When You Get Chased/Threatened By His Fans

Optional Bias Scenarios (Going On)

From: ___ oppa

Yah, I’m sorry jagi! I have to stay in late tonight; we’re still working on the new album! I promise I’ll make it up to you, love you so much yeobo<3

You sighed as you read the text message you received from your boyfriend. You placed your cell phone on the fine dinner table and looked around the restaurant awkwardly thinking of what to do now. A frown appeared on your face as you saw the other couples sitting down around you, enjoying their food and talking. You felt disappointment run through you again, sad to realize that your boyfriend was not coming. You shot up from your chair and walked out the restaurant.

You felt the cold breeze hit you once you walked out the door. ‘I should have driven’ you thought as you walked down the street back to your apartment blocks away. As you continued to walk, you didn’t noticed how hard your feet were hitting the ground, as you suddenly started to feel furious with your boyfriend. You understood how he was now, he was incredibly busy with his group’s new album, and they had to do many things to prepare for it. But you got to the point of feeling tired all the time of having to wait, or being cancelled by your idol boyfriend. Other reasons have popped in your head as well, you remembered recently, ___ has been giving hints to the public about him being in a relationship, and finally just a couple of days ago after you both talked about it, he told everyone. Yes, his band mates knew about it, but you felt nothing had really changed since he made it public. ‘Maybe he is afraid to go out with me now…’ you thought.

Being deep in thought, you hadn’t noticed the three other heavy footsteps following you from behind, and then a sharp pain hit you in the back, making you hiss. You turned around, seeing three teenage girls standing there, giving you evil like looks.

“Are you ___?” the one in the middle asked, glaring at you. You couldn’t help but chuckle, you already had an idea to what was going on.

“Why are you asking?” you replied, holding your hand against your back. The girls laughed and took another step closer to you.

“We all know you’re dating ___, and we all know you’re just with him to get noticed.” they said coldly. Your eyes widened, to get noticed? By who?

“That’s cute girls, but you don’t know me. I’m not dating ___ because of his fame…” you said, feeling anger hit you again. How dare they accuse you of doing such a thing?

“You’re going to break up with him and never talk to him again, do you understand?” the girl on the right explained.

“Says who?” you shot back, glaring at all of them. You weren’t afraid; you guessed they were around fifteen or sixteen, what harm could they do to you? You quickly looked at their hands, seeing they were holding rocks. Weapons huh?

“Says his fans, which are more important than you’ll ever be.” she said, as they all took another step forward. You thought quickly about what to do. Were they going to hurt you? Were you just going to keep arguing with them? You then turned your body around quickly and began to run, you were faster than them right?

“Hey!” one of them shouted, and then bolted after you. You were already a couple of feet ahead of them, but continued to run. Thank god you weren’t a big fan of wearing heels, making you run faster in your plain flats. You ran around a tight corner, and hit yourself behind a trash bin, holding your breath hoping they wouldn’t find you. You heard them run onto the street you were at and heard them whine in confusion.

“Where’d she go?!” the one yelled, you saw them search everywhere except for your hiding spot. The girl who was in the middle of the pack, sighed heavily and told the others for them to leave, and hopefully you got their point.

As they walked off, you still sat on your knees behind the trash bin, making sure it was safe for you to come out. Getting up, you walked into the street, softly groaning in pain from your back. You placed your hand on the spot, pushing it down, and then bringing it back in your sight to see your hand covered in blood. You sighed in annoyance, why couldn’t these girls write you an angry letter instead of beating you? You then slowly, walked back to your apartment, now only two blocks away.

Shoving your key into the apartment key slot, you furiously opened the door, still holding your other hand on your lower back, keeping your blood flowing.

“___-ah?” you heard your boyfriend call you. Your eyes widened, quickly peeking through the kitchen and living room finding him not there, as you guessed he was in your bedroom. You lip your lip, hurrying to figure out a way for him not to see you in such a bad state. You then ran off to the bathroom in the hallway, just before your boyfriend walked out the bedroom.

“___-ah? Are you okay jagi?” he asked, concerned.

