Chapter 4



“Helloooooooo! Earth to Kangin.”


“Huh?” Kangin snapped out of his daze to see Heechul waving his hand in front of him.


“I’ve been calling you for like, ever, what’s up man?” Heechul plopped down on the seat in front of Kangin.


“Nothing hyung. Just trying to….remember something.” Kangin wasn’t lying, technically. He was trying to remember just how the hell he had gotten in last night’s situation. Still.


“Trying to remember….? What?” Heechul pushed.


“Just…someone I apparently know.” Kangin trailed off.


 “Okay then. So who is it?” Heechul looked skeptically over at Kangin.


Kangin gave him an agitated stared, “If I knew that then would I be trying to figure it out?”


“Aish fine be that way.” Heechul snorted and walked off to his class.


‘Who was he?’ The thought ran through Kangin’s mind the entire day. He walked from class to class aimlessly, not listening, like he ever did to begin with, and he couldn’t have told you anything.


The thought made his head hurt and during his last class he finally fell into an uneasy slumber.



“Come on Teukie! Please? For me?”


“Geez you are going to get me in trouble!” a blond teen sighed.


“Like father would ever get rid of you. You know I wouldn’t let him Teuk.” A young man stated.


“Geez Kangin. You really want to take the chance of it?” The blonde, Teuk, glared at Kangin.


“I want to Teukie, really.” Kangin grabbed Teuk’s hand and lead him into the hall.


Kangin looked up and down the halls before pulling Teuk with him and turned back, signaling silence. They quietly snuck down the halls and rooms of the palace. The whole place was dark and silent since everyone had gone to sleep already.


Kangin and Teuk were almost to the door when they heard a voice, “Kangin is that you?”


Both boys froze at the voice and turned to see a woman standing down the hall.


“Y-yes mother?” Kangin quickly shoved Teuk into one of the door jams where he would be out of sight.


“What are you doing up Kangin?” his mother yawned.


“I couldn’t sleep so I was going out in front for a bit.” Kangin smiled at the older female.


“Okay if that’s all honey. But don’t stay out too long alright?” she smiled at her son and kissed him on the cheek before turning and going back into her room.


Kangin waited a few minutes to make sure she wouldn’t come back out before he grabbed Teuk’s hand gently and pulled him to the stairs. They made their way down the stairs and out the door in just minutes. Once they were out the door Kangin quickly drug Teuk through the gate and up to his favorite spot.


“Here we are Teukie. My secret hiding spot.” Kangin grinned at Teuk’s awed expression.


“Kangin…it’s beautiful.” Teuk gasped.


The boys were standing on a hill right above the bay. The moon was high in the sky and the sky was clear allowing full view of its majesty. The stars shown brightly in the sky above them and the whole sky was reflecting down on the sea. The moon and star’s reflections were shimmering in the clear water and the wind blew a few waves causing them to gently rock against the wall of the cliff. All in all; it was a breathtaking sight.


Kangin smiled as he saw the other boy’s expression and gently took his hand. Teuk felt the other take his hand which broke him out of his trance. He looked down at their joined hands and smiled softly at the bigger boy. Kangin smiled just as gently back at him.


“You’re gorgeous Teukie.” Kangin breathed as he reached out a hand to caress the older male’s cheek. Teuk flushed a deep red at the comment and hurriedly moved his eyes towards the ground.


“Don’t look away from me Teukie, I want to see you.” Kangin gently wrapped a hand around Teuk’s chin and raised his head up so that their eyes met.


Kangin just stared at him. God he was gorgeous. That long blonde hair in that ponytail down his back, his pale skin, those perfect, dark eyes, that adorable dimple, and unique laugh; everything about the man was perfect.


“Kangin? Is something wrong?”

“What?” Kangin asked Teuk.


“I asked if something was wrong you’ve been spaced out for a while. Are you sure you’re okay? I know you’ve been under pressure lately. Maybe you need to go back and get some rest.” Teuk’s worried eyes searched Kangin’s face.


Kangin just smiled again at the man; so damn perfect. “I’m fine Teukie, just got lost staring at you.”


“K-kangin. You’re so cheesy! And what if someone catches us or hears that? You know what will happen!” Teuk dropped his gaze sadly. What they were was forbidden, and if anyone ever found out…


“I don’t care. I love you Leeteuk and nothing is ever going to change that. Ever.” Kangin forced Leeteuk to look at him.


“I love you as well Kangin,” Leeteuk reached up and placed a hand on Kangin’s cheek, “but I don’t want anything to happen to you because of me. You are so much more important here then I am.”


Kangin shook his head, “No Leeteuk. Nothing is more important to me then you.”


“Kangin…” Leeteuk sighed. “You know that’s da-”


“Kangin? What is the meaning of this?!?!”


