I simply said, and your eyes widened as you soon realised I had just confirmed all of your thoughts.

“But why?” you asked, getting more nervous than ever. I chuckled slightly, moving one step forward before I answered.

“You are too y.” I admitted, looking down your delicious body again, my lips unintentionally. But with you looking at me, it just got the situation and atmosphere much more hotly.

“Kikwang… are you high?” What a silly question to ask. I wish I was, maybe then I’d stop what I was about to do. It could ruin our friendship forever, the one relationship I hold dearest to my heart, and it could possibly be the end of Beast as well. Was it worth it? I don’t know, but it wasn’t going through my head then as I continued to move forward towards you, no intention of stopping at all, and when I got very close to you with our noses almost touching, I let out a sigh of relief.

“I’m definitely not high. But I’m going to give you a safe word. Say it, and I’ll stop whatever I’m about to do.” I explained, and you, the maknae seemed to get a bit more scared. “The safe word is Beast.” I said – not the most imaginative word, but it’ll do.

Without waiting for your response to this entire situation, I quickly captured your plump lips that I’ve been waiting absolute ages to taste, and god, it was even more delicious than what I’d imagine them to be. I took it slowly, not wanting to move it to fast, but I couldn’t control my hands as they slid up to your waist – finding a place their, tightening the grip so you couldn’t move. I couldn’t control my needy tongue either; it your bottom lip sensually. I knew you didn’t know how to handle this situation at all, but I’m sure you opened your mouth just to know what would happen. Our hot muscles clashed instantly as I was giving the chance, and your taste was so sweet, I wanted to melt right there in then. Your tongue was slow, and it was easy to dominate.

My hands moved over to your incredible , squeezing the cheeks, making you gasp in utter surprise, but I used that to my advantage as I stuck my tongue in more, searching through your entire mouth – it was like in my fantasies where I got to taste every little bit of you – and started to massage your tongue again.

All of your limbs started to go weak, and without a warning you started to slide down the floor, clashing to the ground. And I followed you, taking a comfortable place in your lap before connecting our swollen lips again – this time in a fierce kiss, one I had held in for so long.

Your eyes were half closed, they almost looked diluted, but I continued ravishing your mouth, after all, there was no safe word spoken which allowed me to do whatever I wanted to you from now on. I wanted you, I needed you, and now that I was able to have you I wasn’t sure I had enough control left in my body to stop. Quickly, I placed my hands on your muscular shoulders, moving my lips from you shaking mouth and down to your pale neck, biting on it slowly, nibbling and on it occasionally, wanting to know what it really felt like to dominate you like this completely.

The soft moan that left your godly mouth aroused me so bad, and my poked your own crotch. And it didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. I let go of your neck as I soon remembered we still had a photo-shoot to do. My lips instead moved back over to yours, placing a small kiss on your lips. I moved backwards so I was in the clear for placing my lips against your clothed crotch. Almost immediately your hand shot up and landed on the back of my head.

“Beast.” As soon as that word left the maknae’s mouth, all of the excitement left my body as I lifted my shaking head to look up at you. You sighed deeply as you opened your eyes to look directly into my own.

“Okay.” Was all that I said. I knew I had promised to stop after that word was said, so I got up off of your lap and took a few steps backwards, letting you have enough space to feel comfortable in again. You sighed.

“Kikwang… what just happened…” you stared but it sounded like you didn’t even know what to say about the event. I wanted to run out. But I couldn’t – I had to face the consequences for my earlier actions.

“I’m very sorry Dongwoon… I should’ve controlled myself more.” I tried to explain with honest words. You sighed again.

“Kikwang…” but I cut you off, I knew what you were going to say, and to be honest, I definitely didn’t want to hear it.

“It’s cool. I’ll go now, let’s forget about this.” I tried, knowing deep inside I’ll never really forget about this incident ever. But at least I got a taste of you.

“Why won’t you let me finish.” The whine that came out of your mouth almost made me chuckle. It was still so cute.

“Okay.” I said, and began to wait patiently so you’d have the time to think through what you wanted to say. Your eyebrows squinted a little.

“What just happened… I liked it.”

My heart and body froze. Did I really just hear you say that? Or are you pulling a prank on me. I continued to just listen.

“But, the reason I said the safe word was because, I wanted to do it properly.”

As soon as you finished that sentence, I couldn’t keep the wide smirk off my face. I didn’t care whether this was real or a dream, the happiness that filled my body was intense. I ran over to you, engulfed you in a great tight hug, lifting you from the ground and spinning you around. I’d never been happier in my entire life.

You just laughed, very glad that you had the power to make me this happy, extremely happy.

When I finally put you down, my smirk faded away when I noticed something. It just made you extremely worried again.

“What’s wrong?!” you began to panic at my expression.

“There is a giant hickey on your neck and I am so sorry.” I explained, staring at the mark with my eyes wide. You brought your hand up to touch it, sighing in annoyance when you felt it.

“Great Kikwang.” You blamed me, but I still caught a glimpse of a hidden smile on your face – it made me feel better.

“Come over here Dongwoon, I’m sure I can cover it.”

As I led you over to the make-up desk, I slapped your cheekily, glad that it was now mine to do as I will.

I hadn’t been this happy in ages.

But I couldn’t help but laugh when I wondered what our bandmates would think about our new relationship.

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Chapter 1: Cute! I like your Beast stories!
Rakiyang #2
Chapter 1: Aww so cute!! I dont usually read Beast fics but i liked this one!
Amazing sequel please
Thought I'd check this out before I slept.

Amazing. Loved it ;D so cute but also so hot :3 <3