Chapter 26

Crazy Love


Jessica's POV

"Why are we here?" I asked when they finally stopped in front of my father's restaurant

"Because it's time" My dad answered

"Time for what?"

"Honey, please come" My mom pushed me (again) into the restaurant

"Mr. Jung, they are already here" the waiter greeted the owner of the place

"Thank you" and guide us to a private room. Who are they?

I walked into the room, and saw Sunny and her parents sitting there. My gaze shook with Sunny's, and she looked the same or more confused than me

Our mothers made us sit beside each other, and they started to talk calmly

"Did you know something about this?" I whispered to her

"No, I was sensing something since they parked in front of your father's restaurant" Sunny answered in the same tone as mine

"Do you think they already know?"

She shrugged, and her father spoke

"Okay girls, I think you are wondering why we brought you here?"

We nodded

"Fine, we think is time for us to know properly" It was my father who spoke 

I looked at Sunny and her expression didn't help me that much

"Time for what"

"Oh you're so funny" Mrs. Lee giggled "We know already" and nodded proudly

Sunny nudged me in the ribs, and I looked at her. She came closer and whispered into my ear

"You silly... They are talking about our relationship" She almost smacked my head, but she managed to control

I mouthed an 'I understand' and looked back at our parents

"So, how do I star?" I rubbed my neck awkwardly

Sunny smacked her own forehead

"From the star will be okay" My mom chuckled

"Mom, dad, Mr. and Mrs. Jung" Sunny spoke first "Yes, Jessica is my girlfriend" She held my hand "from a while ago we were thinking on telling you but I see you already found it" Her gaze changed only to my parents "Mr. and Mrs. Jung... With the biggest respect for you, I want to ask you properly: Will you let your daughter to be with me?" Sunny finished

My mom stood up and hugged us, then only me... "Oh God, you have grown up so much"


"My little baby... Is now a woman"


My dad separated my mother from me who was already in tears "Sorry, it happened the same with Tiffany" His gaze changed quickly to my girlfriend "Do you really want to spend your life with this silly, lazy, stubborn..."


"... Who sometimes act as a baby-" My mom stopped him this time

"It happened the same with Donghae and Taeyeon"

They laughed "But Sunny, of course I let you, you're an awesome girl, I just hope you won't hurt my daughter"

Sunny smiled "I won't, don't worry"

I took air because I knew so well it was my time. I tightened my grip on Sunny's hand and talked...

"Mr. and Mrs. Lee" I looked at her parents "I fell in love with your daughter since the first time I saw her, with the popular girl of school, and I know I'm more than blessed to have her with me, by my side. I want to ask respectfully would you let your daughter to be with me?"

Both of them smiled "I have heard many things about you Jessica, and I know you are the perfect one for her don't hurt her please" 

"You can be sure of that" I smiled

We talked for a while, getting to know our own parents-in-law. The waiter came inside ready to take our order but my father spoke...

"Can you please take them to their room?" the waiter nodded


"Yes, you, I know you want to spend time alone, that's why I prepared a room for you" He smiled

The waiter guided us to the next room, which had a romantic mood. He took our orders before leaving

Sunny was looking around with a cute expression on her face

She finally faced me "It wasn't difficult"

I nodded "I know, do you have any idea on how they found it?"

"mmm" She thought for a moment "Maybe they saw us kissing outside your department, I don't know really"

The food arrived; the waiter settled everything on its place and leaved us alone again.

Sunny's POV

I stared at her while we were eating

Her perfect brown hair

Her deep gaze

Those delicious lips of her

Everything is perfect about her

And she loves me

She is my girlfriend

And I don't want to lose her

"Sica" I called her. Her eyes fixed on me "I love you"

She smiled "I love you too... What happen?"

"You know? That talk with our parents made me realize something"

"What?" She interlaced our fingers together

"I don't want to lose you... I don't want to hurt you... I'll sacrifice everything only for you... I don't know how I'll survive if you leave me... I want to love you forever... Look, I know I don't have a ring nor something special but, Jessica Jung will you spend the rest of your life with me?"

