The Stupid Kissing Game

The Stupid Kissing Game

Kyuhyun turned his head to Siwon who was still focus on driving.

"Siwonnie, are you sure we have to do this?" Kyuhyun whined with spoiled voice.

Siwon smiled. "Of course Kyu. This is the only way if you want to get my apology "Siwon said.

Kyuhyun pouted his lips. "But Siwonnie ... it was just a small mistake, how can you punish me like this? "Kyuhyun still protested.

"Small mistake? You're not answering my phone more than five times just because you’re too tired from your musical. I spent almost my time in Shenzhen for filming my drama and I still always had time to call you every night ... Now who's selfish? "Siwon was pretending to raise the tone of his voice. Oh of course he just pretend, he won’t never ever get angry to his baby Kyu. Baby Kyu is too precious for him.

"Fine ...” Kyuhyun’s voice was so small. “ B-but Siwonnie... why should this stupid kissing game? I can treat you dinner in your favorite restaurant, you know. Or how about we fly to Paris at the weekend, or.. or we can having all day long in your apartment. That sounds better, right? Why do we have to do Heechul Hyung’s ridiculous game? This is stupid! Ugh! "Kyuhyun mumbles.

"Oh come on baby, there's nothing wrong with that. Heechul Hyung has always been nice to you. After all, this is just a game ... just for fun. And i want to try something new "Siwon laughed happily.

"But ... but Siwoniiiieeee ... are you serious we should kissing in front of other members? "Kyuhyun still could not accept it.

Siwon is pretending to be annoyed. "Well, it's okay if you don't want to. We can go back, I'll take you to the dorm. Tomorrow morning I will go back to Shenzhen. I don’t know when i will return to Seoul again " Siwon said coldly.

"Aaaaa Siwonnieee ... please don’t be angry, ne? Okay then ... let's do the challenge" Kyuhyun said. Finally gave up.

Siwon was silent. Although actually he really wanted to shout happily, because once again... he could easily persuading his cute clueless boyfriend. Oh, if only Kyuhyun knew all of this stupid game is only Siwon’s way to show off about their relationship. Siwon has been annoyed since other members always about he and Kyuhyun never display any intimate moment. Yeah right, Kyuhyun never let Siwon kiss him in front of other members. Only little kissy-kissy on the cheek or forehead during the concert as Kyuhyun say it’s only to make fans happy. But now... Siwon smirk, he could finally shows to his Hyungs and dongsaengs in Super Junior that indeed he owns Kyuhyun.


Their car stopped in front of Japanese restaurant. Kyuhyun still sat inside the car. Hasitated.

"Come on baby, the Hyungs have been waiting for us" Siwon said as he grabbed Kyuhyun's hand.

They ready to entered the VIP room they’ve reserved.

"Ummm ... Siwonnie ... "suddenly Kyuhyun stopped in front of the VIP’s door.

"What now, baby?" Siwon sighed. Still pretended to be annoyed.

"Umm, nothing..." Kyuhyun tried to regulate his heartbeat as he followed Siwon’s step.


"Well, well ... finally our hottest couple of the year! " Heechul stood from his seat when Siwon and Kyuhyun entered the room. All of the members was sitting with happy smile on their face.

Kyuhyun looked at all the members with hot flushes. Oh my God... they’re here to watch him kissing with Siwon? How shameful. There were Leeteuk, Yesung, Sungmin, Ryeowook, Zhou Mi, Henry, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Heechul, Shindong, and even Kangin who just passed from the military service was also there!

"Aigoo, Kyu, are you blushing? We haven’t even started playing "Leeteuk teased with his annoying laugh.

Kyuhyun's face grew red.

"Let's start the game then. Oh I'm so excited! "Eunhyuk said enthusiastically without a shame. He was smiling while looking at Donghae.

"Hmm i see..., apparently you can’t wait? Okay, Eunhyuk and Donghae... you guys will sit on the left side. While Siwon and Kyuhyun will sit on the right side "Hechul eagerly told other members to make a space for the couple.

