I Love Girls, Girls I Do Adore (Part 2 of 3)

The Hidden Stories of Block B

"I'm sorry..." Daehwan couldn't bear to look at the disappointed boy in front of him. "I'm sorry Yukwon, I really am. I only wanted for you to get help."

"U-Kwon? U-Kwon. Hey, U-Kwon!" A voice broke Yukwon out of his thoughts.

"Huh? What?" He blinked and looked around. His eyes landed on the redhead to his right. "Oh, B-Bomb. What's up?"

"You're doing it again." his friend replied.

Yukwon gave a chuckle and smiled at B-Bomb, but it didn't seem to reach his eyes. "Did I?"

B-Bomb sighed and the two sat in silence. B-Bomb never asked U-Kwon about why he spaced out every once in a while, what he kept thinking about. He felt he never had the reason to pry since it wasn't any of his business. But it was always around this time of year when his spacing out was worse than usual. It seemed like U-Kwon couldn't even hear B-Bomb whenever he tried talking to the distant boy.

"Come on, let's go play some games. It'll take your mind off of it." B-Bomb led U-Kwon over to the living room, where some of the other patients were.

"Yah, yah, yah! That's cheating!"

"No it isn't! There aren't any rules that say I can't crash your car to the side of the road!"

"Hey Sandeul-ah, Baro-ah," B-Bomb called to the two patients sitting in front of the television. "Can U-Kwon and I play for a bit?"

Sandeul and Baro glanced over to them. They looked at each other and then back at the other two before replying in unison, "No," and went back to playing the game while obnoxiously shouting. B-Bomb rolled his eyes at the answer and proceeded to taking the controllers out of their hands, handing one to U-Kwon.

"Yah!" Sandeul gave an utterly offended look.

"We were playing!" Baro whined.

"We want to play too." B-Bomb said as he seated himself on the couch with U-Kwon next to him.

"Yeah! Let us play too!" U-Kwon beamed.

B-Bomb gave a small concerned look at the façade the younger would put on every time he was in front if the others but returned to looking emotionless before the two unknowing patients could see what was going on.

Sandeul pouted. "Fine."

"Come on, let's go pick on Channie!" Baro squealed with delight as the thought of tormenting 'Channie' popped into his mind.

"Sounds like fun!" Sandeul agreed as the two dashed out of the room.

Once they were out of sight U-Kwon dropped his front and stared at the television lifelessly. B-Bomb frowned but started the game, hoping that it could help ease U-Kwon's mood, if even a little.

After about an hour of a video game of car racing, the two decided that they played for long enough. "Let's go for a walk." U-Kwon suggested with a smile.

B-Bomb got up from the couch and held out a hand for U-Kwon to take. The two headed for the garden and strolled around, enjoying the fresh air. B-Bomb smiled to himself when he saw U-Kwon grinning.

"The sky's so clear today!" U-Kwon exclaimed.

"Sure... It is." B-Bomb frowned as he stared at the sky that was filled with gray clouds, signalling that it was probably going to rain later that night.

The two walked around for several more minutes in silence, U-Kwon stopping out of nowhere from time to time to pluck a flower off of its bush and sticking it in B-Bomb's hair to create a headband. Normally, B-Bomb wouldn't allow anyone to do this since it would hurt his dignity, but just for today B-Bomb let U-Kwon do as he pleased.

When they stopped once more, B-Bomb waited for U-Kwon to stick another flower onto his head and compliment how pretty he looked, but instead of doing so U-Kwon spoke instead.

"His name was Daehwan." U-Kwon looked at the sky before turning to B-Bomb, who had a confused look on his face.

B-Bomb waited for U-Kwon to continue, to tell him who Daehwan was, since he never talked about this guy before. He had a feeling it had to do with how U-Kwon had felt the whole day though. B-Bomb always told himself to never ask, but now he felt like it was appropriate to. He'll make this one time an exception. "Who's Daehwan?"

U-Kwon gave a pathetic chuckle and continued. "He was my best friend."

"Was? Is he not anymore?"

U-Kwon frowned and whispered, "I don't know."

B-Bomb looked around awkwardly since they've never been in this situation with each other before. Maybe it was a bad idea to ask. Maybe he made a mistake thinking today was an exception. So he said, "Let's go back inside."