"Are you proposing me?"

"I know I will in a better way... For now; maybe it sounds selfish; but I want to know that you are only mine"

"I'm already yours" She smiled, and caressed my hand "But if you want an answer, then yes, I will love to spend the rest of my life with you"

"We are about to graduate, to start a new stage of our lifes... And there's too much coming ahead, but if I'm sure of something is that you are the only one who I love"

That special twinkle in her eyes, told me that she was more than happy...

"Dae, you have talked too much already, now it's my turn" I chuckled. She stood up and sat again but beside me

"College, is a big deal, right?" I nodded "We are going to be busier and maybe we won't see each other that long" I nodded again "That's why I have been thinking about this from a while ago. Do you want to move in with me?"


"To my apartment..."

"Yes, but-"

"Shh" She put a finger on my lips "You don't have to worry for anything, I will talk to my father"


"Great, what about you move in tomorrow?"

"Haha, what?, tomorrow?"

"Yes, we can talk to our parents later, I mean they took us here and they'll have to take us back"

"Right... Fine we will talk with them"

She smiled and leaned closer to me, capturing my lips with hers. My arms gripped around her neck. The kiss started to go further, and her hands too... She was taking her hands under the dress

I stopped her

"You are crazy if you think we are going to do it here"

"Why?" She pouted

"3 things: one, it's a restaurant, please; two, our parents are on the next room; and three, there's a camera right there" I pointed to the camera in the corner, which was recording everything we did.

She followed my point and found the camera "Oh..."


-Graduation day-

"Jung Sooyeon" The principal said trough the microphone.

Jessica stood up and went to where the teachers were. She received her documents and a diploma for getting one of the highest score on school. Jessica bowed to the principal, and went down the small stairs, to found her girlfriend waiting for her with a big smile, and holding a big bouquet of flowers

"You are officially graduated" Sunny handed the flowers to Jessica "For you"

"Thanks... You too" And she pointed to the papers that Sunny was holding

"Mmmm... You can say so" She laughed

They stared at each other for a while "So, this is the start of something new, right?"

"Yes, and we are going to do it together" Sunny smiled, and brought Jessica closer by holding her by her waist

"I'll love you forever

And she kissed her lover's lips.


"Hyomin~ why are we here?" Eunjung whined "We are not even graduating"

"I know, I just wanted to see someone" Hyomin kept searching with her gaze the person who one time made her crazy

Eunjung stopped whining and looked at Hyomin suspiciously "Who?"

"Someone..." and she finally found her... The person was giving flowers to her girlfriend and then she kissed her. It didn't make Hyomin crazy nor angry. She just smiled "Fine, I'm done, let's go" she grabbed Eunjung's hand and walked out of the building

"You were looking for Sunny, right?" Eunjung murmured. She already knew everything about Hyomin's craziness over Sunny

"Yes..." Hyomin stopped walking and looked at Eunjung "Did it hurt you? I'm sorry... I just-" she lowered her head

"No, look..." Eunjung made her girlfriend look at her "I understand... I just don't get why you didn't want to tell me..."

"I didn't want to make you angry, but I guess I failed"

"Mmm" Eunjung pecked Hyomin's lips "I'm not mad, see?"

Hyomin smiled and hugged her girlfriend "Thanks"


"Sooyoung!" Siwon appeared from behind, scaring the younger person

"Oppa! You came" Sooyoung hugged her boyfriend

"Of course, I wanted to see my baby getting graduating" He winked, and took out a present he had prepared


Sooyoung opened the present and saw a necklace with two 'S' on it "It's beautiful..." She looked up and found

Siwon blushing

"Yeah... I'm glad you liked it" He smiled

"Thank you, oppa" Sooyoung put her arms around Siwon's neck and gave him a kiss...

After a moment they separated, and Sooyound spoke again...

