
Class Love

He looked straight through my eyes and slightly tilted his head. "Who's she?" he asked. Taemin smiled and put his hand on my shoulder. "She's my cousin. L. Joe hyung, this is _____." I smiled and mumbled, "Annyoung." He stared at me for what seemed like ages and finally he smirked. "Hey, nice to finally meet you. I've heard many things about you." I nodded awkwardly and gave a sideways glare at Taemin. He mouthed, "Mianhae," as the bell rang. I followed them into the school.

The hallways were loud and there were heaps of students walking around. However, one by one, they lined up in two straight lines against the two walls and left a pathway right in the middle. Confused I looked around. "Taemin-ah, what's happening?" I asked. He just smiled at me and tilted his head to the front. I turned to around and realized that they were all bowing. The group of boys that I was with walked right through the pathway. I tugged on Taemin's arm. "Yah, why are they doing this? Are they bowing to us?" Taemin leaned in and whispered, "Yerh, they are all bowing to Jonghyun hyung. It's just a thing that they do at this school." My eyes widened, "Do they do this every morning?" He smirked and said, "Not only that. They also don't start eating at lunch time until Jonghyun hyung and taken his first bite." I gazed around, amazed at the hall ways sudden quietness. I turned to look at the person who was responsible for this. *Jeez, this guy really is powerful.*

I timidly followed behind Taemin, when he stopped walking. I looked up and everyone had stopped moving. Jonghyun abruptly lifted his head. "_____, come here." I stared in shock and turned towards Taemin. "What do I do?" I whispered. Taemin just urged me to go forward. I took a few steps until I was in front of Jonghyun. He smirked and put his hand on my shoulder. He cleared his throat and spoke up, "Everyone listen up. _____ here is Taemin's cousin, which automatically makes her one of us. I want you all to treat her warmly and with respect. You would all know by now on what happens when anyone dares goes against my orders." He glared at the many lined up students. I stared at him. *What the hell is this guy doing?* "Ummm, I don't think that that would be necessary..." 

My words were cut off by the first class bell. The students started to scatter off to their classes. Jonghyun looked at me at raised an eyebrow. "Did you say something?" I just looked back at him and shook my head. "I understand what you're trying to do, but I really don't think that its necessary." I brushed off his hand that was still on my shoulder. He looked back at me in confusion. "Ouch! Hyung, do you need some ice for that burn?" laughed Key. Jonghyun gave him a glare and he immediately lowered his head. 

Jonghyun turned back to me and sighed. He straightened up and put on a smile that showed his  straight milky white set of teeth. "Hey. I don't think that you exactly understand what kind of guy I am." He leaned in so that his face was just inches away from mine. "You should be thankful on what I just did for you. There are girls that would die to have me touch their shoulder." He smiled and his lips. "I'll let you go this time because your hot." He straightened up and crossed his arms while his eyes studied me.

I smirked and laughed. The rest of his gang stared at me in shock. Jonghyun frowned at me. I crossed my arms as well and pushed my finger into his chest. "You're right. I don't know much about you." I leaned in and whispered, "But what I do know, is that you are a big jerk and that I don't really want anything to do with you." They all stared at me as I took a last look at them before walking away. L. Joe looked up at me and smiled in amusement. *She's really something, isn't she?* He turned to look at Jonghyun who was glaring in the direction that I had left. "I'm gonna make you regret that," he hissed as he headed to class.

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im_a_squid #1
Chapter 27: update pleasee~
starxsmileyfacee #2
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz update~!!!!
my three bias together KYA >///<
mysteriousaura209 #4
i bet teamin was so confused!xD
poseidon #5
Hmmmm still waiting....(taps foot impatiently)
Thank you :)<br />
Updates are coming along soon! ^^
poseidon #7
Mann I'm hooked now...i really like this fanfic i hope.you continue...update soon...:)
Oh noes! :O
Oh no... What's gonna happen next?<br />
This is very interesting, please update! ^^