That night U-Kwon wandered around the hallways aimlessly. Everyone else was asleep in their rooms since it was past curfew. Without realizing it, U-Kwon ended up in front of B-Bomb's room. U-Kwon stared at the door for several minutes. Just staring.

He was about to knock on the door, but it unexpectedly open. U-Kwon's eyes widened when he saw B-Bomb standing before him, looking equally surprised.

"U-Kwon?" B-Bomb said. "What are you doing here right now?"

"I couldn't sleep..." U-Kwon mumbled while staring at the ground. "C-can I stay with you tonight?"

"Sure." B-Bomb nodded and moved aside for U-Kwon to come in.

"Were you going somewhere?" U-Kwon asked, referring to when B-Bomb opened the door as he was about to knock.

"I was just going to get some water." B-Bomb pulled the other boy over to his bed. "But it's okay. Let's just get some sleep."

B-Bomb climbed into bed with U-Kwon snuggling in right next to him. B-Bomb felt U-Kwon wrap his arms around his waist. He furrowed his eyebrows, concerned with the state that U-Kwon was in at the moment. He seemed so vulnerable, the exact opposite of how cheerful and happy he usually was. He looked like a little kitten, being abondoned on the side of the road on a rainy night.

B-Bomb draped his free arm around U-Kwon as his left arm was used as a pillow by the latter. He rubbed U-Kwon's back soothingly.

"I met him back in high school." U-Kwon said. B-Bomb stopped U-Kwon's back as he listened. "Why'd you stop? It felt nice."

B-Bomb chuckled. "Okay, I'll continue." He moved his hand back and forth again against U-Kwon's back while U-Kwon continued his story as well.

"Daehwan and I met at a food stand that he worked at. He told me we were in the same homeroom and so later on we started hanging out and whatnot. Personally, I thought he was a creep since he never left me alone. But later on, it felt weird when he wasn't around." U-Kwon let out a small laugh. "We became best friends and were inseparable."

U-Kwon paused and glanced up at B-Bomb, letting out a bitter laugh. "A year and a half later, he betrayed me. I should have known not to get too close. I always kept myself from getting too close to everyone else, since I didn't trust anyone. He broke down my barrier and invaded my life, making me think that it wouldn't hurt to be friends with someone just this once. I was wrong though."

U-Kwon began sniffling when he paused his story as the two started to notice the sound of the rain in the background. "You don't have to continue if you don't want to." B-Bomb said in a low voice.

U-Kwon shook his head. "No, I want to tell you."

"Okay." U-Kwon could feel B-Bomb nodding.

U-Kwon sniffled for a couple more seconds before continuing, "He would sometimes ask me if I had an obsession with girls from time to time; I would always tell him I didn't. He stopped asking but I knew he wouldn't let it go."

"Hey Yukwon," Daehwan grinned as he met up with the boy at the school gates after school.

"Hey Dae." Yukwon smiled back.

"Let's go get some ice-cream. I still need to buy you some, remember?"

"Oh yeah, you lost the bet!" Yukwon laughed.

"Shut up." Daehwan joined in while shoving Yukwon playfully.

"You're buying me a triple scoop! Wah, I want to try so many flavours today!" Yukwon cheered happily.

"Yah, just one scoop! Three is too much!" Even with all that protesting, Daehwan ended up buying three scoops for Yukwon anyways.

"Thanks Dae, you're the best!" Yukwon gave a wide grin as he ate his ice-cream. "By the way, where are we going?"

"You'll find out." Daehwan said.

"Tell me!" Yukwon whined, but Daehwan wouldn't give in.

After a ten minute walk, the two arrived at their destination. "Here we are." Daehwan announced as he walked towards the entrance of the building. Yukwon didn't follow after and only stared. Daehwan turned around and said, "What are you waiting for? Come inside!"

"Where are we?" Yukwon furrowed his eyebrows as he started to feel extremely uncomfortable in such a close proximity of the mysterious buidling.

"You'll find out once we get inside." Daehwan grabbed Yukwon's hand. "Hurry up, I want you to meet someone."

Yukwon held onto Daehwan's hand as the latter led him through the building. He started getting really suspicious as to where they were when he saw a several people in long white coats.