"Siwonnie? Shouldn’t we order some foods first? I am hungry... "Kyuhyun whispered softly. He became increasingly nervous. Kissing in front of the members is a nightmare for him.

"Oh, we're done eating Kyunnie. You came too late baby. But don’t worry. I will treat whatever you want if you win this game "Heechul said with a smug grin. Kyuhyun gulped. Siwon squeezed his fingers, smiling. He dragged Kyuhyun to sit beside him.

"Aah, it will be really really interesting!" Yesung said, clapping his hands like a kid.

"Yeah, and it will be fun!" Reyowook agrees.

Kyuhyun immediately threw his death glare.

"Well, Shindong ... are you ready with your camera? "Heechul asked suddenly. It made Kyuhyun stared to Siwon in disbelief.

"Siwonnie! You never said there would be a camera? Actually what kind of game they’re playing? Do they want to make a tape?" Kyuhyun whispered angrily.

"Ssshhh, baby ... Just listen what Heechul Hyung said, please ... and we'll only do kissing not having " Siwon said with his best puppy eyes.

"Yah! Maknae ... are you stupid? Of course we have to record it with camera. We need the evidence to decide who will win later, tsk!" Heechul yelled at Kyuhyun sternly. Other members just giggled.

"Ugh ... fine "Kyuhyun answered half heartedly.


"Okay, so the point of this game is to know who is the longest to survive. You can only stop kissing for five seconds to take a breath. Shindong will record to know who’s the longest between Eunhae and Wonkyu. Understand? "Heechul said as put his hands on his hips.

"Wohooooooo! Sounds so cool, Eunhyuk-ah... let's begin. I can’t wait any longer "Donghae shouted in delight. He immediately embraced Eunhyuk's neck. Kyuhyun gawked. He‘s sure he doesn’t have the same courage like Donghae. His face was so red imagining what they will do. He never liked kissing in front of others. For all this time, he only do it if they were on Siwon’s apartment. Never in the dorm where other members could easily catch them.

"Baby ..." he suddenly felt a strong hand grabbed his neck gently. Siwon brought their faces close.

"Siwonnie ... I ... "Kyuhyun covered his red face with both hands. He really can’t stand this humiliation.

"Aigoo, Kyunnah! What the hell are you doin? Are you that shy? Tsk tsk! "Kangin shouted angrily. He became impatient to see Kyuhyun’s behavior.

“Or should i teach you first Kuixian gege? Canadian style, Hoho” Henry laughed.

"Baby ... come on, "Siwon wishpered softly . He gently Kyuhyun’s neck.

"Ugh ... fine! You have to buy me my favorite ice cream after this, Choi Siwon!"

"Hmm ... anything for you baby ... i even will buy Mars for you if you want, or you prefer Eifell Tower?" Siwon smiled with his adorable smile. He just couldn’t wait to show other members that he can taste Kyuhyun’s delicious plump lips in front of them.

"Okay then ... are you guys ready? "Shindong said while preparing his handy-cam.

"Wait!" Kyuhyun suddenly cried. "But ... but Siwonnie, why should us anyway? Why not other members?” Kyuhyun whined for the umpteenth time.

"Baby ... isn’t it too obvious? Because beside Eunhae ... we are the only one who’s really dating" Siwon said impatiently.

"Or do you want my Nari slapping my face because i kiss Ryeowookie for this game?" Shindhong said with his stupid laugh.

Kyuhyun pouted.

"Or ... maybe you want to do it with me, Kyu? You know ... to satisfy Kyumin fans so they’ll buy our concert tickets and album. That’s good for our company. But maybe i need candy because i just ate fish... "Sungmin said as he suddenly giggled.

"Sungmin hyung! You say it again and i will kill you and throw all of your stupid pinky stuff on the garbage!" Kyuhyun shouted angrily. He was not in the mood to discuss about fan service and deal with his annoying Hyung. "Siwonnieee ..." he whined as he turned to his boyfriend.

"Ssshhh, it’s okay baby ... Sungmin Hyung is not serious. Then we just have to do it, right? I'm sure Eunhae won’t survive. It won’t more than three minutes" Siwon whispered, reassuring his Kyuhyun.

