Girl at the Window


Before you continue reading, let me make it quite clear that I won't be addressing Liyin's character as "Zhang Liyin" at all, rather, "Mrs. Han" or just Liyin alone. I had planned to do something with her character, so please just ignore the fact that she was first listed as "Zhang Liyin" in the cast list if you already saw her listed as that; I just changed it to read "Han Liyin". I never referred to the characters with their names in the first place, but you're able to figure out who's whom, right? Just trying to get that across.

Again, I repeat, Liyin will only be referred to as "Liyin" or "Mrs. Han", so just disregard the "Zhang" part if you're one of those who already saw her listed as that. You guys already know this is a SuYin fic anyway.

Another thing to add before you proceed— I am fully aware that Korean women do not take their husband's surname when they marry. However, for the sake of this story, the characters shall do so (Liyin's character and Hyorin, Junsu's wife) so please bear with me.I just though I'd mention that for those who are too lazy to go back to the Foreword section when I tell them to.  

The young man walks in the streets of Seoul, his baggage over his shoulder. He is searching for a place to live, perhaps a small flat while he is in town. After all, the ship is only going to stay for a short time, six months at the most. There is no sign of sunlight in the city, only gray clouds and the stench of garbage and smoke coming from factories nearby. Nevertheless, he still admires it for this is the place he has learned to call home. He grew up in here practically all his life, leaving the dear city for the sea at the age of fifteen, when he was finally of age to sail along with his father.

As he is walking, he looks up at a particularly large house. Judging by its appearance, he assumes that it is of a nobleman’s residence. It is practically a mansion after all, plus its iron gates bore a crest of intricate design. The young man smiles to himself as he sighs. He dreams that one day, he will be able to afford a house of such beautiful architecture, with a family that he shall call his own.

As he continues to stare at the house in front of him, he notices a girl at the window. The young maiden possesses long brown hair – straight – and it is framing her beautiful heart-shaped face, her skin looking as smooth and white as milk.  She seems to be doing something – sewing, he assumes, since she seems to appear to have a needle and thread at hand. She looks at the distance, and looks down at his direction. She then notices him and she smiles; he smiles back, immediately losing himself in her hazel eyes.

I must know her name, he thinks.

The girl resumes her task but he is still looking at her, remaining to stand at the same position. I must know her name, I must know her name.

He hears a woman approaching his direction, begging for relief as she walks. Still, he does not peel is gaze away from the window, where the young woman sits.

“Alms,” the woman says, now next to him.

He continues to look at the window as he reaches for some coins in his pocket. He only tears away his gaze to look at the beggar woman, who thanks him for his kindness.

“Ma’am,” he asks her, “would you happen to know the name of that young lady?”

The beggar looks up at the window and replies with a cracked voice, “tha’ there is Minjung, th’ Great Judge Jung’s ward.”

“Minjung,” he repeats to himself in a whisper, as though he was speaking of a goddess.

“Aye, sir. Not one man is allowed to set eyes ‘er,” the beggar continues, “trust me boy, many ‘ave tried. All o’ them were thrown out of the house, beat by th’ Judge an’ th’ Bailiff themselves. Wretched men, those two are. Wretched indeed! They keep poor Minjung there, all alone an’ locked up. She ain’t allowed to come out at all, poor young thing.”

“I see,” the young man says after the old woman finally ceases talking. I will save you, Minjung, he thinks, that I will. I promise.

He continues walking, his eyes finally off of the girl at the window; the beggar continues to ask for alms. He plans to look for a flat nearby perhaps so that he can be closer to her once he comes up with a plan to rescue the maiden. However, a man – the Judge – calls out to him before he is even able to go far. When he looks at the older man, he does not want to go closer, despite the latter’s beckoning. He hasn’t a choice, unfortunately, for if he does not do what the latter wishes it can mean serious trouble. And if he gets himself into serious trouble, there is less chance that he will be able to see the young woman.

When he enters the house, the latter leads him into his loft and makes small talk. He asks him about his profession, and honestly he answers that he is a sailor. This continues for a few moments until finally, the latter reveals his true purpose of bringing him inside his home.

“You gandered my ward, Minjung. Yes, sir, you gandered her.”

The young man insists that he means no harm to the young lady, but the latter says so otherwise.

He is given no chance to speak. The next thing he knows, he is being thrown away from the house and beaten by the Bailiff, who warns him to stay away from the house and never to set eyes on the young woman again.

He is hurt, bruised, wounded. But this does not stop him; as a matter of fact, it only motivates him more.

You shall be free soon, Minjung, he says internally as he looks struggles to rise from the cold hard ground. You shall be free soon.  

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zunkies #1
junho should wait patiently to get revenge... hehehe... update soon... oh yeah i will comment late cause i have work and dont have time to read it... hehehe... only weekend i free... once more update soon... kekeke
idontlikesoda #2
and just for the sake of pissin you off...<br />
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update soon! <br />
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LOL tht prolly woulda worked if i hadn't commented first, huh?<br />
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that reminds me...for this chapter, FIRST! xDDD
idontlikesoda #3
'not while he's around'... ain't tha' supposed t' be inhwan's line, dear? remember? nothin's gonna harm you, not while i'm around...LOL jkjk anyway, wat do u plan 2 do now? u'v got all the chapters done for this one whole day (finally!) obviously. wonder wot's next?
zunkies #4
he didnt kill him... he should kill him... hehehe... update soon...
idontlikesoda #5
LOL that's one of my fave scenes...<br />
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Liyin: -sees dead body- WTH! WHAT'D HE EVER DO TO YOU?<br />
Junsu (or Junho...wuteva): he blackmailed me so i killed him<br />
Liyin: oh, ok...that makes sense -looks at body and sees money- OOH! MONEY! well, it's mine now -pockets it-<br />
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can't wait for the next chapters. update soon.
zunkies #6
is he going to kill!!?? update...
kyuhyunlover #7
omo its getting more interesting will he kill the judge in the next chapter?! can't wait for the next one update soon!
@Minty - wow, what a big chicken you are! LOL jkjk... and thanks for the comment, btw. glad u liked it. hope u like the other upcoming ones as well =]<br />
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@zunkies - lol thnx...well, there u go! <br />
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and to everyone else: comment if u wanna c more...i'm not posting the other ones until i c comments. and they better say something other than "update soon" because i won't consider those either... those "update soon" comments don't help at all.
zunkies #9
totally love this chapter~ update soon...
Oh really? I've been told that the blood looks fake. But not to the point where the blood looks like ketchup. Gah, I am pretty pathetic lol. But I am willing to give it a try...during the morning. And watch something happy after. I have a tendency to remember scenes very clearly at night and after I can't get the image out of my mind. But I have to try lol. Yeah, I like it though, but there are hardly any SuYin fics so I want everyone to read! I totally love this chapter. Just cause the killing begins.