Chapter 6



“What do you mean you always come back to me?” Kangin softly asked the broken man in front of him.


Leeteuk merely shook his head, “You have to figure that out on your own. I can’t answer what you want to know.”


“What do you mean ‘can’t answer’? I know you know the answer! It’s about you!” Kangin growled.


“You have to remember!” The older male pleaded, “I can’t tell you everything! It is forbidden for me to tell you!”


Forbidden? What was going on here?


“What do you mean forbidden?” Kangin asked.


Leeteuk glared at him, “Don’t you think I’d tell you if I could?”


“And why can’t you?”


“Do you not know what the word ‘forbidden’ means? I’d be happy to spell it out for you if you need.” The sarcasm dripping from that sentence was utterly insane.


“Ugh! Why? Why me?” Kangin felt like pulling his hair out.


“I’m just your average teenage guy! I don’t need this!”


“Oh and you think I need it? Again might I add!” Leeteuk growled and got up, walking past Kangin and going to his kitchen.


“Hey! You could help me out a bit jerk!” Kangin stomped after the vampire.


“How many times do I have to say ‘FORBIDDEN’ before it starts to sink into that thick skull of yours?! Huh?” Leeteuk threw his hands into the air and just shook his head angrily. Why couldn’t he understand?


“Okay then, explain why it is forbidden then Alak!”


Both froze at the last word. Where had Kangin thought of that?


Leeteuk froze. How could Kangin possibly know that word unless….


“What did you just call me?” Leeteuk turned slowly.


“I don’t know. It just kind of, came out I guess.” Kangin shrugged, “Why?”



“You have no idea what you just called me.” Leeteuk sighed and fell into a crouched position.


“Hey I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to call you that!” Kangin cried as the elder fell. He really hadn’t meant to offend the older male.


“Idiot…” Leeteuk sighed and rubbed his face tiredly.


He looked up at Kangin and then Kangin began to notice how old Leeteuk really looked. He didn’t look that old but you could see that he’d been around a long time. Probably longer then he wanted to be and from the sounds of it, none of it had been easy.


“That’s what you called me before.” Leeteuk covered his mouth with his hand and looked away, blushing slightly.


Kangin couldn’t help but think Leeteuk looked absolutely adorable like that; all embarrassed and flustered.


“Aish! Don’t say that!” Leeteuk just buried his face in his hands.


Kangin looked confused for a moment before he blushed as well; Leeteuk could read minds.


“It’s true.” Kangin mumbled and shifted from foot to feet.


“You always said that. Always. You haven’t changed in all these years. You truly haven’t Ethles.” Leeteuk sighed as he looked up at Kangin.


“Wha?” Kangin looked at him. Ethles? What the hell was that?


Leeteuk shook his head and sighed. He stood up and looked Kangin up and down.


“What?” Kangin felt nervous when Leeteuk did that. Why?


“Why did you become a blood ?” Leeteuk turned towards the kitchen.


“Why does it matter to you?” Kangin tried to shrug him off but then Leeteuk turned and glared at him. That glare made Kangin freeze. That sapphire gaze sent shivers of fear wracking up and down Kangin’s body.


“Tell me.”


The voice was low, commanding. This guy was kidding around; he wanted answers. Now. No wasn’t an answers.



“Why should I give you answers when I get none!?” Kangin scrambled away.


“Because your information is free while mine comes at a price.” Leeteuk hissed.


Kangin stepped back slightly. He would admit now, he was scared. Actually he wasn’t scared, he was scared less.


“Well?” Leeteuk leaned against the counter with a wine glass in his grasp.


“What is that?” Kangin gulped as he saw the red liquid slosh around in the cup easily.


“Hm? This?” Leeteuk moved the cup in slight circles before looking up and smirking at Kangin.


“What do you think it is?”


Leeteuk was smirking as he brought the glass up to his lips and tilted his head back as he drank deeply. Kangin gulped as he watched the older male’s adam’s apple move as he drank and looked up the graceful arch of the neck. He heard the other groan lightly and watched as he pulled the glass away from his lips and opened his eyes to look straight into Kangin’s. Leeteuk his lips and smiled at Kangin, revealing his pearl white fangs. He leaned back against the counter and crossed his ankles, cocking his head to the side as he watched Kangin.


“Well?” his voice was very low, seductive, and his eyes were deep violet.


Kangin couldn’t speak, he couldn’t even form a coherent thought.


“Well? Leeteuk pushed himself off the counter and started gliding towards Kangin. His hips swayed as he walked and Kangin could feel himself get hard at the sight.


“Are you going to answer me or aren’t you?” Leeteuk gently raised his hand to cup Kangin’s jaw.


“Uh, I, I-” Kangin stuttered as Leeteuk came closer to him.


“It was blood.” Leeteuk chuckled and then  walked right by Kangin and started maneuvering his way up his stairs again. He stopped midway and glanced back at Kangin.


“Well are you coming or not?”  Leeteuk smiled at him before continuing up the stairs.


