chapter two

Time Capsule {hiatus}

Soojung hated a lot of things; a long waiting line is one thing. Annoying, screaming girls is another. A long waiting line with annoying screaming girls crowding around the entrance to the school and holding up flashy fan signs was just enough to drive her up the wall and add onto the regret she had of coming in the first place. “MOVE!” she shouted as she pushed through the sea of teenage girls with Suzy and Jinri following not far behind. She received a few dirty looks from some of the girls, but none of them dared to speak up against her when she shot each of them a glare. 

“I guess Soojung's aggression isn't always a bad thing,” Suzy remarked.

In the audition hall, hundreds of people were waiting in line. Some stood confidently with their head held up high while others didn't look so certain. However, there was one person in the crowd that stood out the most.

“Y'all should just go home now, because we all know I'm going to SLAY this audition,” an auburn-haired boy near the front of the line slurred loudly, “none of you stand a chance against me, so you may as well beat it because—” Before he could spit out another narcissistic statement, a taller guy standing behind him quickly slapped a hand over his mouth with a sigh, “sorry about him, he's just a bit of a diva,” the taller boy apologized, his voice surprisingly deeper than expected. 

Jinri couldn't help but giggle at the two, “they seem like a fun pair.” After a few moments of watching the two argue and grab at each other's hair, she becomes intrigued by the duo. “Should we walk over and say 'hi'?”

Suzy nodded her head, “if you want,” and Soojung replies with a simple “nope,” so it was Suzy and Jinri who approach the quarreling pair. 

“Hello there,” Suzy greeted, waving her hand to grab their attention, and they both broke away from each other. The taller one smiled while the other gave a smug look. “My name's Suzy and this is Jinri,” she gestured to Jinri who smiled and gave a small wave.

The taller boy cleared his throat,  “my name is Park Chanyeol, and this is my bright-headed companion, Byun Baekhyun.”

Excuse you?” Baekhyun scoffed, offended, “Your companion? I am no such thing. I am the greatest vocalist who has ever lived, and you may be laughing now but one day I will be all everyone will ever talk about, and he's just here to strum his little guitar thing while I dazzle the judges,” and with that, he snapped his fingers and moved forward in the line.

Chanyeol let out another tired sigh, rubbing the back of his head. “So, anyway, are you two excited for the audition too?”

“Of course,” Jinri nodded, “this is probably the biggest thing I've ever done in my life... you know, besides that huge choir show I did once. I threw up afterwards and there's no guarantee that's not going to happen again now.”

“I'm sure you won't,” Chanyeol chuckled, “if it makes you feel any better, I once wet myself while in the middle of asking a girl out because I was so nervous. To this day, Baekhyun still won't let me forget about it.”

Jinri laughed, “yeah, that makes it better.”

Chanyeol looked over at Baekhyun, then back at the two girls. “How far behind are you two in line?” he asked.

“We got here like five minutes ago, so pretty far back,” Suzy took a step back and pointed at Soojung, “right where she is.”

Chanyeol's eyes widened, “whoa, that's a pretty long wait. Do you wanna cut in front of us? We're almost at the front anyway so we won't mind waiting an extra minute.”

Baekhyun turned around, eyebrows raised, “we?” He glared at his best friend, clearly irritated by the fact that they had to wait an hour in line only to have Chanyeol be the 'nice guy' and cram another three people in front of them.

“Come on, Baekhyun. It doesn't matter because you know we'll get in either way.”

With an irritated sigh, Baekhyun took a step back and reluctantly gave up his spot in line. “Attaboy,” Chanyeol smiled. 




“Next!” a judge called from inside the audition room. 

Suzy turned to Soojung and Jinri, “that's us.” She took a deep breath, “you guys ready?”

Jinri gave a small, nervous nod. A trickle of sweat ran down her neck and she began to tense a bit, but there was absolutely no turning back now. “I-I'm ready.”

With that, the three began walking into the audition room. A small smile appeared on Jinri's face as she heard Chanyeol's voice cheering them on from behind. Jinri closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. Mom, Dad, Joonmyun-oppa, I'm doing this for you.




“There they are!” Chanyeol pointed to the big screen where the auditions were projected. 

Baekhyun simply rolled his eyes, uninterested in what was going on, but Chanyeol pulled him over and forced him to look anyway. “We just met them, why do you care about them so much?” he groaned, ripping Chanyeol's fingers from his shoulders. 

“They're the first friends we've made and probably the only friends we'll ever make with you here.”

Just as Baekhyun was about to go back to ogling at himself in his handheld mirror, the sound of one voice caught his attention and his eyes instantly darted up to the big screen. It was the pink-haired girl he caught a glimpse of earlier but never got a chance to see up close. “Who is she?”

“Jung Soojung. She introduced herself earlier but you wouldn't know that because you were too busy looking at yourself,” Chanyeol replied, but Baekhyun paid no attention to him as he stared at the chic-looking girl up on the screen with wide eyes. 

