Chapter 4

101 Days of Light


"you! you! Wake up!" I heard a faint voice calling me. 
I groaned from the slight pulse banging in my head and the slight ringing in my ears. I felt my body against something with lots of bumps and it felt very uncomfortable. I felt a pair of big, strong hands gently gripping onto my shoulders and shaking me a bit. I knitted my eyebrows together and slowly fluttered my eyes open, trying to adjust from the light. When my vision was clear the first thing I saw was Byunhyun's face really close to mine. I leaned my head back a bit from instinct and stared at his worried and paled face. 
"Oh god you! You scared the living daylights out of me!" he exclaimed and hugged my tightly. 
He let go and gently gazed at me. His face was pale and worry and relief was written all over his face. 
"I'm sorry," I apologised softly and looked down. 
"Don't be," he said softly and brought me into his arms again. 
He let go of me again and gently brushed his knuckles on my cheek. "Now tell me what's wrong," he demanded and cupped my right cheek. 
"I-I have cancer," I mumble softly looking away from him. 
I felt his body stiffen and I looked up at him again. The colours on his face was all drained out, it was as if even his eye colour was drained out. He let out a dry, sorrow laugh and looked in my eyes with his glossy ones. 
"You're kidding me right?" he asked hoping I was just joking, but I'm pretty sure he knows the answer to his question. 
I closed my eyes and a tear escaped from my eyes. I slowly shook my head and I started cry with out even knowing it. 
"I'm so scared oppa," I confessed is a shaky soft voice. 
He pulled me into his strong arms and I instantly hugged his waist. 
"I'm so scared," I whispered softly while he cradled me in his arms. 
"I'm scared too," he confessed in a soft, shaky voice. 
"Have you told samchon and imo yet?" he asked softly. 
I shook my head and sat still in his arms. Byunhyun is just like an older brother to me. Even though we were separated for ten years, but we are still very close. I felt so safe in his arms. 
"You know you have to tell them sooner or later," he said softly. 
"I know," I replied weakly. 
"Have you?" I asked and looked up at him. 
He shook his head and sighed. "I haven't told them yet and it's the same reason why you haven't told them yet," he replied quietly. 
I took a deep breath and sighed. I laid my head back on Byunhyun's chest and sat comfortably. 
"Let's go back in," he declared. 
I nodded and he unwrapped his arms around me. We stood up and dusted our pants and head back in the building. Once I stepped in the second door, music yelled in my ears and my eyes scanned the stage, but no Minsoo anywhere. 
Wait, why am I looking for him?
"Hey, are you okay?" I heard a slightly feminine, yet deep voice asked me from behind. I felt a large hand on my shoulder, making me jump a bit. I turned around and saw Chunji with a slightly worried expression plastered on his face. 
"Yeah," I replied and nodded, "Thank You."
"What's with the thank you?" he asked with a chuckle. 
"Thank you for worrying me, even though we just met," I answered with a small smile. 
"Don't sweat it. You're like part of the family," he said and ruffled my hair. 
"Part of the family?" I asked, grinning mischievously at Chunji. 
"What are you- OMG! Me and L.Joe are NOT together! We're just really close friends!" he defended.
My grin became wider as my body leaned closer to him. "I never said anything about you and Byunhyun oppa together, so why are thinking about that? Unless you two are together," I teased. 
"What?! Aish! YAH LEE you!" Chunji yelled at me in embarrassment and a bit of rage. 
I started cracking up and sped away from him. 
"YAH LEE you! COME BACK HERE!" Chunji yelled, while chasing me around. 
I laughed heartily and wove around people. I turned around facing him and stuck out my tongue, while walking backwards. Unfortunately, I walked into someone. I turned around, prepared to be scolded by the person I bumped into. 
Once I was fully face the person I bumped into, my heart skipped a beat and everything seemed to be on pause. His mysterious, covered eyes gazed at me. He did not have any expression on his face, well even if he did, I couldn't see it since his eyes were covered. 
I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks as I stared at him and he stared back at me. 
Bang Minsoo what are you doing to me?
I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me jump in surprise – and everything started moving again. I turned around and saw Chunji huffing and puffing, his knees was bent a bit and his other hand was on his thigh. 
"Was Byunhyun oppa a bit too rough this time," I teased. 
He widened his eyes and I quickly grabbed Minsoo's wrist and ran for my life. I ran out the building huffing and puffing. I let out a small giggle escaped as I calmed myself down. I took a deep breath, while smiling, but then I realised I was still holding onto Minsoo's wrist. My eyes widen and I quickly let go. 
"Um, sorry," I apologised softly and lowered my head. I felt my cheeks flaring up and I kept my gaze on the dirty floor. 
"It's okay," his deep, masculine voice clearly rang through my ears. 
I looked up and I could see his face very clear. His slightly tanned skin, sharp, defined jawline, his perfect, tall nose and his purple-pink bow-like lips. Even though his eyes where covered by his red sunglasses, but I can tell he is very good-looking, perfect even. 
His hands slowly reached up to his glasses and he slowly took them off. His whole face was slowly revealing to me and my heartbeat became faster and faster. I can almost hear my heart going 'ba-bump, ba-bump'. 
