searching for her

she is my number 1 fan

Normal P.O.V.

It was an ordinary day for the ukiss members.. they were on the dancing room taking their break from a long parctice due to their upcoming fan meeting in Japan. The boys are busy talking to each other when soohyun start a certain topic...

Soohyun: hey guys  our girlfriend banned was already lifted, do you have any plan of having a girlfriend now or even hanging out with a girl?

Eli: Im planning to meet a close friend back then in US, but I dont think its time for me to have a girlfriend again..

Hoon: Me as well, I cant see myself having a girlfriend now. 

Soohyun: what about you guys?

Kiseop: why would I? I already have kevin here..*place his arm on kevins shoulder*

Kevin:  hey hyung stop it!!!

AJ: *put a glare to kiseop* stop it kiseop hyung its not a joke..

Soohyun,Eli, Hoon: ahhahaha...our preacious AJ is jealous!!!


they were all laughing when out of the blue dongho said...


Dongho: Im thinking of having a girlfriend...


members: huh???????


dongho: i said I want to Have a girlfriend...

eli:  and who's this lucky girl?

soohyun: dayoung?

kevin: or is it suzy?

dongho: its not them...hmm..I dont think I already met her..but I know in the future Im going to find her, and when that time comes Im going to make her the luckiest girl in my life..but now i think im wil just continue SEARCHING FOR HER..

aj: when will you say that it is already her? I mean how will you know that She is the only one?

kiseop: yeah right how come?

dongho: im waiting for the girl who will going to catch my heart in just a seconds, a girl who will make me fall for her with no special reason, a girl  who will caught my heart in just a blink of an eye..i dont care if she is an ordinary girl or what but as long as I feel that beat on my heart everytime im going to see her I will love her no matter what..

eli: ohhh.. that's a serious one boy..i think ur already growing up kid..goodluck on searching..

kevin: just always remember we're always here for you and dont you ever hide her from us.. understand?

soohyun: yeah, we're always here for you.........

soohyun and hoon: here to laugh when you found that girl and rejected you...ahhahahahhaha

dongho: hyung!!!!!!

all: ahahahhahaha


then they continue practicing till night...



im still thinking of that conversation this morning.. it's already midnight but i still cant put myself into wondering if there is really a girl who can make me feel that way.. the thought  of "is it really possible to find her?" "if yes ,will she going to like me?" runs in my mind until i feel tired and forced myself to sleep but before I close my eyes I whisphered to myself "NO MATTER WHAT HAPPEN IM GOING TO FIND YOU"




its my first time to write a story and i dont think if you'll going to read this,, but im going to appreciate it if you do read this...thank you!

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shin_rain29 #3
haha thanks for reading..
Haha cute~ I'll continue reading if you make kiseop have me.. Hehe jks jks :P