
1.     Kang Minhyuk

He  is a bookworm, bright, appearance of him is ugly, but he has good heart and so kind

2.     Lee Jungshin

He rich, bluff and like to jeer minhyuk, he has beautifull girlfriend, she is Nana

3.     Im Jinah/ Nana

She is beautiful, girlfriend of Lee Jungshin, like to bother minhyuk and so care with her beauty.  

4.     Park Chorong

She is Minhyuk best friend, she always advocate Minhyuk, if there is one who bother him.


"Gomawo Chorong-ah you're buying me, food and drink today, you really are the most caring friend to me"

“If it does not matter, not a friend it's called"




"Why are you so hated? she's not bad really "

"My God,  Minhyuk, you totally blind. How could you possibly think Nana is not evil? Even in the classes she had been underestimated you, he is insulting your bike "




"MWO? I apologize to this idiot? Oh WILL NOT "





"Minhyuk-ah why did you even take me away? I have not finished talking to them?
"Come on Chorong-ah, I do not want you to make trouble with them, well we beat it"


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