LOVEWAR Between Gangster Guy and Childish Girl!?? .__.

"Fiance?? No way!"

[ Yakonja means Fiance ] 

"Eun JI"


"Appa, I Don't Like him"

"Aegi He's perfect for you"

"He's going to transfer in your class too."


"Yep, He's Going to seat near you."

"This Gonna be Jiok for me" [Jiok means Hell] 

"Honey, Don't say that."

"Appa, You know my type right?"


"I'm sure he's just rich that's why you let him be my Yakonja!"

"Don't say that aegi. It's for your own good."

"It's not."

I Run away from them, i went to my room and breathe .. that was too far i think im having ,,, my asthma attack.

Breathes in breathes out

"Aegi, Are you alright?" My Appa yelled, I Know he's from the stairs and he seems not to care but to talk to that gangster.

"Appa, I'm Haviing ~~ an asthma .." I Complained

"Tsk, Stop being SPOILED"


I know that's the gangster's voice! How dare he!!

I Opened my room and went where he was

"I'm Not Spoiled" I Yelled

"You are" He answered

"How dare you!?"

"I'm your Yakonja, aren't i?"

Breathes .. I Think im going to faint ... 


-- 3 p.m --

"Aegi, You wake up?"

"Don't call me aegi."

"Ah But your baby right?" he chuckles like he's teasing me.

"Yeot meogeo" I Yelled

"Aww, That's bad Babies are Innocent"

"Yeot meogeo!  Yeot meogeo!  Yeot meogeo!"

[[ Yeot meogeo means you in korean ]]

He stands up and put his hand on his back pocket, he lighten up his Cigarette and blew it up .. To me!!! 

"Waee!?!" I Yelled


He open the door and leave me, What the!!?

"Yeot meogeo!" I SHouted for him to hear


No way it's my mom!! Mom heard me!! >O< 

"Aegi, What are you saying?"

"Mommy I Missed you." I Said with a baby voice

"That's a bad word, Honey!"

"Mianhe ~"

then i hug my Umma


"Umma, Is it true??"

"You already know?"

"Umma, I Don't like him."

"I Know."


"But." she smiled


She pats my head "He's perfect for you."

"How can you be sure?"

"Mothers know the best."

-- Next day -- 

"Morning Miss Eun Ji" My personal maid greeted me.


I Wear my Uniform and went to eat with my .. Gosh no with the gangster, he looked at me and whispher Childish in Chinese. Psh he thinks i can't understand Mandarin! 



"Why you guys Speaking in mandarin now?"

We don't answer and after having our breakfast, we get inside the car and gangster is beside me

"Aegi, Take care of him Ok!!" My mom said as she waving her hand in the car window/

"Yeah yeah .." As if

--- Silence ---

I Looked at him

"Your Too Quiet huh?"

"I Just dont like talking to a childish girl like you" He said in mandarin


And here we are in the school

"JiJi" Hana shouted

I Wave at her and smiles

"Good Morning!!" "Is that true we have a new student??" "Really?"

"I Heard the other part of the door car is opening slowly. .. is he doing that on purpose so that our schoolmates will notice him? 

"Kyaaaa!! He's so handsome" Girls start to praise him. Psh!! 

Wait .. If i say he's my Fiance .. Nah No way!! 

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Done with the first chappie, Update more Author-nim ^^
Please Update soon! I really like it! :D Fighting!~