Plan 1

Match Maker

"How can you have so many dresses and not like any of them?!" shouts a shocked Miroku, throwing her dresses around. After an hour of trying to choose a dress for Rika, he still couldn't find anything that suited her and that she agreed with. The plan to impress Bidou with Rika's make over may be harder than he thought. "I can't take this anymore, I'm calling in a professional." Whipping out a phone, he dials a number. "Hello? Karen? I've got a girl that needs a make over." Rika frowns when he hangs up his phone.

"You're asking help from Bidou's girlfriend?" she wonders, confused.

"No, Bidou doesn't have a girlfriend, just dates. We're all just really good friends," Miroku explains. Suddenly he understands and chuckles at Rika's troubled face. "I see, you were jealous, weren't you? Smile, your frown will chase men away faster than Yuri finishes her food." Gasping, she quickly covers and looks down in embarrassment before trying to smile again. "Now that looks fake, here." He forces a small object into .

"Hey!" rebels Rika, but stops when she tastes something sweet on her tongue. "Hey!" This time her tone is happier, which causes Miroku to chuckle and shake his head as she begins on the lollipop like a baby would with a pacifier.

"I don't know why Bidou wouldn't like you, you're adorable," laughs Miroku. "Come on, Karen says to meet her at her house and to bring five of your best dresses."

"How about you choose two that you like and I'll choose three?" suggests Rika, already picking up a light pink dress nearby.

"You're really girly aren't you," he asks, remembering how Rika liked most of the pink and frilly dresses. "Yosh, guess I gotta choose things with your taste too." Smiling, Rika picks up a white dress and then a dress with a white top and pink and light purple ruffles on the bottom.

"Why don't we take my car?" Rika offers. "I don't think it's a good idea to bring all these dresses while on your motorcycle."

"Yeah.." agrees Miroku. "Can you take my motorcycle to Karen's too?"

"Sure, let me get some of the butlers to prepare the car," Rika states, walking out of the room. Miroku decides to take this chance to observe her room and analyze the kind of character Rika is. He notices all the stuffed animals around the room, along with a guitar, five pairs of shoes, and a huge bed with white and pink sheets. Certificates on the wall catch his eyes. They were all for outstanding academics or gratitude for a variety donations. Smiling, he realizes that Rika's donated much money to orphanages, several charities, and even donated hair!

On a nearby shelf, he notices a photograph of a little girl. As he looks closer, he notices it was Rika, but a larger version of her. He couldn't understand why anyone would make fun of people who considered fat. Sure Rika looked like a ball, but she was adorable. Not only that, her heart was like pure gold. Why couldn't they look at that instead? She looked so happy sitting on her mother's lap and her father behind the two.

"Miroku!" her sweet voice rings from the door, startling him. "The limo's ready, so can you direct Kai to Karen's house?"

"Oh! Coming!" Miroku answers, running out with the five dresses on his arm. He runs to the limp ahead of Rika and opens the door for her.

"Such a gentleman," teases Rika.

"Only because there is a lady," Miroku teases back, winking at her.




"It seems my cute Rika's return to Tokyo," states Bidou, smiling. "And she's grown into a lovely lady." Suddenly he remembers who is in his company and turns to her. "I'm sorry, Rochelle, I've forgotten my manners."

"You're making me jealous by talking about another girl in my pressence!" pouts Rochelle, crossing her arms.

"She is just like a little sister to me, milady," Bidou apologzies. "It is you, who is my sunshine."


"Just go talk to him," Miroku encourages, pushing her toward the beautiful man that's captured her heart for so long. 

"G-good evening, Bidou!" squeaks Rika, trying to clam her nerves.

"My beautiful girl, please meet my beautiful lady," Bidou immediately says. "See, Rochelle? I told you she's quite the cute delight. Rika, this is my sunshine, Rochelle. And my beauty, this is my childhood friend, Satou Rika. I hope we can all get along." At first Rochelle stared at Rika with a great hatred, causing her to tremble slightly. Seeing this, Miroku rushes over and slings an arm around her shoulders, comforting Rika yet causing her heart to beat faster at the same time. 

"Isn't this a great party?" Miroku asks, chuckling nervously. 

"It is!" agrees Yuri loudly from the other side of the room, causing their group to stare at her back in embarrassment. Miroku turns back to meet their eyes, chuckling nervously again. 

"You guys should dance," urges Karen quickly as a handsome man swings her around the dancefloor.

"She's such a beautiful dancer," gasps Rika as Bidou pats her head lovingly.

"Let's show Rika-chan a much more beautiful dancer, shall we, Rochelle?" Bidou asks, putting a hand out for Rochelle, who accepts happily.

"B-but but!" stutters Rika, looking more discouraged as her first love continues seeing her as a little sister. Meanwhile, Miroku stares with his mouth wide open around a lollipop. "There's no way I can measure up to someone as beautiful as Rochelle."

"If that's how you feel, there's no way you'll be able to measure up to the other women around him," Miroku blurts out, on his candy. Hearing a whining cry from Rika, he drops his lollipop and remembers their goal. "Wait! We can still do this! Please don't cry!" Immediately Miroku grabs Rika and pulls her onto the dancefloor. "Here's the plan, I'll lead you close to Bidou and Rochelle. We wait for the turn in the song and we'll switch partners."

"O-okay," agrees Rika, slightly nervous. They swing to the quick beats of the song with Miroku guiding them past the other couples, including Noriko and Seishiro. They finally reach the proximity of Bidou and Rochelle.

"Okay, on the third beat, ready?" asks Miroku, keeping his eyes on their targets. Rika nods and as soon as all the couples swing back,Miroku spins them in between their targets, gracefully switching partners from Rika to Rochelle. Rika's breath hitches in when she finds herself in the arms of Bidou, who dips her suddenly.

"Ah, my sweet sugar (Pun on Rika's last name Satou, since it's pretty close to 'sato', the word for sugar)," Bidou greets suavely. "I guess life is telling me to grace you with a dance as you have turned up in my arms." As soon as Bidou says that, Rika felt her knees go weak as her prince charming pulls her back up and begins spinning her around. As Bidou twirls her, Rika could make out a thumbs up from Miroku and Karen as she twirls by. 

'It feels as if I'm Cinderella, Bidou is my prince, and the rest of the Yukan Club members are my fairies!' thinks Rika, sighing happily as Bidou ends their dance with a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Now, I must return to my sunshine's side, but I am looking forward to another dance later this evening," states Bidou, planting another kiss on her hand. As he leaves, Rika stands there in awe, stars in her eyes. 

"So how'd it go?" Miroku asks, suddenly appearing next to her.

"I saw Bidou planting a few kisses on you," Karen winks at the blushing Rika. "It wasn't on the lips, but still..." However all Rika can do is turn to face Karen with incoherant sounds due to her happiness, causing the two school council members to look at each other, chuckling.

"You're so cute, Rika-chan," chuckles Miroku, hugging her with one arm. "Alright, part 1 is complete, ladies. Now let's move onto part 2."

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Anja01 #1
Chapter 3: Aww they're going on a date ♥ so cute
FlameUnlimited #2
Chapter 2: Can you please update its getting good
Anja01 #3
Chapter 2: Omg yay you updated ♥ now I can't wait next chapter
Anja01 #4
Chapter 1: Awww soo cute, please make another part fast, ok? ♥
lurichan #5
Chapter 1: so cute! <3 will you please make another fan fictions about JIN
Chapter 1: Yayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Jin and your fics! Update Soon!!!
please update soon!! I love Akanishi Jin as Shochikubai Miroku in Yukan Club!!!!!!!!!