Daehwan opened up a door and led Yukwon inside. "Yukwon, I'd like you to meet Dr. Jung."

"Hello there Yukwon-sshi." The doctor smiled. "Please, take a seat. Daehwan has told me quite a bit about you. I can be of much help, you know."

"Wait, he brought you to a doctor because he thought you had an obsession with girls?" B-Bomb raised an eyebrow in the dark.

"No," U-Kwon shook his head against B-Bomb's chest. "Apparently I'm bipolar. He said that the doctor can help me with it. Can you believe that? I felt like an idiot that day. I should have known that he was going to do this." U-Kwon scoffed. "I told him I was fine, that I was healthy. So I ran away."

"You ran away?" B-Bomb pulled away slightly to look down at U-Kwon. "Why would you do that? Didn't your parents worry?"

U-Kwon rolled his eyes and hit B-Bomb's chest lightly. "Pabo, I didn't mean run away from home. I ran out of that doctor's office. Now shut up and let me continue. Anyways, I ran away. Now, I feel like I shouldn't have done that since it only caused them to feel like 'my problem' was only worse. I skipped school for the next several days, since I was mad at Daehwan for doing that.

"Eventually, I had to go back to school. My parents weren't happy with me ditching."

Yukwon opened up the door to his classroom and the chattering of his classmates immediately stopped. He looked up with an eyebrow raised. Everyone was quiet and staring at him, looking at him judgmentally. Yukwon ignored the stares and as he made his way over to his desk, he noticed that Daehwan wasn't in his usual seat next to Yukwon's desk. He didn't even look up when Yukwon passed by. Yukwon clenched his fist and took his seat in the back.

When class ended and the bell signalled that it was time for lunch, Yukwon gathered his things and was about to go talk to Daehwan but the latter had quickly left the room.

Yukwon frowned but made his way up to the rooftop where the two would usually meet. Much to his dismay, Daehwan wasn't where he usually was. The lunch that Yukwon packed fell out of his hands and the food scattered all over the floor. Yukwon's fists tightened as he let out a scream.

"Damn it Daehwan!" He growled as he kicked the lunch box. "What the hell kind of friend are you?! Taking me to that damn doctor when I said I was just fine and then telling everyone about it. Now they make it seem like I have some sort of disease! To top it all off, you ignore me?! Daehwan, you bastard!"

After shouting some more on the rooftop, Yukwon collapsed to the ground and breathed in and out deeply. He lay there with his eyes closed and sighed. "I trusted you..."

When he was finished with his fit and calmed down enough, he made his way back down to class and took his seat just in time for class to start. He just sat staring out the window and not listening to the teacher, he just wanted for class to end quickly so he can go home and sleep off his anger.

"Kim Yukwon?" The teacher called halfway through the lecture. Yukwon looked up disinterestedly and waited for him to say what he wanted to say. "You're needed in the office. Bring your things just in case."

Yukwon raised an eyebrow but didn't question the teacher. At least he'd be leaving class sooner.

He left the classroom while slamming the door shut and made his way down to the principal's office. Upon entering, he noticed that his parents were there, along with two unfamiliar faces. His parents looked quite serious while his principal looked concerned.

"What's... going on?" Yukwon asked hesitantly.

"Honey," his mom started but couldn't continue as she broke into sobs.

His dad sighed and rubbed her back. "Yukwon-ah, how come you didn't tell us that it had become an issue? Were you scared, because you don't have to be. We could have gotten you help sooner."

Yukwon began to look quite unhappy. "What are you talking about?"

"Your disorder, dear." His mom sniffed.

"Well, Mr. and Mrs. Kim." One of the unfamiliar men said. "He might not have known that he had this disorder. He couldn't have told you."

"The thing is, he knew!" Yukwon's dad told the man. "His friend Daehwan even took him to see a doctor. Yukwon should have told us."

Yukwon's backpack dropped from his grasp upon hearing his best friend's name mentioned. "Daehwan told you guys all this?"

"You surely didn't." His dad gruffly said. "I didn't expect to hear that from your friend when he contacted us yesterday."

"Alright, we'll be taking him now then." The other unfamiliar face announced as he and his buddy came up to Yukwon.

"Hey, let go!" Yukwon struggled.

