My Lovely Kyuhyun


My mind is a little fried today so sorry if it's not that good~....

Changmin and Kyuhyun are both the same and different. They had similarities and the had differences like most people did; nothing really that important. Changmin, the 'Evil Maknae' of DBSK (TVXQ). Kyuhyun, the 'Evil Maknae' of Super Junior. They had the most descrete differences. They had the most unnoticable similarities. When it came down to it though, they got along better than other people did. They hardly ever argued and they never really fought. Everything they shared erased the fact that they were so alike or so different.

When Changmin looked at Kyuhyun, everything seemed to disappear in an instant. Yes, it happened. Changmin had fallen for the 'Evil Maknae' of Super Junior. Cho Kyuhyun. It wasn't his choice and it wasn't his decision. At first, Changmin just felt nothing but friendship. Well, that's what he thought anyway. To him, his strange attachment for Kyuhyun was nothing more than brotherly love. Oh, how wrong he was. Soon after, Changmin had realised he had fallen in love with Kyuhyun. And whether he liked it or not, the love wasn't going to fade so easily.

Changmin was way too embarrassed to tell Kyuhyun he loved him. He also had too much pride to tell his hyungs about his love problems. And sadly, that only made it worse. Every single day that his life progressed, his feelings for Kyuhyun would increase to unheard of levels. Changmin couldn't help but resent Cupid a little bit after. Cupid made Changmin fall in love with a person in which he felt he could never reach.

Changmin did feel he was a good singer and had good looks. Yet, in his foolish mind, he felt some inferiority when he compared himself to Kyuhyun (Don't hate me for writing this~ I love both of them~). Kyuhyun's voice was like sweet honey. Gentle and smoothe, a loved flavour you could say. Also, the way Kyuhyun looked was seemingly flawless (So is Changmin~). Changmin loved Kyuhyun but Kyuhyun seemed untouchable. So, Changmin never bothered putting out  his hand and try to reach Kyuhyun. He simple let Kyuhyun walk away.

Besides, Kyuhyun was guarded by everyone. Being the evil yet loved maknae of Super Junior meant trouble for Changmin. There were 13 (Including Zhoumi~) guards that were there to protect Kyuhyun. Not to mention one mochi on the side (Henry~). If he wanted Kyuhyun, he would have to go through them throwing rocks. Plus, there were also fans and others keeping Kyuhyun away from his grasp. Changmin couldn't try. Not while everyone was watching him. Changmin prefered to do such things behind the spotlight.

Not to mention the fanfiction. There was Kyuteuk, Kyuchul, Kyuhyun, Kyuwon, Kyumin, Kyuhae, Kyuwook and so much more (I guess he hadn't come across Changkyu...). Changmin was almost certain every story was false. Yet, after thinking about it, he wasn't so sure anymore. Changmin tried to just ignore such trivial things but failed every time. Being in love and being happy at the same time seemed so difficult.

Kyuhyun was always near Changmin, but, Changmin couldn't touch Kyuhyun. A gently hug, a kiss on the cheek or even a graze of the hand would send shivers up his spine. He just couldn't do it. He couldn't touch Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun was untouchable for Changmin.

Changmin was sitting in the audience. He was at Super Junior's concert. He was there to support and see all of them... but, he especially wanted to see and support Kyuhyun. From the corner of his eye, he could see other people reconizing him. Not that Changmin cared at all. He had learned to ignore it. I mean, Changmin was here to support his hyungs and his lone time crush, right?

Soon, the performance started. Even though Changmin swore to himself he wouldn't just stare at Kyuhyun, he couldn't help himself. In the end, his eyes were almost glued to Kyuhyun. Everything that happened, Changmin seemed to record in his mind. Every sound, expression and dance move. Changmin sighed to himself heavily. Falling in love was annoying him more than anything else.

