She catches my heart.

Hey, Ms. Sushi.

The situation that L experience now because it was started a few months ago, when the Jeju Music Festival.


At the airport:

Sungjong- Hyung hyung hyung! We are going to Jeju-Do. Wahh. I can't believe that we're gonna go to Jeju! Its my first time /turn around like a princess/

Dongwoo- /hug sungjong from behind, whisper/ maknae-ahh. Can you please dont really show that you are a maknae, be matured, at least a little bit.

Sungjong- Hyunnnnnngg! /nudge dongwoo arms/ We're not even a couple. Dont hug me from behind. People will give 'EUWW' thoughts.

Dongwoo- Okay. Arasseo /release the hug, blank face/

L- Sunggyu hyung. Which girls band gonna be there?

Sunggyu- Well. For what I know, 4Minutes, Miss A, KARA, A-Pink and Girl's Day gonna be there. Why?

L- Uhhh nothing. I'm just asking since its been awhile we havent get  to communicate and interact with them right hyung?

Sunggyu- Ah Gurae! You right! Hyung need to be close with Hyuna. I got a big crush on her. Oh. I know why are you asking. /evil grin/

L- Hyunggg! Dont tease me. Shh. Just dont tell other members okay? Deal?

Sunggyu- Deal /wink/


They walk into the registration aisle to the airplane. While showing their tickets, someone catches L's eyes and without thinking, L look at her straight forward. While looking at the person, he talk to himself, "Is that Suzy? She.... she is stunning". L is stunned with Suzy appearances and Suzy saw L looking at her and giving a smile. And again. His heart was flusterred and melt to Suzy's smile. Again, his heart was saying," I have to approach her and is she the girl that i was waiting before, is she gonna be my sunshine that gonna bright my day?", L's heart was full with questions. Suddenly, Girl's Day Bang Minah approached L and hugged his arm tightly. "Oppa. Urimanya. How are you? Minah really misses you. Why aren't you text me? I've been waiting", while smiling. L was shocked with Minah's action and started to released his arm from being hugged by Minah and replies," Ahh Saeng. Nado. Urimanya. Mianhae saeng-ah, oppa was so busy. With concerts, comebacks and acting career. Well my other Infinite members left me, I should be going now. Annyeong Minah!". L quickly run towards Sungyeol and trembling while saying,"Yeollie, help me. Help me to get away from Minah. I feel uncomfortable". Sungyeol shook his head and pull L towards the front row and makes them in the same row as Miss A, and again, L was standing beside Suzy. His heartbeats goes crazy and right inside the airplane, L chose to sit with Sungjong and Suzy's seat number right in front of his seat. Again, L's heart was beating so fast until he blushed and his face gotten red and he'd been caught by Sungjong. "Hyung whats wrong with you, your face, it is totally red". L replied,"A-ani, nothing. Just I feel so hot, suddenly", and Sungjong was smiling when L giving him that answer. The 45 mins flight was full with napping and sleeping tired Kpop Idol. But not for L, he kept on looking at Suzy's face, when she was sleeping. For him, she had the prettiest face when sleep and without knowing, he fall asleep too, for 10 mins before the flight landed at the Jeju's airport.


All the Idols was getting ready for tonight performance, each of the group was getting rehearsed on the stage while others watched through the tv, the live broadcast in their changing room. And when right when the Infinite's turn to rehearsed, Miss A's was getting ready in the changing room and Suzy looking at the screen and asked Min when L's turn to sing, "Eonnie, who is he? He looks cute. You know, he's got my eyes since I saw him at Incheon airport just now. He looks so fine". And Min replies,"that is L, Kim Myungsoo of Infinite, he is cute. and he is your oppa. He is older than you, maknae". Suzy was smiling. L. Kim Myungsoo. I will remember that name.......





Girl's Day changing room.

Yura was texting with someone anonymous and suddenly Minah approach her.

Minah- Yurrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaa eonnieeeeeeeeeee c: Did you saw L just now? He was looking at me. Did you think he likes me?

Yura- /still typing the text message/ Well Minah, I have the same thought as you, but don't put too much hope ara? Maybe he likes other girl?

Minah- Yah. Eonnie. You should backing me up. I know he will be mine, one day, at least. /she smiles/

Yura- Minah, I was texting with the SMEnt trainee, the new group that gonna debut soon, he is Kris from EXO. Well I think I like him.

Minah- Lucky you! Eonnie, I want L. You gonna help me right?

Yura- Sure. I will help you! I promise you saeng.

Minah- Gomawo eonnie <3 /hugs/


Miss A's changing room.

Jia- Damn. Infinite coreography was so perfect. /imitate Be Mine's move/

Suzy- /chuckle/ Eonnie, you are so funny. But yeah. I adore them. Hoya and me, we are getting close just now. But I got my eyes on a guy.