"Y-Yukwon..." His mom called.

"Mom! Make them let me go!" Yukwon shouted.

"I'm sorry Yukwon-ah." His dad said. "It's for the better, I promise."

The last face and voice from the school that Yukwon saw that day before he was dragged out was Daehwan's, looking quite downcast. "I'm sorry..." Daehwan couldn't bear to look at the disappointed boy in front of him. "I'm sorry Yukwon, I really am. I only wanted for you to get help."

"Today is exactly two years since that day." Once U-Kwon had stopped talking, the two were engulfed by silence. B-Bomb felt like there wasn't anything appropriate to say. 'I'm sorry to hear that' wouldn't have helped. 'I hope you cheer up' wasn't any better. At that moment, he knew U-Kwon would have been happy with the silence, which U-Kwon was grateful for. Ever since Daehwan, B-Bomb was the only one he could trust without being judgmental. But even then, U-Kwon kept a safe distance away.

The next morning, U-Kwon woke up and found himself in his own bed. He sat up and rubbed his eyes sleepily as he glanced around, still slightly disorientated from all the crying he had done last night. His eyes landed on a note on his nightstand.

I brought you back to your room just in case Dr. Baek found out. I'll see you when you come for breakfast.

U-Kwon smiled at the note that B-Bomb left for him. Dr. Baek, the doctor in charge of the mental institution, definitely wouldn't have been happy if he caught U-Kwon in B-Bomb's room.

U-Kwon got up and changed his clothes before heading down to the cafeteria. He spotted B-Bomb in the back corner where they usually meet for breakfast and sat in the vacant seat across from the male that was eating.

"Morning." U-Kwon greeted as he grabbed a piece of toast from B-Bomb's plate.

"How'd you sleep?" B-Bomb smiled.

"It was alright. You?"

"It was nice."

The two ate breakfast in silence before a voice from the doorway interrupted them. "Yukwon-sshi? You have a visitor."

U-Kwon glanced weirdly at the lady that told him the news. "A visitor?"

"Wonder who it could be." B-Bomb absentmindedly said, since no one really cared who had come. They barely ever get visitors.

"I'll see you later then." U-Kwon said as B-Bomb nodded.

The lady led U-Kwon down to the visitor's room and opened the door for him. "In this way please, Yukwon-sshi."

U-Kwon entered through the door and saw the back of a male. He approached the table where he saw the male seated at. As he was about to pull out the chair to sit in, his eyes widened at who he saw in front of him.


"Hey Yukwon." Daehwan gave a slight nod. The two continued to stare at each other in silence. Yukwon had not expected the visitor to be his best friend. Well, former best friend. He's pretty sure B-Bomb stole that title away without it needing to be voiced. "Come on, sit down."

Yukwon quietly sat down in the chair, not taking his eyes off of Daehwan.

"So how have yo—"

"Why are you here?" Yukwon asked.

"Well, I'm here to see you." Daehwan said. "Why else?"

"You haven't visited once for the past two years. Why bother now?"

"Yukwon..." Daehwan looked at Yukwon heartbroken. "I wanted to give you some time to recuperate." Yukwon scoffed causing Daehwan to frown. "Well anyways, I wanted to come see how you were doing. Are you better now?"

"Daehwan, I was always fine." Yukwon said, not bothering to look at the other male anymore.

"No you weren't. If you were, you wouldn't be in here right now." Daehwan said. "You were always happy one moment and then sad the next and then irritable afterwards. You have sleep issues and always left things unfinished. I had to always help you finish up your projects Yukwon. I know you don't want to accept it, but you have a bipolar disorder."

"Why are you still going on about that even after all these years?!" Yukwon shouted. "I'm perfectly fine!"

"That's what you've been thinking, but you weren't!" Daehwan countered. "You didn't know you needed help so I had to get help for you!"

"Why the hell would I need help, damn it?!" Yukwon slammed the table, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "If you hadn't done that, I wouldn't have to be in this mental institution! I could be living a perfectly normal life right now!"

"Yukwon, if I didn't get you help your condition could be worse right now!"

"I didn't need any ing help! Especially from someone who told the whole damn school that I had a disorder when I didn't!"