After that, the solo songs started. Changmin couldn't help but anticipate Kyuhyun's solo. Even if Changmin tried to supress the feeling, nothing stopped his anticipating from rising. It annoyed Changmin so much. Thankfully, his anticipation was soon met with Kyuhyun's solo performance. Changmin listened intensely. His eyes never once leaving Kyuhyun's sight. As Kyuhyun sang, Changmin swore he saw Kyuhyun look at him and smile. He couldn't tell if it was a mere mistake or an actual smile. Either way though, Changmin fell happiness rise up.

Then, it came the closer. Changmin smiled and left with the other fans, quickly blending into the crowd. For a while, Changmin just stood near the area which the concert was held. Changmin was debating whether he should tell the other Super Junior members if he was there or not. Soon he decided it was better to leave until he heard a voice call him; a voice which Changmin loved.

"Changmin-ah!" Changmin heard a voice call and grab him by the hand. It was a very reconizable tone. There is no way he could mistake it for someone else's voice.

"K-Kyuhyun!" Changmin stuttered.

"I didn't know you were going to watch our concert tonight. I'm... really glad, you came to see our performance." Kyuhyun smiled sweetly and gently, his hand still not letting go of Changmin's had.

"Y-Yeah. I saw it. Great as usual, especially your performance." Changmin smiled back, hesitant to more his hand which Kyuhyun was currently holding.

"I saw you. During the performances, I could see you in the audience. I was really happy when I saw you were there." Kyuhyun spoke, slowly letting go of Changmin's hand.

"Eh? You saw me?" Changmin questioned Kyuhyun. So, when they shared eye contact during the performance, it wasn't just an illusion.

"Of course. You saw me looking at you too, right?" Kyuhyun grinned childishly and innocently. Changmin couldn't help but grin back.

"Of course!" Changmin exclaimed.

Soon, Kyuhyun heard someone... or something... To Kyuhyun's surprise, 3 speedy cars filled with Super Junior members passed him by. Kyuhyun's eyes widened.

"Kyuhyun, can walk back home all the way! We got sick of waiting for you to show up! We'll see you back at the dorms!" Eunhyuk yelled.

"Changmin-ah, make sure to take care of Kyuhyun for me! Make sure he doesn't get lost on the way back to the dorms!" Leeteuk added as they zoomed passed. Changmin mentally blushed as he turned his head to see Kyuhyun with an angry look in his eyes.

"Yah! How can you just leave me?!" Kyuhyun yelled as the cars disappeared into the distance. He sighed to himself heavily and muttered something under his breath.

"Um..." Changmin didn't know what to do now.

"I guess I'll  just walk home myself. Bye." Kyuhyun muttered as he walked off. Changmin saw Kyuhyun's fleeting figure. Changmin was hesitant.

"Do you want me to walk with you?" Changmin asked quietly. Kyuhyun turned his head quite quickly and smiled at Changmin innocently.

"If you want too." Kyuhyun put out an open invitation for Changmin to join him. With a slight smile plastered onto his lips, Changmin walked up to Kyuhyun as Kyuhyun began to slow down.

As they walked in complete and total silence. Changmin had an urge to hold Kyuhyun's hand. He couldn't though, he didn't have confidence to grab onto Kyuhyun's hand.

"I... think I love you." Changmin blurted out without thinking.

"Huh?" Kyuhyun spoke. Changmin then realised it and put his hand over his mouth.

"What the heck did I just say??" Changmin asked himself in a slight panic. Kyuhyun laughed slightly.

"After a year and a half, you finally told me how you felt. Finally." Kyuhyun smiled as he turned to Changmin.

"Wait-" Changmin was cut off.

"You told me you love me. You can't take it back now~" Kyuhyun sang as he grabbed Changmin's hand.

"You really..." Changmin wanted to say something.


"By the way, if you really want to touch me that badly, all you have to do is say so."

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Kyaa~~ so cute~~><
Ahhh! Kyuhyun seems so cute in this story! Nicely written!
Alice-tvxq #3
phoenix_taemints #4
aw....~! i melted! kyu's so cool!!!!
catalina #5
great one update anew one soon ok cant wait to read them
phoenix_taemints #6
looking forward to this~! hwaiting!! ^^
Alice-tvxq #7
I love you for writing a changkyu story ,thx. Interesting foreword.