"Uhmm ... fine ... "Kyuhyun agrees.

Second later, the couple are ready to kiss. Siwon stared at Kyuhyun’s red cherry lips. While Eunhyuk and Donghae, both giggling while hugging each other neck. Like they were talking about something.

"Wait!" Heechul's voice stopped them. "Siwon, do you know what should you do? This is not the usual kiss ... you know, it's frenchkiss ... with tongue and so on ... "

"Jesus, of course i know, hyung! I've done it countless time with Kyu. Believe me, i am great at this, maybe even better than you "he said without removing his hand from Kyuhyun’s neck.

"Whaaa... what? French kiss? You never told me about that! "Kyuhyun pushed Siwon.

Another member just laughed.

"Aww, take it easy baby ... You just have to close your lovely eyes. And I will do it. Do you want to see Heechul Hyung angry, hmm? Or you want me to back to Shenzhen and will never ever call you again? Actually there are quite a lot of pretty boys in Shenzhen..."Siwon teased.

"Ugh ... I hate you ugly horse! " Kyuhyun was pouting his lips while punched Siwon’s chest.

"And i love you too my cutie kitten ..." Siwon said happily.


"Okay, I'll count to three, and you guys can start kissing!" Heechul said cheerfully.

Kyuhyun was cursed. What is this game? I can’t believe i am participating in this silly game.

"One, two ... three! Start kissing! "Heechul exclaimed loudly.

Hah, Stupid Heechul! It's ridiculous. I have to think a revenge for him. Something that could make him cry till his face will look so ugly... kidnapping his cat maybe? Or stealing his mascara?

But he didn’t have time to think further as he felt Siwon’s tongue suddenly his lips. He closed his eyes. It was so quiet. He felt Siwon started kissing his lips. Kyuhyun didn’t dare to respond. He shut his eyes tightly like a child who was frightened. He tried to remind himself that there were other members who watching them. He reminds himself that this is only a game. He shouldn’t kiss Siwon back because it will be embarassing.

But slowly, he felt his body so powerless. When Siwon deepened the kiss, Kyuhyun couldn’t restrain himself. Siwon’s kiss was so intoxicating and made him feels like flying to the highest sky. When Siwon bite his lower lip, Kyuhyun sighed softly. And when finally Siwon’s hot tongue entered Kyuhyun’s mouth and began explore his hot cavern, Kyuhyun helplessly "Emmhh ..."

This is what makes him doesn’t like kissing in front of others. He will lose control as Siwon started kissing him hungrily. Siwon always managed to make him give in and their kiss will always end up with . Kyuhyun couldn’t imagine if he had to have in front of the members. He must control himself. This is just a silly game thank to Heechul.

"Hmmm, baby ... breathe ... relax please ... "Siwon whispered when he finally broke the kiss. But then Siwon quickly brought Kyuhyun’s lips back in a hot long kiss. Their tongues danced beautifully inside their mouth, without even realizing Kyuhyun embraced Siwon’s neck and brought him closer. Siwon was more than delighted. He smiled as he continued kissing Kyuhyun. His hand gently caressing Kyuhyun’s hips and he easily lift Kyuhyun’s body to sit on his lap. Without being able to resist, Kyuhyun obeyed just like a cute kitten to his master. He was powerless under Siwon’s kiss. Siwon’s perfume made him forget that all of the Members were there, watching him kissing. And even Shindong record it.

"Aaah!" Kyuhyun sighed as he felt Siwon’s hands squeezing his . He broke the kiss to breathe. Not more than three seconds, Siwon attacked his lips again. Kyuhyun didn’t know when they will stop. The kiss felt so good as usual, actually he was so thankful his boyfriend is such a great kisser, maybe the best in the world. Unconsciously he began to wiggle his hips sensually. He felt Siwon’s harden under his .

"Emmhh ... baby ... "Siwon moaned for a moment and then they kissed again. Siwon's hand began to slip behind Kyuhyun’s shirt . He gently Kyuhyun’s smooth skin. He could feel how perfect Kyuhyun’s skin is. They were still kissing up to a few moments, stopping occasionally only to breathe. Then kissed again and again. Both of them didn’t want to end their kiss. Kyuhyun seems forgotten completely about the game. He didn’t even remember when he had to stop kissing. Moreover, there are no sound except their tiny moan.