When his shades were off, he folded them up and held it onto it in his right hand. He turned into me and have me a small smile. His smile was just breath taking, well to me. His dark eyes make him so mysterious, yet I feel so safe when he gazes at me. 
I felt my cheeks became hotter and I'm pretty sure I'm red as a tomato. I quickly looked down and my hair fell from my back, hiding my face from him. 
An awkward silence flew around the air, making me feel extremely uncomfortable. 
"So…" Minsoo said, breaking the awkward silence. 
I looked up and coughed awkwardly. I stood up properly and swayed my body back and forth. 
"Um, why did you take me out with you?" he asked. 
"Oh, um… well Chunji looked like he was about to blow up and I didn't really want you to just stand there and take his wrath," I mentally face palmed myself after giving him this crappy explanation, which I made up on the spot. Why did I drag him out with me?
"Seems like you're pretty close with him," he commented softly. It almost sounded like he he disappointed or something. 
"Haha, well I don't really know," I replied, "I was teasing him and Byunhyun oppa being together." I chuckled and leaned my back on the graffitied wall. 
He chuckled and did the same thing. He tuned his face to face me and smiled. I smiled back, showing my pearly white teeth. He quickly turned his head straight and I swear I saw him blush or maybe it's just me.
"So Minsoo-ssi," I started. 
He turned his head to face me again. "Just call me C.A.P," he said. 
"But it's so weird," I slightly whined, "it makes me think of a hat-cap, cap." I knitted my brows and blinked twice. Gosh! I even made myself confused. 
I heard a deep laugh, making my face turn back into a calm expression. I stared at his handsome face while he laughed. His pearly white teach showing and his small eyes turned into a crimson shape. I felt my heart skipped a beat and I was mesmerised. His smile was just breath taking. He looks so natural when he smiles, so him.
He calmed down and coughed awkwardly. "Sorry," he apologised and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. 
"No don't be! You look really handsome," I blurted out.
My eyes widen and my mouth gapped. I did not just say that out loud. My face turned crimson red and I lowered my head, making my hair curtain my face. 
"Cute," I heard him chuckle. 
I felt my face heat up even more. Did he just call me cute?
"So, I can I call you Minsoo?" I asked looking up a bit, but my hair is still covering my face. 
"Sure," he replied. 
I looked up facing him and we caught each others eyes. I felt the world had stopped and everything else disappeared, but me and Minsoo. I was lost in his eyes and I couldn't look away. I felt my heartbeat rapidly hammering onto my chest as I stared into his eyes. 
Unknowingly, my body went closer to his and so was his. We never left each others eyes as our faces went closer to each other. Our faces went closer and could feel his light breath tickling my skin. I could smell his faint cologne and I could almost feel his warm body. Our lips are centimetres apart, then suddenly a loud bang was heard from the front door making me and Minsoo flinch and immediately separated. 
I looked down trying to cover my blush on my cheeks. I quickly calmed myself down and looked up again and saw the boys walking towards us. 
"What were you doing?" Byunhyun ask suspiciously. 
"Talking," I replied blankly. 
Byunhyun eyed Minsoo and he nodded his head agreeing with me, but Byunhyun still eyed us suspiciously. I shifted my eyes to each guy until it landed on Chunji. I grinned mischievously and he glared at me. I blinked innocently and kept my creepy grin plastered on my face. 
"Why are grinning like that?" Byunhyun eyed me. 
"Nothing," I replied innocently. 
Byunhyun narrowed his eyes, making me laugh. 
"Aish! Let's go!" Byunhyun declared and stomped to his bike. 
I calmed down and smiled at Minsoo. He gulped and smiled back. I took a step to Byunhyun's bike, but Minsoo grabbed my wrist, making me stop. I turned to face him and he was awkwardly scratching his head. 
"Yes?" I asked. 
"Um, we should," he started and awkwardly cleared his throat, "we should keep in touch."
My eyes widen a bit and my mouth gapped a bit. "Um, what do you mean by that?" I asked softly. 
I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks and surprisingly, he was blushing too. 
"Um, can I have your number?" he asked trailing off at the end and coughed awkwardly. 
I bit my bottom lip and looked down. I then remember he was still holding onto my wrist and I blushed even more. 
"Um, sure," I replied softly and so awkwardly! Why am I so awkward?!
 I took out my phone from my back pocket of my short-shorts and passed it to him and he did the same. I punched in my number and gave back his phone. He gave back my phone and turned my heels. Before I can take a step, I felt a big, rough hand holding onto my wrist again. I turned my upper body and saw Minsoo scratching his neck awkwardly. 
"Um, bye," he said awkwardly. 
"Bye," I said softly and smiled. 
He gulped and let go of my wrist. He put his left hand behind his back and awkwardly scratched his neck with his other hand. 
I turned my body to Byunhyun and his bike and walked over to it. I grabbed the helmet he was holding out and plopped it on my head. I then went behind him and sat behind him, wrapped my arms around his waist. He twisted the accelerator and the way we go. 
After thirty minutes, Byunhyun finally made a stop. I pealed me head off of his back and took the helmet off. I looked around my surroundings and saw a beautiful scene of a river, Han River. 
I handed Byunhyun the helmet and walked over to the rail. I crossed my arms over the metal rail and leaned my body forward. 
"It's nice here isn't it?" he asked, mimicking my position.  
I took a deep breath and exhaled. I gazed at the setting sun and let all my worried fly away for now. 
