Push too far

at the edge
Key sat in the living room, his blanket wrapped around his shoulders. Her stared blankly down at his phone, which hadn't rang in hours. His head lifted when he heard the dood open. Jonghyun stumbled in, his shirt misbuttoned and his hair a mess. Even from where he stood, he could see the fresh hickey against his milky skin. Jonghyun glance Key's way and stared at him for a moment. ”I didn't think you'd still be awake...” Key pressed his lips together. ”You were... With her again, weren't you?” He asked softly. He had seen get before. Blonde and beautiful. Curvey and seductive. Jonghyun didn't answer. He tossed his keys on the counter and ran his fingers through his hair. ”Why do you keep me around..?” he asked. Jonghyun rose a brow. ”What do you mean?” He looked up at Jonghyun, tears streaming down his cheeks. ”Why don't you just break up with me instead of cheat on me?” Jonghyun stood silent for a moment. He pressed his lips together before answering. ”Because I love you...” Key shook his head and brushes the tears away. ”People who love each other don't put them through this kind of pain..” Jonghyun stared at him for a moment before leaving to the room. Key buried his head in his hands. Why didn't he just end it instead of putting himself through this? Because he know if he did, he'd be alone. He'd have nowhere to go. Key wiped his face and walked to the bathroom. He washed his face and opened the medicine cabinet. His first intention was to get asprin for his headache. But then he caught himself the mirror. He was worthless. Used. Alone. He was already living in his own personal hell. Key took the multiple bottles from the cabinet with shakey hands. He went back to the kitchen, grabbing the bottle of vodka from the counter. Key sunk onto the floor, staring at the bottles in his hands. He heard Jonghyun's breathing from the bedroom. It made him hesitate. But the he realized, what was the point? He opened the bottles and poured two of each into the palm of his hand. He undid the cap from the vodka bottle and took his last deep breath before pouring the pills into his mouth. He washed them down with the vodka and rested his head back, counting the seconds until he no longer could. one.. Two.. Three... Four.. Jonghyun woke the next morning alone. He ran his hand over the other side of the bed, finding it empty. He opened his eyes and sat up,.groaning as he did so. He stood from the bed and rubbed his eyes. ”Baby??” He called out as he went to the bathroom. He opened the medicine cabinet in search of asprin. ”Baby, where's the asprin?” he asked. He rose a brow when he didn't get a response. Jonghyun left the bathroom and went out to the front of the apartment. ”Key? Key baby, stop messing arou-” his eyes widened when he saw him. His skin was white as snow as he lay there, open pill bottles and a puddle of vodka on the floor around him. ”Kibum!!” He cried out as he rushed to his side. He cradled him in his arms, rocking him slightly. He rubbed his hands on his arms, trying to warm his cold and lifeless body. Tears rolled down his cheeks, a sob leaving his lips. ”Baby.. Kibum, I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry..” It was his fault. He pushed him to the edge. With no where left to go, Jonghyun had practically forced him to jump.
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this is so sad ;-;
I love the ending line.
it brings so much emotion into the story.
just absolutely loved the whole story/idea.
phiiee #2
Wow .__.
This is so depressing..
Jonghyun is such a bastard here, I just can't comprehend. But in the end I guess he just wanted to kill himself by hurting Key.
Inconcievable ._.