Fei- Omo! Nuguya? Sungyeol? Sungjong? L? Hoya? Sunggyu? Oh waitt no Sunggyu, I like him. Woohyun? Dongwoo?

Min- /interrupt the conversation/ He is L. He is L. Suzy and L sitting on the tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.

Suzy-/blushing hard/ Yahh eonnie. Stop teasing me, will you?

Fei, Jia & Min- Okay okay. We dont want uri maknae to cry.

Suzy- /smiles/


In Infinite's changing room.

Sunggyu- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh So tired. If we can have a good sleep tonight!

Woohyun & Sungyeol- Nadoooooooooooooooooo!! /throw their back on the sofa/

L- Damn. Hyung. I wonder, why Suzy is so stunning? I can't keep my eyes off her.

All- Woah woahhh L! You just make a confession, aren't you?

L- Err nooooooooo! noo. /blushed/


With L's reaction about it. Everyone was laughing like hell. And L was trying to hide his real feeling. and the press walks into the Infinite's changing room to interview.

Interviewer- Annyeong Haseyo Infinite. Your performance was JJANG! and all the fans are satisfied with all of the performances. Anything you wanna share?

Sunggyu- Annyeong haseyo. Leader Gyugyu imnida. well firstly, thank you for everyone that had supporting us and thanks for giving us a good feedback too.

Interviewer- Oh well. Let us ask the face of Infinite. L-sshi. Why are you so quite today?

L- Ahh. Annyeong haseyo. L imnida. Nothing much. I am just tired because as you know, we're practicing almost 24 hours a day and thats the reason why.

Sungyeol- Oh no no. Thats not a reason. L is in love. I mean falling in love.

Interviewer- Ah Jinjja? with who? Did you wanna send some message through us to her?

L- Yahh. Yeollie. I'll kill you./chuckles/ Well. to her, I wont let her name out. If you watch this broadcast, I wanna say, I am shy to approach you, but right now, I'll be waiting for some time to hang out with you. /make a love shot/

Interviewer- Awwww. You are so sweet L. Well. Let's end it here now. Thanks so much again. Annyeong INFINITE!

INFINITE- Annyeong! /bows/


The next location to interview, Miss A's changing room.


Interviewer- Annyeong Haseyo Miss A. Woah. You guys do look pretty even after the performance. Nice to meet you.

Miss A- Annyeong Haseyo. We're Miss A. 

Interviewer- Well. I wanna confirmed something here. I heard some rumours that in Infinite, one of them are having crush on one of you. Did you know about it?

Fei- Ehh jinjjayo? Really? We never heard about it. We just heard about Gikwang and Min, Yoseob and Suzy.

Interviewer- Well. There is a person in Infinite like a girl from Miss A. She is so lucky. But I dont know who the girl is, but I know who the guy is.

Min- Ehhh. Really? Who's the guy?

Interviewer- /whisper/ He is L. /smiles/

Miss A- Woahh DAEBAKKKKKK /eyesmiles/

Interviewer- Any last word for fans and whoever?

Min- Well halmeoni, thanks for take care of me. And make me success like now and thanks to Say A too. for supporting us.

Fei- Well to my parents in China, thanks for supporting me, and happy with my achievement now and Say A, saranghae.

Jia- Same like Fei, thanks to my parents in China. /talk in mandarin/ Hoping you both are living well there and I miss you. And to Say A, Wo Ai Ni.

Suzy- Ahh. Nado? /smiles/ to my parents. thanks for bringing me here, into the world. I will keep of work diligently and pay all your effort and keep on praying for me and to someone that I am interested to know more, well you guys performed great just now and /aegyo/ buing buing~ hwaiting <3

Interviewer- Omo. Suji ahh. You got crush too? Well goodluck to both of you and thanks for tonight. it was DAEBAKK! /thumbs up/

Miss A- Kamsahamnida, Annyeong! /bows/

Interviewer- Cheonmaneyo /bows/


When everything was settled down. All of them heading to the hotel nearby to get a full rest before get back to Seoul the next day. While feeling so tired that fulls in their body, suddenly L's phone rings shown that he received a text and its from Girl's Day Bang Minah.


Annyeonghaseyo oppa. You performed the best tonight. Get rest well and Minah loves you <3 <3

L's reaction was not that good at that time but he is not that meanie, so he replied Minah's text.


Annyeonghaseyo Minah saeng. Thanks for the greeting. You too arra? Well goodnite!


And he pressed send button and turned off the phone. He was mumbling in his heart, he was really not comfortable with Minah. Its not that he uncomfortable because of what, he just see Minah only as his Saeng, little sister. Not more than that. But Minah keep on bothering him and he feels restless and drowned in the situation. But when he thinks about a person, that person makes him so calm and without realising it, he was smiling alone and he settle himself down and wash his face before he throw his body on the bed. and fall asleep.