Kangin swallowed hard at the sight of Leeteuk walking away and when he asked if he was coming or not he lost all train of coherent thoughts. He was going. That was all there was to it.



Leeteuk entered the room at the top of the stairs and plopped down on the couch waiting for Kangin and Kangin didn’t let him down. He could presently hear the other quickly making his way up the stairs. He couldn’t help but smile as the other entered and stood before him.


“What can you tell me Leeteuk?”


“I can tell you nothing of your own past Kangin.”


Kangin’s head dropped; somehow he had expected answers this time. Like hell it would be that easy, especially for him.


“But,” Kangin’s ear perked. But? That was a good thing! “I can tell you of my own past.”


“Why do I need to know your past to find out mine?” Kangin grunted.


“If you listen you can find out. If you do not wish to listen then by all mean the door is right down stairs. You can go back to being a blood for the rest of your life.”


Kangin felt his face flush partially from embarrassment and partially from rage. What could this man possibly know? What right did he have to judge him?


“I know more then you think I do Kangin.”


“What gives you the right to judge my life? I can’t have the perfect life you do, I can’t-”


Kangin’s head snapped to the side as he was back handed by Leeteuk.


“Don’t you dare say that. You know nothing. Nothing!” Leeteuk hissed.


“And you do? You know about me?!” Kangin shouted back with just as much venom.


“Yes! Yes I do!”


“How?! How could you? I have only known you for what, 3 days?”


“No. You have known me much longer then that Kangin.” Leeteuk sighed and just sat back down.


“And what right do you have to judge my job. You have no idea why I’m even doing it.” Kangin turned and began to walk towards the stairs, intending to leave. He was tired of this man and his mind games.


“Do you know what so many vampires want your blood every night?”



Kangin stopped and turned back to Leeteuk. The male had his elbows on his knees with his fingers interlaced with his chin resting upon them.


“It’s free blood, why wouldn’t they want it?” Kangin rolled his eyes.


Leeteuk laughed. He just started to laugh, hard. Kangin just stared at him like he had gone crazy.


“You really don’t even know what you are?” Leeteuk looked at him with a face that held amusement but a disbelieving tone.


Kangin just looked around blankly, “Yeeeah. I’m Kim Kangin, a 16 year old high school student, and a blood for vampires.”


“And you think you’re human?” Leeteuk continued.


“No, I know I’m human.”


“Do you know how vampires react to vampire blood?” Leeteuk smirked as he leaned back. Damn that smirk was beginning to grate Kangin’s last nerve.


“I didn’t even know they could drink vampire blood.”


“Vampires crave it. It tastes better then any human’s blood. But the only other vampire you really can drink from and get blood from is someone very close to you, very dear to you. There are vampire blood but their blood tastes disgusting, to most anyway. You haven’t done it long enough for your blood to have ‘gone bad’ but it soon might.” Leeteuk explained.


“Hold on. You’re making it sound like I am a vampire. I’m human. That I know for a fact. If I don’t know anything except one fact about myself then that is the one fact that I know.” Kangin held his hands up and confidently stopped the older male.


“Then you don’t know anything about yourself.” Leeteuk simply stated.


“I’m human you ! Get it through your head!” Kangin growled.


“Kim Kangin it seems I’m going to have to spell this out for you after all.” Leeteuk sighed.


“Spell what out? All I want are straight answers, not more riddles.” Kangin crossed his arms and pouted.


“Then let me give you simplest answer of them all okay?” Leeteuk groaned.


“Oh and what might that be? Because I doubt it is something I don’t already know. After all you don’t know how to give yes or no answers. All you know how to give are those damn riddles.” Kangin growled.


Leeteuk stood and walked over to the idiot in front of him and stopped just short of running into him. He took a deep breath and then looked Kangin straight in the eyes,


“Kim Kangin, you are a vampire. One of the oldest in history.”





Well, so much for a normal life here.

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teejay2013 #1
Chapter 16: Hi,hope you recover soon.Nice story,nicer if we see the end.....happy?
Chapter 16: I dunno if its just my iPod but I read it twice because it was printed twice but kept reading in case I missed something. I hope leeteuk chews his neck off. Oki maybe not chew but you get my point! Funny image of leeteuk chewing kangin s neck XD -claps- update soon kyubaby I miss this fic so much
Chapter 16: ahhhh it's alright . .

Chapter 16: Ahhh <3 It's not crappy boo, don't worry! I hope you feel better soon <3
Chapter 16: This story is daebak!!
I love this story!!
I want to know more!! Update soon please!!
Chapter 16: Ooooh an update! What will leeteuk do? Maaa, I really love this story!
Chapter 15: ahhhh a cliff hanger . . . how did leeteuk survived that fall ? ? ?

please update . . .

777thewhiterose #8
Chapter 15: Ahhhh! So good!
Please update soon(:
Chapter 15: I love this story it's so romantic..poor teukie!..update soon please!!
Rheanin #10
Chapter 15: update sooooooonnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!