A date with U-Know Yunho

A Date with Jung Yunho
A date with U-Know Yunho- TVXQ scenario.  ”___-ah! Be ready at 5pm, okay? I’ll be over then!” “Okay Oppa! See you then,” you replied to his message. You and Yunho were finally able to spend more time together since his schedule wasn’t as busy. He planned to take you out tonight, but he didn’t tell you where. You dressed yourself in black leggings with a hoodie that came down to your mid-thigh. You combed your hair and sprayed perfume. One last look in the mirror and then you grabbed you bag. At exactly 5pm, Yunho knocked at your door. You opened the door to see him…. With roses in his hand! “Oh, Oppa! I love them! Let me put them in a vase then we can go,” you told him. You came back and hugged him as you walked to the car. Tonight was going to be a good night, you thought to yourself. “Oppa, where are we going tonight?” you asked. “You’ll see soon!”, Yunho replied. He pulled the car up to a nice building and when you entered, you saw it was a nice restaurant. It was also empty and specially decorated with flower petals all over. “Wah! Oppa, did you do this?” “Well, I asked them to do this and I reserved the whole restaurant. Now order anything you want.” You looked at the menu and decided to get samgyupsal and japchae. Yunho also got samgyupsal but with bulgogi. After eating, you and Yunho got up and he paid. “Thanks yeobo!”, you said as you hugged him. “Let’s go! We have other places to go!” After being in the car for 10 minutes, you pulled up to a store. When you went entered, an ahjumma came up to you. “Oh, come here. I have the perfect section for you two..” she said as she led you through the store. “Here! If you need any help, just tell me.” the ahjumma said as she Left you two to look around. She had brought you to the ‘couple section’ which contained couple tees, couple hoodies, hats, etc…. You and Yunho finally agreed on a blue hoodie that said LO in black letters on it and he had a black hoodie with VE on it in blue. “Ah, so cute!” the ahjumma exclaimed. She then asked to take your picture to hang in the store to advertise the hoodies. You both thanked her and then left. After the store, Yunho brought you to an ice rink. After being on the world famous and current olympic champion, Kim Yuna’s show, he was pretty much a pro skater. “O-Oppa, I’m not very good at ice s-skating,” you stuttered. “Don’t worry, I’ll guide you. I won’t let you fall.” he said. Yunho grabbed both your hands. You were very shaky but Yunho grabbed onto you and supported you as you skated forward, and him backward. Yunho decided to show off a little and started doing spins and jumps on the ice. You cheer and clapped for him as he did. He came back and then told you to try skating on your own. He stood right by you as you began, but you soon lost your balance and just as you were about to hit the ground, you felt arms grab you and pick you up. “I told you would NOT let you fall,” he smiled. “Thanks Oppa!” you hugged him and once again grabbed his hands to skate a little more. After skating, you walked a little while to a cafe since it was a little cold out. You ordered and Yunho excused himself to go to the bathroom. After a while, you worried he was sick since he didn’t come back, but just as you stood up to go check, Yunho came out holding your order. You took the cup and looked at it. In cream, it was written I <3 U. “Wah, Oppa! I love it!” “really? I worked hard on doing this!” “what!? You did this, Yunho?” “Yeah, that’s why it took so long! Hehehe.” “I love it Oppa! You said as you drank it.” After drinking it, you had cream on you lip. Yunho recited the lines from Secret Garden that Hyunbin and Ha Jiwon did. He leaned over and kissed you gently. This was the perfect date with Yunho, and you wish it wouldn’t have to end. Although all good things must come to an end, there’s always tomorrow, you thought silently to yourself.
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babymichiie #1
Woah, romantic. Bet this story would make fangirls swoon over Yunho.
I suggest you make it into paragraph to make it look neater.

One awesome oneshot. Totally loved it. :)
redblossom07 #2
omg!!!! one of the best oneshot i had read so far..
i love this!!! waaaahhh!!!!!
lileewd #3
I love this oneshot..it was soooo sweet and fluffy to me...you should do more for different k-pop artists ^_^
QueenB_doll #4
i love the couple hoodie and secret garden scene, so cute ^^