I'm Mad At You!

I'm Mad At You!

The Super Junior members watched in silence. They didn't dare speak a word aloud. They were absolutely terrified for their lives. Why? It was Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun and Super Junior M had just finished promoting in China. It was Hankyung, Zhoumi, Henry, Ryeowook, Donghae and Siwon. They had just arrived back from the airport. After Kyuhyun unpacked his luggage and such, he went and sat down on the couch in the lounge room.

Kyuhyun gave a icy cold glare to the air itself. As if he were going to kill somebody. His teeth were clenched together tightly, his earplugs blasted to the max. The other Super Junior members didn't know what was wrong with their maknae. They were too scared to ask though. They knew what Kyuhyun was like when he was mad. They didn't dare ask out aloud. Hesitantly, the members moved around the room.

They noticed how different Kyuhyun was. Instead of his normal bright and cheerful eyes, they were angry and dulled. Instead of his cute and adorable smile, he had a sad and grimanced expression on his lips. Instead being 'normal' and teasing his hyungs, he didn't speak ang glared every now and again.
"K-Kyuhyun-ah?" Donghae asked.

"What?" Kyuhyun asked rather coldly, not bothering to look at Donghae. Kyuhyun couldn't control his feelings at the moment. His was absolutely angered at what had happened. Even though that was true, he couldn't be mad at his beloved Donghae hyung. No, he wouldn't let himself yell at Donghae of all people.

"What's wrong?" Eunhyuk asked, trying to back Donghae up in the conversation. All the Super Junior members knew something wrong must have happened. Kyuhyun isn't usually like this. His eyes were sad, sullen and depressed. Something must have happened.

"..." Kyuhyun ignored Eunhyuk's question, looking away and turning up the music he was listening to even higher than before, not wishing to hear anything. If he opened his mouth, he would have probably started yelling. He couldn't let his emotions get the better of him.

"Kyuhyun-ah, don't be like that." Hankyung spoke, representing a somewhat fatherly figure. Kyuhyun also liked Hankyung very much. He couldn't let himself be mad at Hankyung.

"Just tell us. Maybe we can help you." Sungmin cooed gently, taking a step or two closer to Kyuhyun's form. He was a little frightened but tried his best to be brave.

"Kibum-ah, Call Jungsoo hyung right now...." Ryeowook whispered to Kibum, making sure Kyuhyun wouldn't be able to hear anything at all.

"Don't bother whispering, Kyuhyun can't hear anything anyway." Kibum muttered rather bluntly in reply to Ryeowook, taking out his phone and looking for Leeteuk's number. Kibum pressed the call button, waiting for Leeteuk to pick up the phone. Finally, it went through.

"Hello?" Leeteuk spoke.

"Hello? Jungsoo hyung." Donghae greeted, taking the phone away from Kibum.

"Oh, Donghae. Hello." Leeteuk replied into the phone.

"Hyung, the other Super Junior members are back from China!" Yesung spoke louding, knowing Kyuhyun couldn't hear anything anyway.

"Oh, really? That's good." Leeteuk responded.

"No it's not." Shindong said rather bluntly.

"Huh? Why not?" Leeteuk asked.

"Well... Kyuhyun is in one of his moods again. This time, it's pretty serious. We need you to calm him down." Zhoumi spoke in a almost pleading tone.

"Ah, again? Okay, I'll be there in about 2 minutes." Leeteuk replied as he disconnected the phone call.

After that, the other Super Junior members waited quietly for the arrival of their angel leader. They watched Kyuhyun glare at nothing and heard the door open.

"I'm here." Leeteuk spoke, Kyuhyun lifted his head.

"Hyung..." Kyuhyun muttered to himself quietly. And then, to everyone's surprise, Kyuhyun glared coldly. Not in a angry way though, it was more of a hurt way. It was as if lazers were being shot out of his eyes.

"E-eh? Kyuhyun-ah?" Leeteuk didn't know why Kyuhyun was glaring at him.

"..." Kyuhyun didn't reply as he stood up and attempted to leave and walk to his room.

"Wait!" Leeteuk exclaimed as he quickly walked over and grabbed Kyuhyun's arm. Kyuhyun pulled his arm away quickly and glared at him.

"I'm mad at you!!" Kyuhyun exclaimed as he ran to his room, slamming the door with a bang. The other Super Junior members turned their heads to Leeteuk.

"What did you do?" Heechul asked.

"Is this your fault?" Siwon asked.

"Why is Kyuhyun mad at you?" Kangin asked.

"How did you get him this angry?" Shindong asked.

"I don't know!" Leeteuk exclaimed, trying to silence the other members.

"Whatever you did, make him feel better." Yesung told Leeteuk.