"You were pretty close with C.A.P. If I didn't know any better, you guys looked you were dating," he commented in a teasing way. 
I blushed and bit my bottom lip. I cleared my throat and a creepy grin spread on my lips. I turned my head and grinned at him. 
"Why are you grinning my that?" he asked me suspiciously. 
"If me and Minsoo looked like we were dating, then you and Chunji must be a married couple," I shot back with the creepy grin on my face. 
Byunhyun leaned back a bit and looked at me weirdly. "What the hell? What made you think that," he asked me. 
"L.Joe~" I cooed, mimicking Chunji. 
"Oh god," Byunhyun groaned and smacked his palm over his forehead. 
For the past few week me and Minsoo were constantly texting and calling each other; we also hung out outside the the underground club. When ever I'm with him, my heart always beat really fast and I always feel happy and giddy. Every time when I'm with him, I always forget about my problems; I always feel we are in another world – just me and him. 
I was lying on my bed smiling to myself and thinking about Minsoo when suddenly my phone started to ring. First I thought it was Minsoo, but when I looked at the caller ID, it was a private number. I crooked my head in confusion, wondering who would call me. 
Well to answer my question, I have to answer it. 
>>Ah, you << the person on the other side o f the phone said. 
"Yes, who is this?" I asked. 
>>It's me, Jonghyun,<< the person answered. 
>>Aish! Doctor Choi, the doctor from the hospital<< he answered, a little bit disbelief.
"Ohhhh~ Hi," he greeted and face palmed myself. How am I so stupid?
>>Hello.  you, I got your results from the tests<< he informed. 
I felt my oxygen from my lungs was all, drained out. I totally forgot about it, about my disease.
"Oh," I replied with a low and disappointment-like voice. 
I felt my gut twist and turn and I felt so uneasy. 
>>Can you come to the hospital in an hour?<< he asked. 
"Um sure," I replied. 
"Um, can I bring someone with me?" I asked out. 
>>Sure, I think it is a good idea for someone to come and support you<< he replied.
"Okay, I'll see you in an hour. Bye," I said and ended e call after he bid me goodbye. 
I took a deep breath and hopped off bed. I walked out my room to the lounge to see if Byunhyun was there, but I was greeted by an opened television and my mother sleeping soundly on the couch. I let out a sigh and a small chuckle. I turned off the television and brought a spear blanket out from the closet. I laid it over her slim, petite body and gazed at her tired face. Her dark circles was starting to become more visible and she looks extremely tired. I could tell she didn't really believe me everything was alright and is extremely worried about me. 
I sighed and got up on my feet. I walked back up to my room to grab my phone and unlocked it. I scrolled through my contacts until I found 'Lee Byunhyun'. I clicked on his name and place the device next to my ear. 
>> Yeoboseyo?<<
"Hey oppa, where are you?" I asked. 
>>Oh you, um I'm at the club<< he replied. 
"Oppa, can you come back and take me to the hospital?" I asked. 
>>Huh? Why?<< he asked in a worry tone. 
"I'm going to get my results," I replied. 
>>Okay, I'll be back in twenty minutes<< he told me. 
"Okay, bye," I said and hanged up. 
About twenty minutes, I heard the front door clicked open. I grabbed my phone and hopped downstairs. 
"Ready to go?" Byunhyun asked from the front door. 
I nodded and walked over to the front door. I slipped on a pair of converse and went out the house. I walked over to Byunhyun's super bike and hopped on, after slipping on a helmet. I s my arms around his waist and he sped off. 
Thirty minutes has passed and Byunhyun just arrived at the hospital. He drove to the car park and parked his car in one of the motorbike parking slots. He turned the engine off and we hopped off. We walked out the parking lot and in the hospital. We were greeted with clean white walls and nurses and doctors walking around to where they need to go. We walked over to the elevator and and I pressed the [6] button. We waited about two minutes and the elevator doors automaticity slid open. I took a deep breath and stepped out the elevator. Byunhyun and I walked down the hallway to Doctor Choi's office. I took a deep breath and hesitantly knocked on the door. I heard a "come in," from the other side of the door and I gulped. I slowly reached for the metal handle and the door clicked open. I slowly pushed the door open, slowly revealing Doctor Choi sitting behind his desk. 
"Oh you you're here," he greeted me with a warm smile and stood up, "and who this may be?"
"Hello, I'm Lee Byunhyun, you's cousin," Byunhyun greeted Doctor Choi. 
"Hello, my name is Choi Jonghyun, nice to me meet you," Doctor Choi greeted Byunhyun and gave him a handshake. 
"Please sit down," Doctor Choi said, gesturing the chairs in front of his desk. 
Byunhyun and I nodded and took a chair each. I looked at Doctor Choi again and he had a serious, stern expression painted on his face. 
"Let's get to the point. you, I'm pretty sure you want to know how long your living," Doctor Choi said. 
I nodded in response. I could feel cold sweat running down the sides of my face, my heart hammering on my chest and my breath became a bit unsteady and heavy. Everything around me became louder and the air felt like it was it was compressing me. Each second felt like an hour and I am getting nervous by the millisecond. Then suddenly, I felt a rather large, rough hand gently squeezing mine. I turned my head to the left – where Byunhyun was sitting – and her gave me an assuring smile. He gently squeezed my hand again and took a deep breath. I looked straight at Doctor Choi and ready. 
"You only have six months left," 