"Emmhh ... Siwonnie ... "Kyuhyun’s breath became shorter between their kiss. They have been kissing for about ... what? Fifteen minutes? Tweenty minutes?...

As he felt Siwon’s hand began to squeeze his once again, Kyuhyun deepened the kiss and caressing Siwon’s hair. "Emhh Won... bed room please ... " he wishpered without second thought, like he usually did when he couldn’t control his desire anymore.

“Praaaaaaang!” Suddenly there was a loud sound of broken glass. Maybe it fall on the floor.

Kyuhyun felt like he just came out of his dream. He let go Siwon’s lips, end the kiss. And there he was, blinking like an idiot with a very red face... to found another members watching at their direction with the disbelief look all over their face. Including Eunhae! Wait, Eunhae supposed to do the kissing game too! What the...

Then he saw Ryeowook picking up the broken glass with a grimace. "Oops, sorry ... I accidentally broke this... I guess I was too mesmerized to see you guys umm... kissing like that, so i dropped this glass... i didn’t man to interupt..."

He immediately rose from Siwon's lap. Trying to figure out what exactly happened. Donghae and Eunhyuk started giggling in a hushed tones. While other members were still gawk. And Shindong was still with handy cam. Mouth hung open.

"Siwon! What is this? " Kyuhyun glared.

Siwon's face looked a bit panicked. He scratched his head with a grimace. Kyuhyun's mouth open. Realizing something... but he was unable to speak. Does ... Siwon and other members play a prank on him? Oh God ... oh God... this is bad...

"Kuixian... Siwon was not lying about you become agressive when you guys kissing, ntehehe ...” Zhou Mi said, broke the awkward silent in the room.

But Kyuhyun's head was filled with rage. He didn’t answer.

“I am impressed, Kuixian gege! Hehe, maybe you should teach me, your style is better than Canadian” Henry giggled.

“Oh, maybe you guys can teach my turtle too?” Yesung asked with serious face.

"Oh God ... This is like watching a movie, even better from my collection "Eunhyuk said calmly.

"Hah! Kangin hyung! Oh my God, you're hard! I can’t believe it! "Kyuhyun heard Donghae shouted.

"You brat! Donghae! Shut up! I am not! " and Kangin yelled back. The man then suddenly ran to the rest room.

"Well, now i really confuse. I don’t know whether i want to replace Kyu or Siwon ... i hope i really dating one of you..." Sungmin suddenly said as he leaned his head on the table, he looked at Siwon and Kyuhyun with his dreamy look.

Kyuhyun's face getting flushed.

Between shame and anger. His hands began to clench.

"Hmm, i think i am good at recording. Do you want the copy Leeteuk hyung? To complete your collection... "Shindong said while still looking at his handy cam.

“Of course! I am tired copying from Eunhyuk’s laptop, their stars are ugly and disgusting” Leeteuk answered.

“Well, you have to pay me! This is my idea. I am the director here. Now i have to think about the title for this video... about The Naughty Kitty and The stupid Dog? Sounds good, huh?” Heechul said while his own chin.

"Guys ... guys ... I think this is enough "Siwon suggested the members to stop talking.

He felt that Kyuhyun began radiating a really dangereous negative aura.

"Baby ..." he whispered softly, carefully touching Kyuhyun’s shoulder.

He felt Kyuhyun slapped his hand quickly. Kyuhyun stood up and turned to face him.

"Choi Siwon ..." Kyuhyun whispered softly.

"Ye-yess baby ..." Siwon said with a shaky voice.

"Why did you do this to me?" Kyuhyun looked at Siwon deeply.

"Well, i... i just... i just want to..."

"Go die in heeeeeeeeell! And never ever come back agaiiiiiiiin! I HATE YOUUUUUU! "Kyuhyun shouted with all his strength, he really didn’t care if they were in public place now.

Siwon was stunned.

Other members covered her ears, trying not to laugh.