"Okay, okay." Leeteuk spoke as he walked to Kyuhyun's room.

Leeteuk tried to pinpoint why Kyuhyun was mad at him. He couldn't think of anything at the moment. Leeteuk couldn't have his sweet and adorable boyfriend being mad at him right now. Yes, you heard right. The angel leader and the evil maknae were dating each other. Leeteuk saw the side of Kyuhyun no-one had seen. Kyuhyun's sweet, innocent, adorable and cute side. The side no-one else had ever seen. Hesitantly, he opened the door.

"..." Kyuhyun simply stared back as his hyung entered the room quietly. He was sitting on his bed, hugging his pillow in his arms quite tightly.

"Kyuhyun-ah." Leeteuk spoke, closing the door behind him and walking a step closer to Kyuhyun's figure. Leeteuk was wondering what happened.

"Go away!" Kyuhyun exclaimed in a almost child-like manner. Even if Kyuhyun was mad right now, Leeteuk couldn't let go of the fact of how cute he was right now.

"Why are you mad at me?" Leeteuk asked as he took a step closer.

"Hmph! I'm not going to tell you!" Kyuhyun yelled back childishly, Leeteuk couldn't help but think about how adorable Kyuhyun looked at the moment.

"Come on, tell me." Leeteuk spoke calmly, 2 steps away from the bed.

"Why should I tell you?" Kyuhyun asked rhetorically.

"Baby, tell me what's wrong." Leeteuk cooed, finally reaching the end of the edge of Kyuhyun's bed.

"...No...." Kyuhyun spoke stubbornly, him hugging the pillow even tighter than he did before.

"Just tell me. If you don't, then I don't know what's wrong." Leeteuk cooed, seating himself on the bed, near Kyuhyun.

"...In China..." Kyuhyun muttered.

"Huh? In China?" Leeteuk asked as Kyuhyun nodded.

"In China... you..." Kyuhyun almost hissed his words at Leeteuk.

"What did I do?" Leeteuk asked. Kyuhyun sighed heavily.

"When I was in China... you didn't pick up any of my calls!" Kyuhyun exclaimed as Leeteuk stared wide-eyed.

"I didn't pick any of your calls? Is that why your mad?" Leeteuk asked as Kyuhyun nodded.

"I kept calling you but you never picked it up...." Kyuhyun muttered, burying his head in the pillow.

"I didn't know you were mad about that... I'm sorry..." Leeteuk cooed as he gently ruffled Kyuhyun's hair.

"Why didn't you pick up any of my calls?.. I myfed chu..." Kyuhyun said in a embarrassed manner.

"Huh? What did you say? I don't understand." Leeteuk spoke. Well, he did understand, he just really wanted to tease Kyuhyun right now.

"I myfed chu..." Kyuhyun repeated, slightly louder than before.

"Huh? Can you repeat it?" Leeteuk asked. Kyuhyun glared at lifted his head.

"I missed you! How could you not pick up my calls!? I was so lonely!" Kyuhyun shouted as he whined like a child. His head was still buried in the pillow. Leeteuk pulled the pillow away from Kyuhyun.

"Baby, why don't you give me a hug instead? I think I'm much more comfortable than a pillow." Leeteuk spoke, opening his arms for Kyuhyun. For just a split second, Kyuhyun glared coldly at Leeteuk before cuddling into Leeteuk's broad chest. Leeteuk chuckled at the way Kyuhyun was snuggling into his chest.

"I missed you so much..." Kyuhyun whimpered lightly into Leeteuk's chest, gripping his shirt slightly.

"Really? Sorry for not picking up you calls, I was just busy..." Leeteuk replied.

"Hmm..." Kyuhyun hummed in a slightly sad tone as Leeteuk s his arms around Kyuhyun's waist. Leeteuk knew this meant Kyuhyun wasn't mad at him anymore. Still though, he would have to work hard to get Kyuhyun to let it go.

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ohmysuperjunior #1
Chapter 1: omggg kyu ish just sho friggin addoraablleee heereee xd
fighter #2
Kyu was cute.. Kyuteuk will be added in my pairings leader-maknae love is cute
Aww, Kyuhyun is adorable here! O.o I want to squish him!
memoire- #4
My goodness!!! Kyuhyun was absolutely adorable!!!!! Love this so much!!!
Y-chan90 #5
Aww, Adorable Kyuhyun ^_^ He was mad because Leeteuk didn't pick up his phone? KyuTeuk love <3
kyu0306 #7

cute.. cute cute... XD
phoenix_taemints #8
aigoo kyuhyun-ah~
In-completion #9
Too cute for me to handle!!! I love to see cute side of kyuhyun!
so cutteeeeee!!!!!