Both boys once again froze and looked in horror to see who was standing in front of them. Leeteuk’s hand automatically grabbed Kangin’s and held it tightly. Kangin looked over at the other boy and saw the look of utter horror and fear on his face and felt his entire body wracking with trembles. Hell Kangin could even see his body shaking from here. He squeezed Leeteuk’s hand and then turned to face his father.


“Dad I-”


“I knew there was something going on between you!” his father’s furious roar broke through Kangin’s sentence.


“You.” He pointed at Leeteuk. “What have you done to my son? What trickery have you used on him? When did you bewitch him?!”


“Me? No! No I’ve never-” Leeteuk gasped and tried to defend himself.


“Silence!” the king shouted. “You shall be charged with witch craft and treason against the royal family and shall be put to death.”


“No!” Kangin cried and jumped in front of Leeteuk.

“Too late. Don’t worry son, we will bring you out of this menace’s enchantments, just be patient.” His father smiled at him.


“No dad, wait!” Kangin tried to argue with his father.


“Guards!” Suddenly all 3 of them were surrounded by tons of armed soldiers. “Seize him!” the king yelled while pointing at Leeteuk.


“NO!” Kangin punched away the first guard that tried to grab Leeteuk but soon a handful of guards were restraining him as well.


“Get off me!” He growled and tried to shove off the guards.




Kangin looked to see the guards man-handling Leeteuk as they took him before the king. One of the guards kicked Leeteuk’s legs out from under him; he landed with a pained and surprised yelp. Kangin growled at the man and tried to throw them off at the sound of Leeteuk’s yelp.


“For what you have done, you will pay with your life. But before we kill you answer me this one question: what did you get out of this?”


Leeteuk shook his head, “No, no you don’t understand, I’m not a magic user of any sort!” he tried to explain.


“Silence you scum.” The king brought his hand down and slapped Leeteuk, hard. His head snapped to the side.


“Dad stop!”


“What have you done to him?” the king cried and just kept slapping Leeteuk before he eventually fell limp in the guard’s grasp.


“Take him to the dungeons.” The king growled.


“Yes sir.”


Kangin squirmed and tugged at his hold but couldn’t budge. “Leeteuk!”


Leeteuk looked up and out stretched his hand towards Kangin calling out his name.




Kangin reached out his own hand and they were close, oh so close. They were almost there, just a few more millimeters…

Suddenly Kangin jumped out of his sleep at a loud, shrill noise: school was now over.


 Kangin was panting and sweating madly. A dream? Had that all been a dream or rather a nightmare…why had he been in it? And who was that other guy that had been with him? Was it true? Was any of that true? But how could it be?


An image of the other boy’s face popped into Kangin’s mind. The boy seemed familiar for some reason. Kangin seemed to be getting that feeling a lot lately. The stranger’s face popped into Kangin’s head as well and it clicked. The blonde boy with black eyes, dye the hair black plus the eyes changing color; it all made sense.


The stranger was the boy from the dream. The stranger’s name was…











The wind blew gently causing the man’s shirt to wrinkle slightly. His white button up shirt moved with the breeze and his black pants fluttered slightly. His midnight hair gently grazed his pale forehead as he leaned slightly against the tree. The smoke from his cigarette swirled slightly around him, creating a sort of mist.


His eyes opened as he too came back from the memories. Kangin wasn’t the only one who was remembering things. He also saw the dream right along with him but in his case it was different; he never forgot. Kangin would want answers he knew and he wanted oh so badly to give them to him but he knew the boy would have to figure it out on his own this time. He didn’t care if he only remembered bits and pieces at this point because all that mattered was that he was beginning to remember.


He could feel Kangin call for him, subconsciously of course, but he called none the less. And with that the stranger began his journey to find the boy.




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teejay2013 #1
Chapter 16: Hi,hope you recover soon.Nice story,nicer if we see the end.....happy?
Chapter 16: I dunno if its just my iPod but I read it twice because it was printed twice but kept reading in case I missed something. I hope leeteuk chews his neck off. Oki maybe not chew but you get my point! Funny image of leeteuk chewing kangin s neck XD -claps- update soon kyubaby I miss this fic so much
Chapter 16: ahhhh it's alright . .

Chapter 16: Ahhh <3 It's not crappy boo, don't worry! I hope you feel better soon <3
Chapter 16: This story is daebak!!
I love this story!!
I want to know more!! Update soon please!!
Chapter 16: Ooooh an update! What will leeteuk do? Maaa, I really love this story!
Chapter 15: ahhhh a cliff hanger . . . how did leeteuk survived that fall ? ? ?

please update . . .

777thewhiterose #8
Chapter 15: Ahhhh! So good!
Please update soon(:
Chapter 15: I love this story it's so romantic..poor teukie!..update soon please!!
Rheanin #10
Chapter 15: update sooooooonnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!