“Good voice. Great style. Absurd hair colour but I've seen worse,” Baekhyun judged, a smirk plastered on his face. “I like her. What was her name again? Jang Sooyoung?”

Chanyeol facepalmed.




“We did it! We got in!” Jinri came running out of the audition room with a certification card in her hand. 

“Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!” Chanyeol exclaimed, bringing Jinri into an embrace and lifting her off her feet. 

Jinri let out a small shriek of surprise when Chanyeol had unexpectedly lifted her up and spun her around, but she laughed it off, lightly tapping his shoulders for him to put her down. “Thanks. I hope you and Baekhyun make it as well.”

“Yeah, good luck in there, the judges look solid as bricks,” Suzy added, “I was sweating bullets from start to finish.” 

“They weren't that scary.” Soojung stood at the entrance with her arms crossed.

“That's because you were scarier than all three of them combined, Soojung,” Jinri joked.

The three had a good laugh, poking fun at each other until Baekhyun and Chanyeol were called in next. Soojung stepped aside for the two to enter, but before going inside, Baekhyun whispered something in Soojung's ear that had her eyes widening to the size of saucepans and her face flushing a light pink colour. Soojung had just enough time to grab Baekhyun by the ear and give him a good slap across the face before letting him go, and even after that, Baekhyun walked off with a satisfied face, knowing he probably deserved that.




“What do they mean by pretentious?!” Baekhyun fumed as he and Chanyeol walked out of the audition room, “Pretentious? Pffft, I have the right amount of confidence for a guy like me. I'm perfect. I mean, what is it that they don't see?”

Chanyeol shoved his hands into his trouser pockets, “but we got accepted. That's all that matters. We're officially Haneul students, high five!” He raised his hand, but Baekhyun completely ignored the gesture, and continued to rant. “How dare they say that to me. Me. Byun Baekhyun. I'll show them, just you wait, Park Chanyeol. I will become the greatest artist to have ever lived, up there with Michael Jackson and Beyoncé.”

Anyway,” Chanyeol cut in, “what did you say to Soojung that made her so angry?” He turned his gaze to Baekhyun's cheek that was still blazing red from the slap Soojung gave him earlier. Even one of the judges made a comment on his face, asking if he got beat up on the streets for being arrogant.

Baekhyun smirked, brushing a hand over his cheek. “Oh, that,” he paused, “that's going to be kept between to the two of us.”




Joonmyun struggled to hold back the tears as he watched his three girls packing up their things in the living room. He promised himself he wouldn't tear up, but he ended up bawling anyway. 

“Oppa, it isn't like this is the last time you'll see us. We'll visit sometimes, and they have family visits at the school too,” Jinri reasoned, but the tears just kept coming.

“I'm sorry, Jinri, this is just really emotional for me,” he sniffled, reaching for the box of tissues, “I know we'll see each other again but one day you might become actual idols and get all caught up in the fame that you won't have time to think about me.” He blew his nose, and took in a few breaths, “I just hope you'll take good care of yourself, Jinri. Suzy, Soojung, don't let her do anything stupid, alright?”

Suzy and Soojung nodded, and Jinri sighed. “I'll be fine. I can take care of myself, y'know.”

“Jinri, you still can't toast bread without nearly setting the kitchen on fire.”




“Welcome, everyone,” a tall woman in black stiletto heels greeted as she stepped into the classroom full of newly-accepted Haneul students. 

Soojung furrowed her brows at the sight of the woman, noticing that she looked awfully similar to the History teacher she had in their previous school. Not similar in appearance, but the way she presented herself gave Soojung the same feeling she got whenever Ms.Park was yelling at her in front of the class for falling asleep.

“I'm Ms.Jang,” she said in a deep, stern tone, “I'm a disciplinary teacher for any of you misbehaving students. First off, I'd like to welcome you to the school, and I hope you're all here to follow your dreams... without wreaking havoc in this school like past students.” Some of the students laughed at that statement, but were immediately silenced by the glare she sent them. “Now, you'll find your schedules in the guidance office. Since you're all first year arts' students, you'll be taking introductory classes to vocals and dancing. You've all been assigned dorms, which you'll share with a dorm mate, which we've also assigned for you. If you have any questions, ask them now.”




Chanyeol caught sight of Jinri and Suzy walking into the guidance office to retreive their schedules and although he already had his, he wanted to talk to them again. “Jinri! Suzy!” he called out, making his way into the office with a wide grin on his face.

“Ah, you made it! Congratulations!” Jinri high-fived him.

“I see you have your schedules already,” Suzy commented, “we're still waiting for ours. Have you found out who your dorm mate is?”

He shook his head, “they gave me the key to my dorm but I haven't checked it out yet. I'm really hoping my dorm mate is Baekhyun or at least someone I get along with. I wouldn't want to move in with some snob.”

Jinri chuckled, “yeah, I was thinking about that too. I'm actually more concerned about who might have to put up with Soojung.”

“Is she that bad?”

“She's quite lovable once you get to know her, but it depends on who you are. We've gotten used to her, but there are some people out there she just doesn't click with,” Suzy explained.