Kyuhyun ran out immadiately from the VIP room. He didn’t stop no matter Siwon begged him.

"Baby ... wait ... I-I can explain ... "

“Shut up! And get lost! I don’t want to see your face, ugly horse!!! Go pick up those random pretty boys in Shenzhen which i believe thay are all actually ugly and don’t have as nice as mine! I don’t need you anymore stupid ugly horsie!!!”

“Baby... Kyuhyun, my beautiful Kyuhyunnie... my angel, my sunshine, my beautiful rose, my marshmallow, please let me explain...”


One month later...

“So, is he still angry?”

“Yep, definitely! Just like a baby demon. Uuuuh so scary i didn’t even want to sit in the same room with him, or the same van... Sungmin Hyung told me he didn’t even dare to sleep in the same room as Kyu will scream Siwon’s name with angry voice when he’s sleeping”

“And how about Siwon?”

“You still ask? Of course he’s in hell! He even sent her mom to Kyuhyun’s house. Bring some favorite cake and asking for Kyuhyun’s parent help. His father even asked Leeteuk Hyung to set the meeting with Kyuhyun. But you know how Kyu is. No hope for Siwon, not for now...”

“Ah, i feel bad for Siwon. Kyuhyun has been too clingy to Changmin recently, ignoring Siwon...”

“Yeah me too... but what can we do? Siwon is so stupid with his kissing game’s idea. I’ve already warn him... and Heechul Hyung was too careless to help him”

“Yeah, he’s so hopeless, he wants to show us he could kiss Kyu in front of us”

“Well, anyway... have you save the copy of their kissing video?”

“Nope. But Shindong will send it to me as he finished the editing... he still need to find a great melody for the backsound”

“What makes him take so long? It’s just editing for God’s shake! Ah... can’t wait to watch the video...”

“Yeah me too. Just be patient... I hope Shindong won’t cut their sound” “

I can’t believe Kangin Hyung was hard when we were in that Japanesse Restaurant! So embarassing!”

“Yeah, i see him too. Well, it’s because Siwon and Kyu have a great skill to be a star. Maybe they should filming after we’re retired from Super Junior”

“Are you crazy?”

“No, i am serious. They’re really hot and have a good chemistry, and they’re so good looking to be a star”

“Hmm, yeah... well maybe we should show the video to other dongsaengs. Those Shinee guys and Exo kids will definitely happy to watch this video as they’re eager to learn this kind of stuff. And maybe... we can get some money from them... Khekhekhe...”

“Should we show it to Lee Soman Ahjussi too?”

“Nooooo! Are you idiot?!!!!!”

“But... but maybe he’ll give us a lot of money!”

“Do you have a brain? He will kill us if he found that video, you stupid moron!”



Well, i dunno why i wrote this kind of stuff. I feel silly! But... but, i love it if you guys leave some comments

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Chapter 1: That's so damn Best!!!!!!!!! Too obvious. hehe xD. Love so much. <3
kirakirafujo #2
Chapter 1: OMG,, i can’t imagine how hot they are. .
It’s dam good ff. .
I’m waiting for the sequel. .
And, u give the copy please???
Chapter 1: Wow the best game ever ono! Kyu looks y when he moaned and ask to bedroom
kkkk and about the copy i want too,
yeah siwon is the best kisser,
Chapter 1: Oh God !
This fict is so sweet, yet so damnhot too... Kkkkk~~

really love when Kyu moaned and ask to the bedroom... Hohohoho

thank's for sharing this great fict.. :)
Chapter 1: Shindong!! You have to give me a copy of that tapee!!! kkk, love this fic! It was hilarious and so hot!! Love that making-out scene ♥
mitralisa #6
Chapter 1: ^__^ thank u 4 sharing
lonelyfairy88 #7
of course you can :)
Cindy940917 #8
Kkkkkkkk, so funny ;)))

Love your fic <3

I wish I could share it with more people. So, would you mind if I translate it into Vietnamese, my mother toughe?

I'll give you the full credit.

Anyways, thanks in advance <3
Reeiini #9
will kyu forgive siwon ?????
sequel please~~~