"Yukwon!" Daehwan shouted back. "You've always needed help! How could you be so blind?! Whether they know or not doesn't matter! You should have trusted me when I brought you to that doctor back then! He could have helped you little by little each day while you continued attending school with me; you wouldn't have to be in this mental institution right now!"

The two were now standing and breathing in and out deeply. One of the nurses was about to approach the two to say that Daehwan had to leave since it wouldn't be good for Yukwon's condition, but the other nurse held her back.

"Why? How could you do this to me?" U-Kwon whispered with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Yukwon, I'm sorry..." Daehwan replied. "I only wanted for you to get better. It wasn't me that told everyone. Someone was at the place we were at to see Dr. Jung that day for a quick checkup since he had twisted his ankle and overheard us. He told a couple of his friends and it ended up spreading to the entire school. I found out a couple days later."

"Then why did you avoid me that day at school?"

"That was because you were mad at me for taking you to Dr. Jung and I had told your parents about your condition." Daehwan sighed. "I couldn't look at you since I felt guilty that day. I didn't know that they were going to have you sent away right away. If I knew, I would have apologized to you sooner and not tell them about it. I'm really sorry Yukwon. Could you forgive me?"

"I don't." Yukwon said quietly.

Daehwan looked crestfallen but nodded, "I-I understand. It makes sense why you wouldn't forgiv—"

"You bastard!" Yukwon pounced on Daehwan and punched him in the jaw. He repeatedly hit Daehwan's chest as he continued to cry. "Y-you b-b-bastard. How d-dare you n-not come v-visit m-me!"

The nurses had to restrain Yukwon before he could hit Daehwan anymore. Daehwan laid there in shock while Yukwon continued to shout in between his sobs. He then let out a laugh and told the nurses to let Yukwon go.

"I'm sorry Kwonnie." Daehwan pulled Yukwon into a hug. "I would have visited sooner, but your parents wouldn't tell me where they put you in. I had to visit so many of them in my free time since I had to deal with university and finally found the one you were staying in."

"Really?" Yukwon asked suspiciously.

"Really." Daehwan nodded.

"Okay..." Yukwon returned the hug. "I forgive you."

~ 블락비 ~

It's been a long while since I've updated lol I was updating other fics and being lazy. It's supposed to be about U-Kwon but I ended up adding more B-Bomb than I should have -___-

Anyways, the atmosphere in this chapter was totally different from the first. The mental institution that U-Kwon and B-Bomb are in isn't the same one from Suicide Notes. This was from before they were transferred over there, just to clarify.

And B1A4 will be some of the patients since I needed people LOL (Block B1A4!! :D) I couldn't include Infinite since they can't be the patients. Hoaegi has to do with B-Bomb's story (if some of you can remember). I was going to use BAP or EXO, but was like 'nahh.' I think I'll include Tasty in one of the later stories though maybe.

I'll reply to comments when I get home tomorrow xD

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[Hidden Stories] Kyung's poster and title is revealed


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Chapter 3: I really want to read zico's ^^
Good job author nim !! your story is daebak !! I already read suicide notes twice !!
please update this one :c
Chapter 3: Can't wait for Kyunggie's story!
kipi9899 #4
ZEE REVENGE OF ZA KYUCUMBARR!!! xDD lols. Seems interesting. Can't wait for Kyung's story :333
Chapter 3: Whaaa I cant believe my Barobaro and Sandeul did that Dx Poor Gongchan ;n;
Nawhh B-bomb so jelly :3
Daehwan is cute though xD
kipi9899 #6
Chapter 3: Lol! I can never imagine that BaDeul would do such a thing, lol. They're too innocent xDDD
Chapter 3: Yaaaaay! An update! I've waited for so long! Omigosh that was so sweet! And sad. But sweet again. I can't help but feel pity for little Channie when Badeul was bullying him. But then I had to laugh when I found out that they were sadistic! That is a disorder right? Keep writing! And I can't wait for Kyungie's story!
Chapter 3: Awhh~~ The ending was bittersweet. XP Yukwon is so cute~ haha. Can't wait for Kyung~ ^^
Chapter 3: you know i really adore your style of writing, keep it up..:)
Chapter 2: Huzzah! *flails* An update :'D
This is so aawesome! KittyKeon has his own reasons. Nawhh U-Bomb was so cute!