Chapter 5

The Dragon's Way


~~Sorry that the font was so small, I made it bigger but if it’s still too small let me know and I’ll change it again.


__Tao’s POV__


“But Luhan Gege I don’t want to dress up.” Tao said into the phone, looking at his closet.

“Tao, they just hired you! You can’t just walk in wearing a t-shirt and jeans; you have to look professional.” Tao knew Luhan was right but he still refused to oblige. The only nice thing he had was a suit and he didn’t like the way suits felt. They were stiff and not very flexible. It made him feel confined.

“But I didn’t have to dress up yesterday for the interview.” Tao whined.

“That’s because you had to do the demonstration. Today you’re only going in for a tour and you won’t even be there that long. Is it really that hard to wear something nice for an hour or two?”

Tao knew he was losing this battle. Luhan was right and Tao felt like stomping his foot childishly when he realized it. “Fine.” Was all he said, and as he hung up he could hear Luhan laughing quietly.

As he dressed he tried to calm his nerves. Luckily he wasn’t as nervous as he was yesterday, when he was practically shaking on the car ride over. He had never had an interview before and he didn’t know what to expect. Luhan was trying to help him by giving him practice questions but Tao could barely hear what he was saying.

When he was most nervous, though, was when he was sitting in the office.  He couldn’t even look up until Luhan forced him to. The first thing that shocked him was how tall one man was. He was pretty sure his name was Kris. Tao was pretty tall himself so seeing someone tower over him was strange and intimidating. He wasn’t used to it. But that wasn’t the only thing he noticed about Kris.

How was it possible for a man to be that attractive? Luhan had mentioned how in high school he had a crush on Kris and upon seeing Kris it wasn’t hard for Tao to see why. Standing next to Kris was like standing next to a god.

The other one, Lay, seemed nice. He was funny and made Tao feel at ease, whereas Kris seemed to do the opposite.  He felt himself turn to mush whenever the tall man looked at him. Tao was proud that he seemed to be hiding it well, though. While his heart was having palpitations after simply looking at the man, his voice remained calm and his face remained impassive. He just hoped he could keep it up once he started work. How was he supposed to act like a wushu master when his boss looked like that?

Tao pulled himself free of his thoughts and, after putting his tie on, rushed out the door so as not to be late.

He sat on the bus trying to calm himself down. Hopefully Lay would be the one giving him the tour and then he would be fine.


He arrived thirty minutes later and he had successfully given himself a pep talk about how it didn’t matter who gave him a tour because even if it was Kris he was not going to be affected. A part of him still prayed that it would be Lay giving the tour.

As soon as he walked in he realized his prayers had not been answered. And worse than that, he realized his pep talk was meaningless, because as soon as he saw Kris he felt something in his stomach jump. His knees felt as if they weren’t working properly and he had to concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other without his knees buckling at the sight of the man waiting for him.

It pained Tao how good looking Kris was. It’s a crime to look that good. Tao thought to himself, trying to control his breathing.

Tao bowed in greeting, thankful for a reason to look away, allowing him a chance to breathe. When he stood up straight again he realized Kris was simply staring. He felt his cheeks flush, knowing how ridiculous he must look in this suit. He was way over-dressed and he silently cursed Luhan for forcing him to wear it.

“Oh um…sorry. I know my outfit is…uh…well Luhan Gege told me I should dress up and this was the only nice thing I had.” Where did the control he had yesterday go? He was speaking incoherently and his face continued to get hotter and hotter the more Kris looked at him.

Kris seemed to shake his head and said, “No…uh…your outfit is…well it’s not a problem.” That voice. Tao had forgotten about the man’s voice. It was so deep that it probably intimidated others but for Tao it simply made him melt.

Kris motioned for Tao to follow him and Tao decided he needed to distract himself. He glanced around the center, taking everything in. He hadn’t gotten a very good look yesterday because he was much too nervous. He glanced over at Xuimin as they walked by his desk and Xiumin waved, smiling brightly. Tao smiled back, waving with the same amount of enthusiasm.

He continued to look at his surroundings, admiring how clean everything looked. It looked new and professional, the walls white and the floor clean.

They reached a hall with multiple doors and Kris began speaking, causing Tao’s stomach to jump again.

“These are the training rooms. There are four of them and since you’re the first trainer you can pick which one you want. They’re all basically the same but two are a little bigger and I think one of them has mirrors on all of the walls….” Kris ran a hand through his golden hair, and Tao had to look away before he stopped breathing completely. “To be honest I don’t really know which one is the best. Lay was the one who set these up so…I guess… just take your pick.” Kris motioned Tao to move forward and Tao opened the first door, walking into the room Kris had said had mirrors on all of the walls. It was spacious and Tao liked it. He walked around it, trying to imagine himself teaching in it. He looked to one of the mirrors and saw Kris behind him, looking awkward and fidgeting. He simply stood and stared, it was so hard not to. But when he realized what he was doing his felt his cheeks get red once again and he  looked away. But wherever he looked he saw Kris standing behind him. He couldn’t get away from the godly man and he felt his knees crumpling again.

Suddenly he marched out of the room, needing to look at a wall, a blank white wall, just something besides the man who made it hard for him to function.

“Did you like it?” he heard Kris behind him, following him out of the room.

“Um…it was nice, but I’m not sure I like all the mirrors…” Tao knew if he was in that room every day and Kris walked in he wouldn’t know what to do. There would be nowhere he could turn to escape that face, that hair, that…everything.

“I get what you mean.” Kris said, his voice full of understanding. Did Kris not like the mirrors either?

Tao tried to clear his head and focus on walking into the next room. He wished Kris didn’t have this power over him. Tao reminded himself that Kris was simply his employer and Tao needed to accept the fact that he probably barely noticed him.

Tao was only an employee to Kris, nothing else. Right?



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chimjimbooty #1
Chapter 22: MY GOD
Chapter 22: AHHHHHHH
I LOVE THIS❤❤❤❤❤❤❤☺
B1A4Fighting7 #3
Greyson #4
Chapter 22: What's up with this two? Making me feel hot everytime they kiss even just a peck makes me squel!! Btw, the story is pretty cute i like it!!
Greyson #5
Chapter 11: OMO~~ what was that?? They kissed?! OMG!! Im screaming like a retarded girl here!!
Greyson #6
Chapter 10: "Kiss me" what the fudge!! That was pretty intense!! I like it~
Chapter 22: wow!nice story author-nim!it gave me a lot of feels for sulay and taoris~and i like lay's character here!lol.thanks for sharing.^^
Chapter 20: finally lay confessed to suho(accidentally)lol.too much sulay feels~
Uraacaa #9
Chapter 22: This story was just so cute! I like how it didn't have much drama and was really fluffy ^^ Thanks.
I love this story it's soooooooo sweet and fluffy :D thank you soooooooo much :)