Moments later, it was finally their turn to get their schedules and dorm numbers. Chanyeol immediately noticed something about Jinri's dorm key that looked awfully familiar. 

“What's wrong?” Jinri noticed the strange look on Chanyeol's face.

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his dorm key and held it up to Jinri's. 365. Jinri's eyes widened, staring at her keys and then over to Chanyeol's. “ don't think...” she whispered.




Soojung had gotten her schedule a few minutes before Suzy and Jinri, only because the two wanted to grab a coffee before heading to guidance. She was way too exhausted to wait for them and was eager to get into her new dorm and just relax. It also didn't help that the elevator in the school was out of order so she had to heave her luggage up three flights of stairs to get to the floor her dorm was on.

341, she found her dorm at last. Her eyes widened in shock when she reached into her pocket and found that the key wasn't there. Panic washed over her as she scurried to find her keys, shoving her hands into every pocket she had and rummaging through her luggage to see if she put it in there. Clothes were flying everywhere in her hurry to find them.

Click. She heard the sound of the lock turning and the door opening. She turned around, and there, standing directly above her, was a tall dark-haired boy in a black sweater, unlocking the door to her dorm.

“You STOLE my keys!” she hissed, grabbing the keys from his hands. “Why are you trying to sneak into my dorm? Let me guess, you didn't make the audition so you decided that you could just sneak into the school and steal the keys off an unsuspecting student. Well let me tell you something, nobody pickpockets me!” she fumed, infuriated, “why I oughta beat—”

She stopped in her spot when the boy pulled out another key from his pocket with the same number on it. “You dropped this on your way up the stairs. And in case you weren't listening, they said we'd have to share dorms. So, this isn't just your dorm,” he stated dryly, leaving her speechless. “I'm Jongin, by the way, not that you deserve to know my name from the sour greeting I was given just a few seconds ago, but seeing as we're dorm mates now, may as well.”

Stuffing the key back into his pocket, he opened the door to the dorm and casually walked inside, leaving a dumbfounded Soojung standing outside their dorm. 












A/N: Remember when I said I'd update soon? Yeah, well, I lied. Not on purpose though, I was just caught up with a lot of things... for like a year. But the fact that I kept gaining subscribers despite not updating gave me the motivation to keep this going. I'll try as best as I can to keep this fanfic updated. Thank you for subscribing~ 

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sambeigle #1
Chapter 5: awesome you updated! =)
Chapter 5: Welcome back authournim^^
Chapter 2: For some reasons, Chanyeol and Jinri were connected by the numbers of 365...

(•̯͡-̮•̯͡) 
Oh lala, so it's a revamp...
I just noticed... So, where can I find the previous version of Time Capsule, Authornim?
Is it still available?

Thank you very bery much! (^▿^)
Chapter 4: Oh, wait... Did I miss something?
Where were Suzy and Jongin?
Did they not come?

And what about Luhan?

There are a lot of things I'm curious about... So, please comeback with the update, Authornim...

Chapter 4: What? Where is the "Next" button?

Nah, I forgot the details, so it was Myungsoo, not Taemin?

I really love it!
Please kindly continue this FF, Authornim...
I'll be waiting for you and the next chapter...

Can't wait to
Authornim, fighting! (҂˘̀^˘́)9
Chapter 3: I laughed too loud than I should...
It's really funny and hilarious...
Authornim jjang!
I already guessed about Soojung's fate and also the towel-thingy, yet I found myself rotfl...
So, the boy who caught Soojung's attention back at the cafe was Taemin, I assumed?

I hope Suzy would be paired with Myungsoo instead of Sehun...
I just ... Kinda greedy about ChanLli and HunLli... No one got Chanyeol nor Sehun but Jinri! *evil reader*
( ¬͡͡.̮¬͡͡)

You're fabulous, Authornim!
Keep up the great work!
Chapter 2: Soooo... Kkamjong school put both girl and boy in the same room as roomate?
Wow... Just, wow... (´⌣`ʃƪ)
Keke~ Not only the school name that was unique but also its dorm regulation...

Jinri and Chanyeol were a perfect match made in heaven!
Both were angel-like persons, and the typical ones that made the air bright only with their appearance...
I kept smiling at their moments...
And then, Soojung and Baekhyun were somehow kinda similar in the traits of personality, just Soojung was calmer than the diva boy... (She didn't show off unless it's necessary) keke~
They were like the Ice Princess and the Burning Diva... Kekeke~

Wow, Jongin was Soojung's roomate...

And who's with Suzy and Baek?

Joonmyun was Oppa material... I'd be dead from happiness if I had him as my Oppa... Jajajajaja~ (>̯͡⌣<̯͡)
Chapter 1: Daebak!
You're sooo damn great in making the story, Authornim...
Each personality is clear and stable...
I was like watching them live instead of reading...
I like how you portrayed each character...
And the choice of words is also gold...

Um, what did you mean with "the first version of Time Capsule"?
Is this one a remake?

Thank you in advanced!
Happy reader is happy! :)
