In Love With the Teacher!


You move to Seoul, South Korea to be trained by SM, and maybe even become a famous K-Pop artist! You're super excited when you find out your celebrity mentor is none other than Eunhyuk of Super Junior, but become distracted when you begin to fall for him...BIG TIME!


Whenever your name should be mentioned I will put a _ so you can just fill it in with your own name, because I don't know about you, but I've read a bunch of fanfics where the writer chose a name for you, and I didn't really like it that much, so yeah. I skipped the SM audition process cuz it was in here originally, but I felt it made the story move too slowly, so I just took it out. The story will change P.O.V's (point of views) but don't worry, I'll warn you about it.  WARNING: This is my first fanfiction EVER, so please give me some feedback and suggestions, but be nice ^_~. Thanks! Hope you enjoy!

The first chter of the sequel "The Student Becomes The Master" is up guys!! Hope you all enjoy it!


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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 24: awwww........... :) sweet story :))
haha :)
whuppet #3
The first chapter of the sequel is up! The title is The Student Becomes The Master
whuppet #4
Working on it!
new reader here!! keke i think i would like to request for a sequel. seriously, i'm cliff-hanged ^^ *the story is cute and sweet.. and romantic!! ^^~* and i love it! thumbs up!
whuppet #6
What about a sequel? I'm thinking debut and perhaps a proposal?
Oh I like this XD they are such a cute couple
whuppet #8
Aw, thank you!
eenihshearti #9
i luv this!!!! :3
whuppet #10
Thanks! Updating right now!