The next morning.


All of the idols are waiting at the lobby to get fetch by the van that gonna lead them to the Jeju's airport. Having a great breakfast at the cafeteria and they are really full and smiles are on their faces. Again, Bang Minah approached L and hugging his arm, again. 

Minah- Oppa /aegyo/ How was your sleep? Gwenchana? It is comfortable. Minah get to sleep soundly after Minah got your text. Thanks oppa. Saranghae <3

L- /looka at Minah weirdly and trying to seek any help by any other Infinite's member/ Ahh annyeong saeng. /release his arm/ Its was alright. I am busy. See you soon!/wave and run to Sungyeol.

Minah- /shock/ Oppa. Jagamman. Minah misses you. /looks at L when he ran away while pouting/ I hope he feels the same as me.

Sungyeol- yah L, why are you running? We arent in any field match or what. 


Sungyeol- /rolls his eyes and trying to see whether Minah chased L or not/ Well, what's wrong with both of you? She's weird.

Woohyun- Summary of Minah's and L's story, Minah likes L but L just see her as sister.

Sungyeol- /nodding while his mouth open/ aahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Arasseo. L. I got someone number for you. Since you've been nice to us, this your rewards.

L- Bwoh? Who's number? /look at Sungyeol's phone/

Sungyeol- /whisper/ It's Suzy's number. I thought you need help with approaching her, so I ask Hoya to asked her number, since he kinda close to Suzy.

L- /hugs Sungyeol/ Woahhh gomawoooo hyung. I feel so happy. /eyesmiles/ Pray for me. HWAITING. /imitates Suzy's buing buing/ Buing buing~~

Sungyeol- /chuckles/ Yahh. What's with Buing buing?

L- Did you ever saw Miss A's broadcast yesterday? Suzy was saying Buing buing with aegyo. <3

Sungyeol- Woah. She never get off your mind huh?

Woohyun- Our face of Infinite is in love? I guess?

Sungyeol- /nodding/ gureayo! thats right!!!

Sunggyu- Someone's face are blink blink! Shining until my eyes are sore to look at it. /laugh/

L- /nudge his hyung's shoulder/ Yah yah. Stop teasing me, all over again. /copy Suzy's number from Sungyeol's phone/ DONE! Gomawo Yeollipop hyung <3

Others- And here comes the cheesy L /laugh/

L- Yah yahhhhh /eyesmiles and laugh/ Damn. I shouldn't tell you guys about this. 

Others- /laugh/


Now, all the Idols heading to the Jeju's Airport and heading to Seoul.


After 45mins, arriving in Incheon Airport.



All the Idols went back to their dorm and get a rest. But L is feeling so impatiently and started to text Suzy.


The conversation begins:- <3 <3

@LKimInfinite- Hey. Annyeonghaseyo Suzy-shhi.

@SuzyMissA- Annyeonghaseyo, may I know who are you?

@LKimInfinite- Ah. Mianhaeyo. Infinite L imnida.

@SuzyMissA- Ahh. L-sshi. Annyeonghaseyo ^^v How did you get my number?

@LKimInfinite- Oh. Uhh. Hm. Well. Hoya gave it to Sungyeol and Sungyeol give it to me.

@SuzyMissA- Ahh. But then, why did he gave it to you?

@LKimInfinite- Lols. You're a girl with a lots of questions. Well. One day, I'll tell you the truth. Okay ms. Sushi?

@SuzyMissA- Okay then Mr.Cool guy. Wait up. You look cool yesterday. So I'll keep on calling you Mr.Cool then, arra? 

@LKimInfinite- Arasseo. I'll call you Ms. Sushi. Since Suzy is like Sushi right? Nice to talk with you. Hoping will be hanging out with you soon. /winks/

@SuzyMissA- Well. Sure. But I'll be awkwardly shy to you. But it'll be fun, if we are hanging out together.

@LKimInfinite- I'll pray for that sushi. well I feel happy cuz you reply my texts and yeah. I have radio broadcast tonight. Listen to me, Sushi. And do text me after you listen to me.

@SuzyMissA- I am happy too. Because I never thought you gonna texts me and I will do listen to you tonight. I am having dinner with Min near the Kiss.Fm then.

@LKimInfinite- Well. Let's have dinner together then. Infinite and Miss A. Deal?

@SuzyMissA- Deal, Mr. Cool. <3

@LKimInfinite- Aww. You gave me heart, Sushi <3

@SuzyMissA- Stop making me blushing, L. Okay. Let's text later. After you have your broadcast okay? Buing buing <3

@LKimInfinite- Aww. Okay. Meet you soon, sushi. Buing buing~~ <3


The end of their conversation. Will Sushi and Mr. Cool be together? Let's find out in the next chapter.


p/s- This chapter is like the flash back, before what actually happens in chapter 1. xoxo.


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