First day (part 1)

Cause You're My Girl

Sunhee lied on the grass and look at the blue sky. sometimes she use her fingers to draw something in the air.

"Sunhee..." Junsu call hers name. Junsu sit near sunhee and also look at the sky.


"What is the meaning of love for you...?"

SunHee not answer. She still draw something in the air with hers finger. After a minute she  said something.

"I don't know Junsu... When i try to think about Love. I found nothing. Nothing can explain that feelings. "


"Excuse me... Miss, please wake up..."

"... ehhh..." Sunhee wake up. She’s fell aslept in the plane.

"We are arrived now."

"Ah... sorry... sorry..."

This is SunHee firstday in Korea after 4 years move to Indonesia. She's not change a lot after 4 years. She still beautifull.

After walkout from the airport, she go to the hospital by taxy to meet her Mom.

She think a lot of things in hers mind. To go back to Korea, its not a easy things for her. Junsu is the biggest reason. She never know surely what hers feels to Junsu. But she know that Sora, her bestfriend, are like junsu a lot. She wont hurt Sora.

In the way to hospital shestillpicturedher pastinkorea.


“When our love can hurt someone feels, is that still called love… Love is never hurting someone right…” now Sunhee ask another question to Junsu.

Now Junsu also lied on the grass and also look at the sky, “I think love is a mistery Sunhee. I cant answer your question. I don’t know nothing. Sometimes love is beautifull, but sometimes love is hurt instead. ”

“Hurt…? How could we hurting someone by loving someone…?”

“No… we are not hurting someone, We hurting ourself when we start loving someone…”

They back to the silent moment. Sunhee stop use hers fingers. Now she just close her eyes, breathe and try to smell the grass. ‘Will the grass in Indonesian have a same smell with this grass?” she thinking in hers mind.

“Our relationship is very complicated. Sometimes I feels you as a friend. Sometimes as a man… Junsu…” Sunhee look at the Junsu. He’s fell aslept



“Sunhee? Finally you came… I’m missing you a lot…” Sunhee’s Mom hug SunHee.

“Mee too… Mom…”

“Hows your dad…?”

Sunhee start talk a lot with her mother. Its been a long time since she meet her mother. After talking much thing, now her mother feel aslept. She sit alone on the seat near her Moms bed. She start thinking again. After she’s back to Korea she always remember about Junsu. Maybe hers choice to go back to korea is not right.

She decide to breathe some fresh air on the hospital park. She move out from the room. She walk on the hospital corridor.

‘Sunhee…?” Someone call Sunhee name.

Sunhee looks back someone at the end of the corridor. He’s standing and look ar Sunhee.

He’s Junsu…


Sunhee walking in the park. But she’s not alone now. She’s with Junsu

“It nice to know that you are in korea now…”


“Hm… did you will stay in a long time?” Junsu looks very nervous

“I don’t know… its depend of my Mom. I’m here to  take care of my mom.”

“Ahh… I see…”

Sunhee stop walking and sit on the bench under the tree. This is the end of summer season. Some leave looks fallen. The wind also feels so cold.


SunHee and Sora running from the school. They laughing and looks very happy.

“Lets  sit there” Sora running to the bench under sakura’s  tree, “Aigo… I’m so tired…”

“looks… the flower will blossom soon…”

“Yeah… and when the flower was blossom… I will date Junsu here… ha ha ha…”

“you like junsu….?”

“I don’t know, maybe yes… hahaha” Sora start running again.

“Yaahh,…!!!” Sunhee follow Sora and running with her with laughing all the way.


Now Sunhee look to the tree. Maybe some flower still blossom. But she found nothing.

“Why you are here? “ Sunhee ask Junsu.

“For Sora…”

“Sora? What happen to her…?”

“She’s got leukemia…”



Sora run very fast, Sunhee try to follow her but she can’t.

“Follow me…  hahaha…  don’t be like turtle..”

“Yah… I will follow you….!”

“Ya, in your dream… hahaha… Arkh…”


Some blood flow out from sora’s foot.

“Aigo… are you okay…” Sunhee take some tissue from her’s bag and try to wash Sora wound with water, “Can you walking now…”

“Arkh… its hurt… I don’t know Sunhee…”

“Okay I will Hold you….” Sunhee helps Sora to stand and hold hers.

“Did I heavy…?”

“Yes, you are… hahah”


“No problem… that’s why we need friends…”

“Thanks Sunhee……”


Now Sunhee feels that wind are very cold. But she still can’t believe that Sora got leukemia.

“Whether thedisease issosevere?”

“I don’t know. Sometimes she have to eat a lot of medicine…”

“Why I never know it…” Sunhee looks very sad to hear that information.

“And she’s my girlfriend now.”


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Chapter 1: I wish u could update é_è nice story