Chapter 7

Crazy Love


Jessica’s POV

-A week later-

‘I can’t believe I’m doing this’ I thought while I was signing the paper for the admission of the Miss Soshi contest. ‘This is stupid’ I groaned.

“Thank you so much, good luck for the competition, oh, and tomorrow we have practice for the runway” the psychologist told me

“Emm… yes, thank you” I said awkwardly

And all of this because I lost –sigh-


“I’m going to win” I said with all the confidence I had

“Yeah” Sunny chuckled “Are you ready?”

“Of course”

Sunny and I made a bet. The game is about we have to say a number each of us, with the exception of the number 7 and it’s multiples, when that kind of number comes the person have to clap

Sunny: 1

Jessica: 2

S: 3

J: 4

S: 5

J: 6

S: *clap*

J: 8

S: 9

J: 10

S: 11

J: 12

S: 13

J: 14

“emm… fail!”

“What? One more time” I said

“Yes, remember, you have 3 chances” she winked. I blushed, her wink is adorable.

……. 2 chances later

“You’ve lost” Sunny laughed

“Wae? It’s not fair” I whined

“Yes, it is, and tomorrow you have to signing-up for the competition” she smiled

End of flashback

“Sunny!” ”Unnie” ”You’re the best” I heard all kind of compliments, and I turned around to see Sunny walking to me smiling

A big crowd was fan girling

“Unnie” Sunny called me “Have you do it?” she teased

“Yes, look” I showed her the paper

“haha, good” she ruffled my hair

“Yah, I’m your older” I Fix my hair back

“Yes unnie  ̴” she smiled cutely

I heard whispers from the other girls “Who is she?” “How do she know Sunny?” “They seem to be good friends”

“Let’s go to the cafeteria” Sunny said “I’m hungry”

“Okay” we walked to the cafeteria, and she invited me to sit with her friends

“Hey guys, she is Jessica, Jessica, she is Yuri” she pointed to a black haired girl “and she is Sooyoung” she pointed to a tall girl

“HI” I smiled, and they greeted back

We started to talk, they are funny.

Until mostly of the people went quiet, and put their attention on Tiffany, who just entered.

I sighed

I feel bad for my sister. She had a big trouble talking with Donghae. She explained to me everything yesterday when I was in home


I knock on Tiffany's door to open it. She was lying on her bed staring to the ceil in deep thought.

"hey" I called "  are you ok?"

She looked at me, then return her gaze to the ceil, she sighed


"Yeah; I supposed that. Everyone is talking about you and Donghae, and you look so tense..." I started my point of view

"Jessi... Can I tell you something?" she sat up

"Yeah sure" i sat beside her

"Well... I broke with Donghae b...." she started

"YOU WHAT?!" I exclaimed

She groaned “I broke with him" she stopped

"Because of Taeyeon..." she continued

"TAEYEON?!" I exclaimed again

"Can you please stop that, I’m not in the mood" she laid again

"ok ok sorry, it just surprised me... " I murmured

"How do you found you like girls?" she asked slowly

"Well... Emm... When i was in 10tgrade..." I remembered " I had a friend named Hara, she was beautiful, nice, intelligent, she was just perfect" I smiled

"I started to feel the feeling that everyone talks about, love." my smiled fell away "One day I got the courage to confess to her, but she traveled away when she came back, she had a boyfriend, and because I wanted the happiness to her, I didn’t say anything else to her, but she was the first girl who helped me realize I am into girls. Even though I still haven’t had a girlfriend I know for sure I like girls" I ended my story

"oh..."she was still thinking

"But wait, why do you ask that? Weren’t you saying about Taeyeon..." then I got it "ohh"

"Yes, I have confessed to her..." she stopped "... And she has the same feelings for me"

"And?" I made her continue

"But I don’t know if Donghae took it good, when he saw us kissing he went crazy..."

"KISSING?! You already do that?!!"

"Yes, he went crazy but when I talked to him calmly, he just agreed everything with me... He even agreed to break" she said

"Maybe ye was in shock first but then he understand everything”

"Yes, but now everyone is making false gossips" she said

"Just ignore it" then I remembered something "But are Taeyeon and you together?" I asked

She smile but it quickly disappeared "no I haven’t asked her nor she"

"Well don’t lost the hope, and about the gossips just ignore it" she smile weakly

"Thanks Jessi" she said simple

End of flashback

Taeyeon came to sit next to Tiffany, they looked at each other and both us them blushed. Cute

I looked at Sunny, I like her, but I don’t think Sunny feels the same for me.


Sunny’s POV

Jessica and I were talking random things with Soo and Yuri, until everyone went quiet, I looked around, only to see Tiffany entering the cafeteria, and, I remembered what I talked with Taeyeon yesterday.


I was listening to music in my room, while I was checking something in the internet, then my door opened.

"Lee Sunkyu!!! I have a problem" Taeyeon entered so ... Desperate?

"woah, what happened, it has to be something big for you then" I sat on my bed.

"I don’t know what to do" she sat on the bed too

“Well, tell me, maybe I can help you" I smile to my friend

"I kissed Ppani" she said, 'ok, I didn’t expect that' I though


"dae, 4days ago... She broke with Donghae for me" she shocked me again

"And now you are telling me this? Until now?" I asked

"Yes, I didn’t know how to tell you" she said

"Well, you just tell me everything in one shot"

"But I need your advice, I want to ask her to be girlfriend" she said smiling... I smiled back.

I couldn’t feel the same jealousy when she mentions Tiffany, and with this shocking notice I only can be happy for her. Since... Jessica came I started to forget Taeyeon.

We talked more, explaining and planning how Taeyeon would ask her, then she left.

End of flashback

I sighed because all of the people keep doing rumors, I saw Donghae sitting with his friend and he smiled weakly to Tiffany, I always knew he was a great boy and compressive. I looked to my left, and I found Jessica watching me, I smiled to her and she smiled back.

"What are you thinking?" I asked Jessica

"My sister, she doesn’t expect this" she said pointing to Taeyeon and Tiffany

"Taeyeon neither, she always thought that Tiffany was straight" I said while munching my sandwich

She chuckled "I only hope that Taeyeon doesn’t hurt her" 

"She won’t, I will keep an eye on that girl" I smiled to her

"Thanks" she smiled back. Jessica Jung, what a great smile you have(:


Hope you like it(:

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ceritanya menarik...bagus...suka...^^
ceritanya menarik...bagus...suka...^^
CherryJpop70 #3
Hahahah I loved the revenge xD keep on like this;) See ya soon :D
please make another sunsic story :)
please share more
connie56 #6
Going to end already! :(
Hope to read new sunsica fics~
You're Awesome :P
awww final chapter :(
update soon
Final chappie coming already >.<
wanna see the performance :(