"We'll be finally going in the same school"  She giggled

"Haha, your wish finally come true" He followed his girlfriend on the laughs


"Unnie!" Yoona ran and hugged the graduated girl

"Yoona, what are you doing here?" She was smiling

"Wae? Didn't you want to see me?" Yoona raised her eyebrow

"No! I didn't mean it like that" Yuri tried to fix what she said "It's an expression that people use when they are surprised to see the person who they weren't expecting to come, and then you are like-" Yoona didn't let Yuri finish, because she joined they lips in a sweet kiss

"You were talking too much" Yoona giggled

"Only when I'm nervous or something like that, or when I'm surprised too, because-"

"See, you are talking too much again" She laughed

"Okay" Yuri took a deep breathe "Yep, I'm better" She showed her charming smile

"Hey, can you promise me, you'll have time for me even if you are in college?" Yoona said shyly

Yuri looked at the girl in front of her sweetly "Of course I'll, even if I'm so busy... I'm going to be with you" and she kissed her girlfriend's lips

"I love you so much"

"I love you too"


-Years later-


“Coming!” A loud voice responded to the sound

The boy outside the house smiled. He remembered those times when he told her, her voice was so loud

“Hel-“ She stopped halfway her sentence, when she saw who it was “Donghae?”

“Tiff, hey” Donghae smiled

“What are you doing here?”

“Mmm I came to help Sunny and Jessica with some stuff” He smiled “Can I come in?”

“Oh, yeah sure” Tiffany opened the door and let her ex enter

“Who is it?” Taeyeon appeared trying to put on her t-shirt “Donghae?!”

“Taeyeon, hi” he smiled

“Emm… hi, I thought you were on England”

“I was, but listen I won’t take too much from your time” He kept standing up “I want to be okay with you two… the moment I left was because I wanted to forget everything that happened. But after being so far from you I realized that at least I need to be friends of you” He blushed

“And…?” Tiffany spoke

“Haha, I’m sorry… can we be friends? Can we forget our differences? Can we be again in peace?” He extended her right hand

Tiffany and Taeyeon looked at each other. And Taeyeon finally spoke “I always thought I’ll be the one asking for this and not you. But I’m sorry too for everything I did” She smiled “Friends” and grabbed Donghae’s hand in a friendly handshake

-On the other side of the city-

Jessica was waiting outside the doctor’s room… she tried to erase her nervous by playing in her phone, or reading the magazine, but everything failed…

The door opened and she stood up quickly…

Sunny appeared from behind the doctor, with a huge smile on her face

“Congratulation” The doctor finally spoke “She achieved it”

Jessica looked at Sunny “Really?” her excitement can be see

“Yep, I’m pregnant”


-More years later-

“Mom!” a little girl ran from the studio to the kitchen. She wasn’t crying but she was angry

Jessica stopped everything she was doing and carried up her daughter “What happened?”

“Sunny omma, doesn’t want to play with me” She pouted

“Krystal, you know she is busy”

“But she hasn’t play with me in this past days” Krystal crossed her little arms

“Fine, let’s go and see” Jessica go to the studio and opened the door, revealing Sunny with paper, documents, and book around her

“Busy?” She chuckled

“You have no idea”

“I understand you, I just finished mine” She walked to her wife “But what about if you take a rest” She grabbed Sunny’s hand preventing her to write more

“Sica~” She used her aegyo

“Mom, that doesn’t suit you” Krystal covered her eyes

“Haha, fine, let’s go and play”

The happy family enjoyed her afternoon and memorizes the great moments of them…




Sorry for any mistake :B

So, this is the final chapter, i hope you have enjoyed this story...

Thank you for reading it :D

Have a nice day c:

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ceritanya menarik...bagus...suka...^^
ceritanya menarik...bagus...suka...^^
CherryJpop70 #3
Hahahah I loved the revenge xD keep on like this;) See ya soon :D
please make another sunsic story :)
please share more
connie56 #6
Going to end already! :(
Hope to read new sunsica fics~
You're Awesome :P
awww final chapter :(
update soon
Final chappie coming already >.<
wanna see the performance :(