Today was the day! The day my number one dream will come true, the closet I'll get to heaven but still being alive, and when all I could see is 5 shining angels. Meeting SHINee!


"How did you get the chance to meet SHINee?" you might ask.

Well it turns out that my friend's dad is related to Minho's dad so she got a chance to get both of us backstage passes. And who can turn down an opportunity like that, right?

Heart beating 100 miles an hour. Hands shaking. How am I to stay calm when less than 2 hours, I'm coming face to face with 5 of the hottest guys? And to put the cherry on top of everything, 1 of the boy is my ultimate bias.

Kim Kibum , what can I say about this boy? I can't even put my feelings into words about what I feel about him. He's the Key to my locket.


"Are we really on our to meet SHINee?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah. Unless you don't want to." Min, my friend said.

"Yes! Of course. I want to!"

"Okay then, now let's get going." and before I knew it, the car was moving and I was just miles away from one of my biggest dream.


Before the concert started, we had a chance to go backstage and watch them get ready.

And by getting ready, I don't mean seeing them changing although that would be nice. But just watching them going over some stuff and having some time to talk them.

"Hello~ We're SHINee!" they all bowed down to us.

I think I died a little. On the inside of course.

"Hi, I'm Hye Mi." I greeted them shyly as I tilt my head down a bit, making a 20 degree bow.

I couldn't even look up since I knew if i did, my mind would just go crazy.

"Looks like someone shy," Min nudged me a bit.

This is stupid. They're humans too and like all idols say, they wanted to be treated like a human being. Not some intimidating and superficial celebrity.

So I finally got the guts to look up at them and may I say, this is way better than 1080p hd.

They all gave me a warm smile, "Thanks for coming to our concert." Onew spoke.

Wow, he does have a smile like an angel.

"You're welcome." I smiled back.

Just then a man came up to them, "1 minutes, you guys. 1 minutes," he repeated.

I guess they have to go onstage now. "Are you guys going onstage now?" I ask.

"No, that's when our tacos are ready!" They all exclaimed. "We don't go up until 30 more minuets."

Just then my mood lit up abit. Yes! Still more time to talk to them!

"You could come with us to eat if you want" Minho suggested.




While we were enjoying our tacos, we talked a lot! I got to know more about them then I would expect.  I'm pretty sure I'm living every shawol dreams right now. Eating Mexican cuisine with SHINee? What more can fangirl dream for?!?!

Before I knew it, it was time for them to go onstage and perform for their other many fans.

"It's time for us to go onstage. We'll see you in the audience ok?" Key hugged me.

I think I'm going to faint. Right here. Right now.

After that the rest of SHINee hugged me and we all bid our farewells.


While Min and I were making our way back to the stadium where all the fans were, Min stopped me, "I dare you to kiss Key." I froze there for a second. Is she serious?

She must have notice my 'WTF' expression when she said one of the most convincing lines ever, "I mean, you only live once, right?"


That's right, you only do live once. This is probably the only time I'll get to see their beautiful SHINee faces. Unless Min's dad gets us more tickets, but this is the only time in years they'll be in L.A. I can't possibly let this opportunity go to waste!

The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to do it.

And finally, I took that dare.

I ran up to SHINee and yelled, "Wait!"

They all looked back at me with a surprise face. My eyes went blurry and my heart was racing. I didn't even know what direction I was heading, but before I knew it I was in front of someone.

Hopefully I won't get arrested for this.

And that is when it all happened.

I pulled him by the collar and planted a small kiss on his lips.

I could here the rest of the members gasped by my sudden action.

My eyes were closed, but I was pretty sure it was Key that I kissed. I got to admit, his lips were fuller than I imagine it would be, but I still enjoy every bit of it.

I let go of him with my eyes still closed. They were just as speechless as me since there was nothing to be heard from any of them. The only thing I could think of saying after that big scene was "YOLO!"

My legs found their strength and made their way back to Min.


"What the hell was that?" Min asked when I grabbed her and ran.

"The dare you wanted me to do." I replied.

"No, my dare was for you to kiss Key. Not Taemin!" Wait, what?

I kissed Taemin? No way! Even though it was a blur, I was sure that is was Key in front of me.

"How?" I ask her when we were outside of the building.

"When you closed your eyes to kiss Key, I guess Key got scared that you might attack him and pulled Taemin in front of him," she explained.

I can't believe it.

I kissed Lee Taemin!

Taemin's P.O.V.

Did I just got kissed? My first kiss?!

"Hyung, what happened?" My body was still frozen from what just happened.

"I think you just got kiss." Onew replied. I guess he was just as shocked as me.

What did she said, YOLO? What the heck is that supposed to mean.

"YOLO?" I tilted my head as I gave my head scratch "What in the world is that?"

"You obviously love oreos?"

"You obviously love Onew?" Onew hyung chuckled.

Onew hyung and his weird humor.

"It means you only live once." Key hyung stated.

Well, you only have one first kiss too. She stole my first kiss! That YOLO girl is cray cray I tell you! Cray Cray!!

Soon it was time to go on stage, but I couldn't help but to look for that YOLO girl.

I am going to find her, and she is going to pay oneday


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I love it damn much >< its maii dream to go to SHINee concert! <3
"Hopefully I won't get arrested for this."
That was my favorite part! xD Oh my god xD
aw...... so cute
kyoung #6
This is so cute. >.< <3 I love this~