A/N Yo! So "You" finally found out how long are you living until you die. I also see you are having a lot of fun with C.A.P and thinking about him … a lot ;) 

i'm pretty sure you all know AFF stuffed up … again and I have lost subscribers, chapters and comments. But it's alright! I have recovered them! YAY! With a new update! YAY!
And some how I can't subscribe to new stories … BOO!
Oh well! I hope you all enjoyed the new chapter!
As always… please comment and subscribe; and thank you for reading!
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I'm so sorry! >.< I know I said I'll update and finish this story off on two days ago, but I haven't finished it yet, but I am almost finished!


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Chapter 9: wow... totally sad.
Chapter 7: i love this story!!!!!!
Chapter 7: poor ljoe and her OTL
Chapter 6: that was sweet!
And vivi!
Ur writing style!! It literally made me wonder if it was kid who wrote it or a pro!!

The only way I recognize it was through ur awesome accurate details about everything!!

Hope to read the rest soon! :3
aww!! 6 months!!!
im feeling sad already!! :'(
def going to be a good story
Stop saying BS! :3
Ur no y author~

The story's kinda mysterious to me..
Cancer? And what happened to cousin bro?

Heh no 'update soon' though I need an update..
Hope u did ur 2day's exam well~
i know you wont disappoint me unnie~ ^^
gunna subbie! > ^<)b