“Y-Yeah, I’m just going to take a shower.” you explained, hearing ___ groan and walk away from the bathroom door. Instead of talking a shower, you tried your best to fix up your wound still making your boyfriend think different. After putting the bandage around your back and around your waist, you splashed water on your hair and covered yourself with a towel, walking outside towards your bedroom. You then saw your boyfriend lying on the bed, waiting for you.

“Hey jagi, look I’m really sorry that I couldn’t come for dinner…” he explained. You had totally forgot about him not being able to come to dinner that you didn’t even question him when you heard him from earlier.

“Oh, that’s okay oppa.” you said while changing into pajamas. Thankfully, he didn’t notice the bandage wrapped around you since it was dark in your bedroom. After changing, you slowly lied down on the bed beside him, carefully cuddling up to him, trying not to cause pain with your back.

“How was your day?” you asked him as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders.

“Okay, tiring as always. How was yours?” he asked, brushing hair away from your face.

“Alright, I missed you.” you whispered, feeling sleepy from your exhausting and very interesting day.

“Awe…” you looked up to see his face extremely closed to yours, eventually bringing his lips to yours. ‘How could they think I love him only for his fame?’ you thought, continuing to kiss him. You always loved the way he would kiss you, give you affection. You have never met such a sweet person before, how could anyone not love this man? You both noticed the kiss starting to heat up, as he placed his hand on the side of your face, rubbing your cheek. His hand then slowly started to go down your body without you even noticing. His hand was now placed on your hip, and suddenly he picked you up, holding you above him. This made you scream, and hiss in pain, causing your boyfriend to quickly place you back on the bed on your back. The pain was unbearable, you held your hand tight on your wound, feeling tears start to pour down your face. ___’s eyes widened, and had his mouth hanged open, scared and confused to why you were in pain.

“Jagi, oh my god, jagi are you okay?” he said, holding onto your hand. You continued to cry without even trying, you kept reassuring him that you were fine. He then carefully, took the ends of your t-shirt, and rolled them up to see the white bandage with a big spot of blood on it. You cursed to yourself, but he didn’t notice since he was so in shock.

“W-What happened ___-a-ah?” he stuttered, looking into your teary eyes. You couldn’t keep something like this from him.

“These girls…when I was walking home from the restaurant…these girls through some rock at my back, a-and chased me.” you explained, feeling horrible at how he had to hear this. “They said…they don’t want me…dating you anymore.” He sighed, and lowered his head.

“I should never have announced our relationship…” he muttered to himself.

“No oppa, I’m glad you did.” you explained. “That means we don’t have to hide it anymore.”

“But they hurt and chased you ___-ah. I don’t want that happening.” he whispered, burying his face into his hands. You frowned; you hated seeing him like this. You never wanted him to worry about you, he was already stressed enough. You wrapped your arms around him, and hugged him tightly.

“Don’t worry oppa… please don’t worry. I’m going to be okay.” you whispered, he then looked back at you.

“If they ever hurt you again, please tell me.” he said, placing his hand on your head, rubbing your scalp. You nodded, giving him another long lasting kiss. “I promise.”

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Chapter 17: what an a...hole
I agree with kpopluverhanah andminmishin94nplease make a sequeal!!
ChaNette #3
Chapter 10: aww~~ i read always all the happy ones abd imagine Yeollie there:3 it is so funny that my fave ballad from exo iis baby dont cry :D Youre really good writer authornim:)
yes. i agree with MinMiShine94. please make a sequel to 'when you found out your pregnant and caught him cheating on you'. Thank you! Fighting!
Oh wow I really like ur story. The lasy chapter was so sad. Looking forward to see another story.
Could you make a sequel for the " you found out you were and caught him cheating" one
XxXSweetMelodyXxX #7
Could you make a sequel to the "Catch Him Cheating" one? I'm just curious on what happens afterwards!^-^ I love optional bias ones because I can imagine anybody I want to imagine~~ <3 Love your scenarios!!
Omgee please write a sceond part to the 'when you find out you're pregnant and catch him cheating', thank you. :)