roleplaying 1o1


Roleplay : The act of playing the role of a certain person or character. More commonly known as 'RP' in the online community.


• • • • Welcome ;;

Ever heard of roleplay? Has someone posted on your wall asking you to join their roleplay? Did you take interest in thet certain post and decided to join but don't know how to role-play?

Let's begin with a simple description of role-play.

Roleplay (or more commonly known in the cyber world as 'RP')  is a term for acting out a certain character or idol. No, not impersonate but pretend. You 'pretend' to be this person and act like him/her. Let's say you're in a school play and you were chosen for the role of Cinderella. You have to act out Cinderella right? Exactly. The only difference between roleplay and school play is that in roleplay, you don't have to memorize lines. Instead, you create your own lines and interact with people the same way you interact with them in real life. Meaning, there are no dialogues.

Understood? Yes? No? If you have questions, I'd be more glad to entertain them.

But for now, let's move on shall we?

First of all, before joining a roleplay, there are a few things you'd be more interested to know.

First: Bases

Second: Themes

Third: Basic Rule Explanations

Fourth: Point of View

Fifth: The difference between 'AU' and 'non-AU'

Sixth : Facebook Security Checks



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really helps a lot though C: thank yew